Sunday, June 8, 2014


Big Bang Theory May Be Disproved by Dust

Jun 07, 2014 12:47 PM EDT by Mary Nichols
Scientists have long accepted the Big Bang theory as the explanation for the Universe, and a groundbreaking experiment may have finally found proof of it however some experts are saying that dust is disproving their theories, writes Nature World News. 
The Big Bang theory - also known as cosmic inflation - describes the trillionths of seconds after the Universe expanded rapidly.
According to some scientists, however proponents of the Big Bang theory may have failed to take into account dust from the Milky Way - which could render their readings useless, writes Nature World News.
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This week at the American Astronomical Society conference in Boston, Princeton astrophysicist and the study's co-author David Spergel spoke about a new theory related to the Big Bang, based on a discovery made last March.
Using a South Pole-based radio telescope called BICEP2, scientists observed a helix pattern in the polarization of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) - or the Big Bang's afterglow - a phenomenon that could just as easily been caused by dust in the Milky Way Galaxy.
"Based on what we know right now... we have no evidence for or against gravitational waves," co-author Uroš Seljak, an astrophysicist at the University of California, Berkeley, told Nature News.
However, others, like Princeton physicist David Spergel, argue that this brief period of rapid "inflation" in the very early Universe could also be explained by light scattering off dust between the stars in the Milky Way, writes Nature World News.
While the announcement is causing a sensation among scientists, physicist James Boch, co-leader of theBICEP-2 experiment, said in a statement that the evidence for gravitational waves "is certainly not being retracted."
If correct, the BICEP2 were the first to detect the first signs of such waves from the birth of the Universe and the first to find evidence of the Big Bang.
However, if it was dust that caused these gravitational waves, scientists will have to continue their quest in search of proof of the Big Bang, writes Nature World News.
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