Monday, June 30, 2014

"A  very  strange  and  foggy
or ominous  darkness  now  has  descended  down
and  covered  the  Globe.

Those  who are  more  or  mostly  blind
claim  to see  and know  the   most
better  than  others  - all !
And  the  World  is    functionally   paralyzed
without  the ' good  advice'  of  these  men  !
 - - - -  - - --- -"
Transliteration  by  Phanibhushan ( Pibi ); 1/07/2017, konnagar ,India

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Hyacinth  float  on    Gonga  or  the  Ganges
It is  Monsoon - breeding - time
and  hyacinth  float  on     in  groups  and   in  plenty
where  do their  journey  end -- and  how  far
 I  do  not  know .
Unto  the    Ocean ?
or  how  they  shape  their  dream !
Now its   low --tide
 they  float  in  crowd or  in  procession
and  in  mute  silence.

Then  as  the  high  tide  come
they return   like  rebirth  or recycle -game
as  inspired   or
by  repeating   habits   of biologic  life
or  by  Natures  rule   of  life  and  living!

Even  , maybe , like  repeating habits  of  Cyclic    life
or  some  UN-known  Genetic  urge
this  hyacinth  float  
on  Monsoon-breeding -  tide
on the   river -- Gonga !

That  was   great !
From  Darwin  to Molecular  Molecular    Biologists ! Al told  about  so  many  times  about  ;  How  Life  . its  physical  shapes  evolved  and  how  Conscious    life  or  Magic -Biology  happened  on   Global  or   Cosmic Stage.
Even    Schrodinger wrote   about --- "  What  Is  Life ?
And  I  am   alive   even  today   and  all  medical  Talents know   about  how  was  born in  my  mother's  womb  or  how I  was  'delivered  to  this  World  and    went on growing  biologically  and  carried  on  through  the   long - long ' DNA -  Ladder '  or  chain  unto  this aging    end !
They   all know  how  I  was  born   and  grew  up  !
But  no body  yet  could  tell me  ;
 WHY    I  WAS   BORN   ??!!
And    went  on  living  this  very long  life   and   yet  waiting    to  know   , if  some  one  could  tell   the 'UN-known  purpose  or  TRUTH  that  will  never  alter or  change  by  any    new  THEORy ; any  time .

Friday, June 27, 2014

How computers 'remember' things

Last Updated: Thursday, June 26, 2014, 20:15 
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How computers 'remember' things
New York: How does your computer recall things and perform logical operations? It is all thanks to the "moving" metal particles in memory components, finds new research.

Researchers have shown that the metal particles in memristors and "resistive random access memory", or RRAM - computer components that combine logic and memory functions - do not stay put in one place as previously thought.

The finding has broad implications for the semiconductor industry and could pave the way for smaller, more efficient chips.

"Most people have thought you can`t move metal particles in a solid material," said lead researcher Wei Lu, associate professor of electrical and computer engineering at University of Michigan in the US.

"In a liquid and gas, it`s mobile and people understand that, but in a solid we don`t expect this behaviour. This is the first time it has been shown," Lu added.

The results could lead to a new approach to chip design - one that involves using fine-tuned electrical signals to lay out integrated circuits after they are fabricated.

And it could also advance memristor technology, which promises smaller, faster, cheaper chips and computers inspired by biological brains in that they could perform many tasks at the same time.

Researchers exposed the metal layer of their memristor to an electric field.

They observed the metal atoms becoming charged ions, clustering with up to thousands of others into metal nanoparticles, and then migrating and forming a bridge between the electrodes at the opposite ends of the dielectric material.

They demonstrated this process with several metals, including silver and platinum. And depending on the materials involved and the electric current, the bridge formed in different ways.

"We succeeded in resolving the puzzle of apparently contradicting observations and in offering a predictive model accounting for materials and conditions," said Ilia Valov from Electronic Materials Research Centre Julich in Germany.

"Also the fact that we observed particle movement driven by electrochemical forces within dielectric matrix is in itself a sensation," he added.


First Published: Thursday, June 26, 2014, 20:15

Oxford scientists discover black hole trio

A discovery by scientists could shed light on the makeup of black holes and confirm a theory held by Einstein.

Science Recorder | Ed Sutherland | Friday, June 27, 2014

The following is an interview with Matt Jarvis, professor of Astrophysics at Oxford University.  Jarvis is part of a team that discovered a trio of closely-aligned supermassive black holes. The discovery may shed light on what Albert Einstein once described as “ripples in spacetime.”
How will this discovery aid the search for gravitational waves which Einstein had earlier predicted?

