Monday, February 28, 2011

'MiNORITY GROUPING' ! ! -What's IT ???

Almost two years now, that I am back in Bharat.Ido not like to be called Indian [to me, it is a Greek -Sang]. That apart, I find that it is so much emphasized,more particuary on Political world, the word Called 'Minority Group'..
.What it is ? Even more than half a Century after 'freedom' and with Democracy ,if there is still.' Minority Group ' in a Democratic Country, well, I do not feel proud as a Citizen. If I was a Muslim in India and was grouped by such definition, I would feel neither proud nor Integrated as an Indian National.
In a true Demovratic Nation there are only two types of Citizen i.e 'Haves' and 'Have-nots'.In U.S.a where I lived for more than 15 years I never came across U.S.A- Citizen labelled as of Minority Group on Religious ground. The habit of grouping people on religious basis in a Democratic Nation is a sure proof of nurturing Religious bias, promoting and sustaining communal feeling or identity.
Regarding Economic support even, this political-logo and bad habit of subgrouping citizens as Majority or minority group should be dumped, burnt orburied .
In real sensense in an ideal DEMOCRACY all citizens below the poverty line (BPL) should be marked the real Minority Group. By that standard a brahmin son who is poor and Starving , -belongs to this 'Minority group' andd a person e.g SRK, even as a Muslim is of Super Majority group !of too-much 'HAVES'.!

To me and in the same way Mr. X. Chatterjee if in Business or in a Bank, -is not a Brahmin but ' Vaishya'.. For further detailing is the Root, ..the genetic basis ..the practical Law of Nature and germinal Economy.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

MONEY Is ' Second God ' [After Sri Aurobindo ]

And I totally agree with.Even to take off to higher Space Satellites, at Kennedy Space Station, need a 'Hard Base' for take-off. Even for moral life or spiritual persuit, we , the ordinary ranks with family responsibilities, need a reasonably, minimum economic support and planning.
To me Money (earned honestly) is a stored up Global potential Energy with a hidden Cosmic 'Immutable Base' for final OUTCOME.
We never know the outcome or fina end-game but even otherwise one shoud be, from his own end ,remain prepared if we are called for some fortunate 'ASCENT'.
Yet we must always remember the lne ; 'How much is enough' !

Friday, February 25, 2011


the light plays all around
it reveals ilke a sword - unsheathed
and sure like my fate.

It ever clings to my root as if -
my counterpart
with octopus grip.
It embraces me and would not leave
untill its own deep shape
enters and follows me beyond -
unto the night -to engulfs
and till we both are gone.

Then on final deepest night
she returns as lover and holds me tight
for a betrothal dance
and until we swoon. !
(Composed 1996; pubished by the National Library of poetry)

Thursday, February 24, 2011


For gay men outed on TV, an identity crisis
Uma Sudhir, Updated: February 24, 2011 22
Persona opinion : All infomations may no be Knowedgw and 'Knowledge' is not always benificial
=========================================================================BUT DOME knowledge may be up-lifting : [True Story :
I was ,then final year Medical student.Six month before the Exam., I was in our medical Hostel at Bohu-Bazar mour, Calcutta...At the entranc lane was the Prostitute -lane. On my return to my hostel at night a young prostitute was wwaiting at her door and the nearby steet- light,shinig its ight on fer face while a middle aged drunk client was staggering and scanning her face for final choice .... [This is not a painted story but my direct experience...................................]
And next day I saw the same prostitute girl with her sick mother(perhaps) waiting at a near by Clinic for getting treatment for his mother, most perhaps,with the money she earned . I was 22 0r 23 then and i was introduced to a different World and could never forget the Scene , since.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Even to day
the Sun does rise - inspite
of polluted human Consciousness
while half the people of the world
are made to starve
and higher-ups are
roaming like jungle canine 'lords'

And inspite of
Sub-atomic 'Aladin-Lamp'
surrendering to every human urge
inspite of 'Revelation' - that
homosapiens are
cospic by-product with only bits
of higher Cosmic Mind.

Monday, February 21, 2011



1 . If Corruption , alone, could be handled and dealt with iron hand, I think, 70 to 75 percent problems of Bharat ( i dont like the Greek slang -India) involvlng people below poverty line and half of middle Class would be solved by its in-built effect.
2 Next important Measure should be right to food . Let there be any number of rich or affluent with any high type of living . but if even one person has to die of hunger, then any type of adminitration, even democracy, is a total failure. I believe in SriAurobindo's remark that if a starving man steals or robs a rich for his meal , he is not guilty of theft or crime..
3.Right to education : No society or Nation is civillised , so long it can not offer minimum educational condition to its poorest rung of people.
4.Voting right is a Social and Democratic right but not to vote any unworthy Candidate with criminal record or established negetive character should be also be recognised as Democratic Right. Voters should have right to re-call thier elected leader if found unworthy or with developing criminal records.
5. If Democratic right is a God given right, Democratic RESPONSIBILITY should also be included in the Constitution as an obigatory condition.