Searching for gravitational waves is a difficult business, and the coalescence of supermassive black holes is expected to produce gravitational waves of long wavelength but with immense amounts of energy. Measuring these mergers would tell us many interesting things about the properties of black holes, allowing us to test our understanding of General Relativity and also allow us to predict the gravitational wave signature from such systems. We can then use this information to help us to know what to look for.

Why were closely-packed supermassive black holes thought to be uncommon?

This comes mainly from an observational perspective, as not many have been found so far, even though many groups have been looking for them for many years. However, given that galaxies merge, and we know most, if not all, galaxies harbour a supermassive black hole at their centres, it is certainly not unexpected that such systems should exist.

How will your research be used to guide future searches for closely-located supermassive black holes?

One of the really interesting things about this source is the presence of what looks like a corkscrew-like structure in the radio emission, which resembles what we see in stellar-mass black holes in binary systems in our own galaxy. Therefore, looking for these structures, as well as very compact radio emission very close to the black holes, really does provide a way of moving such searches forward at a much greater pace.

What important finding does your research add to the overall understanding of supermassive black holes?

If we can find a lot more of these systems, we will be able to understand the speed at which black holes fall into one another. This is crucially dependent on our understanding of General Relativity. Given that this system was discovered via the radio emission, it could also provide important information on how these powerful jets are formed and propagate away from the black holes.

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Tuesday, June 24, 2014

" The word  'beginning' simply  means  the  beginning  of  of  the   Cycle .  It  no where means  the  beginning  of  the  whole  Cosmos.It  is  impossible   that  Creation   could  have  a  beginning .No one  of  you  can   imagine  a   Time  of 'beginning ' .
  That  which  has  a  beginning.
''  Never  did  I  not  exist   nor  ever  any one  of  us  ever  hereafter cease to  be "--  says  Bhagavat  Gita .

Wherever  the   beginning  of   Creation  is  mentioned , it  means  the  beginning  of  a  cycle .
Your   body  will   meet  with  death  but  your  Soul -->never .
Swami  Vivekananda's  work ; P 319 : Vol  1;  19th  print, December  199;3M3C;  Mayavati,Pithorgarh,  Himalaya ( India ).

Monday, June 23, 2014


I  THINK  : 
(  If  I  Have   Right  to   Think ).
As   70  percent  of  world -Population  is  POOR  and  30  percent  Below  Poverty  Line(  B.P.L ),  Every  starving    person  has  the  God -  Given  RIGHT   to    SURVIVE  even  by  stealing  or    PLUNDERING .
This   is  none  of  my  ORIGINAL   THINKING  .
This  is  reproduced   after  SRIAUROBINDO' S  VIEW    who   wrote :
' When  a starving   man/woman  steal   or   rob  any rich  one  in  a   an  imbalanced  Society , he  / she  has  committed    NO SIN  or  Crime '.
**************                              *************************
I  feel  ashamed   of  the    MODERN   CIVILIZATION   that  boast  of  conquering  NATURE  through    SCIENCE     but  can not  FEED    half  of    IT'S  PEOPLE .

Saturday, June 21, 2014



Thursday, June 19, 2014

Soon, an anti-depressant without side effects

Soon, an anti-depressant without side effects
Soon, an anti-depressant without side effects (Thinkstock Photos/Getty Images)
In a ray of hope for people suffering from depression, researchers have identified a compound that may treat depression just as effectively as the psychoactive drug ketamine without the unwanted side effects associated with it.

The compound hydroxynorketamine (HNK) produces the same beneficial effects attributed to ketamine without its unwanted side effects, a new research showed.

"The clinical use of ketamine therapy for depression is limited because the drug is administered intravenously and may produce adverse effects such as hallucinations and sedation to the point of anaesthesia," said Irving Wainer, a senior investigator from the National Institute on Aging in the US.

"We found that the HNK compound counters depressive symptoms but it does not cause sedation as in the case of ketamine.

"It makes HNK an attractive alternative as an anti-depressant in humans," Wainer noted.

In the study, researchers examined the effects of intravenous doses of ketamine, HNK and another compound produced by ketamine metabolism known as norketamine in brains of rats.

They found that the compound HNK, like ketamine, not only produced potent and rapid anti-depressant effects but also stimulated neuro-regenerative pathways and initiated the re-growth of neurons in rats' brains.

Surprisingly, HNK was also found to reduce the production of D-serine - a chemical found in the body whose over-production is associated with neuro-degenerative disorders such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases.

The use of HNK can also serve as a future therapeutic approach to treat neuro-degenerative disorders such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, said the study that appeared in the Journal of Anaesthesiology.