Eating a banana on the road is a Democratic right but throwing it anywhere, is not.

Saturday, February 19, 2011


Consciouness is not the property of MAN alone. Every living being , even individual living organisms and uni-cellular organisms are also conscious. It varies in degree only. The other difference being Closed consciousness ike in microscopic beings (closed circuit) and human beings having potentials of espandimg Consciousness.
In advanced stage even Giant Compeuters may become intelligenct andconscios.
It is being specuated .these days that at subatomic level. electrons -photon-or quarks maybe intelligent .
The computers with 0 & 1 as their medium and carrier are transmitting information at light-speed, io out wit our measure of thinking.
J.C. Bose of India first proved that Plants have life and growth potentiality.
Very recently , scientists found evidence tha plants have not only life but enen can feel and express.
The conclusion , borders unto the arena that Cosmic Intelligenc filters and pervades all level of life or even unto matter ( the frozen Energy of Universe).
An Indian saint suggested that enen your car, if abused and is too tired can react and cause accident to punish you.


Cosmic Ideas & Spirituality

Saturday, February 19, 2011


What to opine , -otherwise !...The Homosapien biologic conscious 'Robots' that appeared on a tiny planet(Earth) just a few 'seconds ' back on the scale of Cosmic Time-scale and will last , this time , for another few seconds, are boasting loud to have the power to anihilte the living World with their Nuclear bombs , the device and ionic ingradients that they borrowed from Solar FIRE ( Nuclear Energy). That's why I call them fools. How can they venture to destroy the process that they never created but were placed within !
They can only invite their' Elimination ' on Evolutionary process like DINOSAURS and be replaced by higher and better consious species , as expressed by SriAurobindo long back.
Another 'Blind men's Specifying Elephant' is the 'capsulated conclusion' of Scientist that only Carbon-man is a possibilty and in teeming trillions of Stars ,Galaxies,and Universes, Water is a must for life !. Thats may be true ony for Carbo-man. Why can't there be Silicon-man or Nitrogen or even 'Particle- man ? Who can prove that billions of Star- systems are 'Dead' because there is no water?
If Virus can exist with only DNA and without body-ectoplasm , why can't there be Intelligent Life without H--2-O ? Who says that the First Cause (or Divine) needs EARTH's Physics .
Within absolute REALITY what is the value of present 'Relativity '? ?
If RECYCLING is possible at Material level , why Re-incarnation is not possible in COSMIC-INTELLIGENCE Sphere ?
Human-brain is too Egoistic with limited flicker of fractional Intelligence. In Vivekananda's way ; - the frog of the Cess-pool will never know or believe in the existence of OCEAN .

posted by Phani Basu @ 6:28 PM 0 comments

Monday, February 14, 2011


1. Actors are to please our un-fulfilled dreams ; Politicians are the 're-fill ' of mammonik expansion [these days] of canine hopes.
2.Actors mould and distort reaity; Politics exploit the sense of patriotism for self service.
3.Actors love immitation to fool simple -tons; Politicians fool people through distortion pf facts by colouring or discolouring it.
4. Actors' ideal is 'Copy-cat-ing' [trace genetic root of 'Bolly-wood' ;while poiticians ideal is megalomaniac promises 'Syphyllitic -syndrome).
5. 21st Century begins global reaction against exploitation of the 'Have-not'and ushering in of the inferno of Global Terrorism .
6.On one hand scams, corruption,rape,bestial sexual(hormonal) out- flow with RAVANIK - affluence and Hollywood-'Gamourofancy' with 'tranquilising /drugging status '
7 And supressing of TRUTH with 'GOEBEL's LAW of falseity & Lie through very powerful Media of Electronic Advertising Media.
The facts are as false as the painted faces on the broad-casting screen.

Friday, February 11, 2011


Soong one is financially poor, he is looked upon ,socially as a begger and treated as a do-nothing sort. And if I am a corrupt Rich in my ocay my neighbours will treat me as a noble someone . That is the LAW of in human word.
Patriotism is an attitude of the Soul while Poitics is a Profession for 99% in any society.
Individua corrupt on may be given a second chance for correction but Corrupt Politicians , if proved finally the Court , should be hanged becuse , they cheat milion innocent and keep a Nation ever 'poor'.
The quallity of any Commercial PRODUCT in modern Nadia and Marketing world is inversely proportional to the money spent in Advertisement(if the business is a profit making one.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


FAITH , -I think - is a Hormone. I donot know where it is born or which gland produces it. But some Endocrene-Gland inside our body must be producing it !......Maybe, it is the Pineal Gland or some where in the liver area .I am not sure but it is "sixth sense or 'non-sense' of me.
During my M.D -studies (1958-60 ) I even had this crazy thought and got this hunch while studying on 'Heparin'......................
Since, 'gulfs' of water ran through Oceans and there have been so many metamorphosed 're-births' within me through books and experiences and spiritual search........................!
And even to- day on Octogenarian -stair of ife , this thought is speeding like a virus within me as sub-clinical evidence. Maybe research in Medical Scientific world has already explored and found the root! ...I don't know, -for I am now an 'Out-sider' of Medical Science for last 25 years.
But I still believe -'Faith is a Hormone and must be related to some ATGC switch of our Genetic chain !!
...Again I say I don't kmow but I have rights to my faith.



No ! ...Don't have the 'Face Book'
of Interernet -type
but had the 'Face-book' since Child-hood.
My best books, the 'face books' ----
to see , scan and know.
A refectin of inner poise on million faces
for the whole length ,- through out ife.

Face -- books !
the best reflecting mirror of living life
suffering , hiding ,-even- betraying theme
and evolving , like climbing stairs
or faltering ,- tumbling down.

Yes I always had -the 'FACE BOOK' with me
even before that came on our 'Internet'.

[Composed directy on the Word Pad Screen , just now )

Tuesday, February 8, 2011



We aree so much programmed by Nature through habits that we don't dare to take even occasional steps outside our reflex- nature and srored up habits.

If science can discover and prove Recycling in Nature and material Universe, why can't we think anayliiticaly that, God or Nature (if one is an Atheist ) can aso instil in Biological universe the rational and reasonabe process of Re-incarnation of individual unit of 'Soul' through Genetic process in Material complex of Life !
If Matter-Energy combine is interchangable, un-destructable and constant, why the soul pattern generating conscious life through Genetic processing , can not be also interchangable and immutabe spirit energy (soul-consciousness-coplex ) ..
What we dont see may and also does exist beyond our perceptual limitations . The interesting humour is ; 'when a realised Saint like Ramakrishna or Jesus says something we hesitate to accept it but 'when Huxley or Tyndal says anything say it ,we swallow it without even salt' - as Vivekananda remarked . GOD or First Cause is surely not more incompertant than our Scientists or Nature,, the excutive assistant of God(First cause ).To me, Re-incarnation -science is a common sense/ Rrational conclusion Rationalistically thinking Mind.

Sunday, February 6, 2011


It is now so easy to ubderstand the Game or magic play of GOD !
The computer that has the vastest span and means of Expression with only two numbers i.e 0 and 1 and with a single screen that can change the screen of view be it BBC . CNN . NDTV , Discovery or any other( or what not ? ) on a single Canvvas-screen for vision, with just a click from your finger-tip and you see so mamy different fields of visuals and events of the Globe on the same screen-field of your computer.
So !, God being infinite -times smarter than you , me or even any Genius, knows the tricks of Cosmic display of conscious life much better and 'sharper than those 'mouse cicks'. For those who still think that GOD must need different field of Einstein's Time-Space Dimension or some seperate 'Real-Estate' deal for our Heaven or Hell and overmore, a Belly-button -physiality for for HIS Yniverses or COSMOS to be an effective 'reality' shoud ,once more concentrate on their Compute-screen and Mouse-click [also thik of '0 and one ' -the whole Compu- mathematis ) to decide , does God need some space or location to make your 'Heaven ' or my hell and how should we measure or Map our omnipotent-Omnipresent GOD under which aspect of Rational thinking or Faith.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


'Book Traces travais of Vevekananda' - Times of India ; Feb 2, '11
"abishyashya Vivekananda" - by Shankar

Why it is 'abishyashashya ' ? ;

Bakim chandra first told it thru' 'KAPAL KUNDALA' thus: Nabakumars wil ever go to chop wood for others and 'oyhers ' will ever desert him in return of his service'.
Or, as Vidyasagar put it ,inimmitably, -'why he blamed me when I did not serve anything good to him !'
Or, 'effort to express yourself to the extent possibe in the face of adversities' - Vivekananda.

But for the faith,love and devotion of people of Madras and the 'raja' of Ramnad', Vividishananda of those days may not have a chance to reach U.S.A to make history !
By his own words ,- Bengais did almost nothing to help him (Ref-Complte works of Vivekananda).
And Pratap Mazumder tried his best to antagonise.