Saturday, February 19, 2011


Consciouness is not the property of MAN alone. Every living being , even individual living organisms and uni-cellular organisms are also conscious. It varies in degree only. The other difference being Closed consciousness ike in microscopic beings (closed circuit) and human beings having potentials of espandimg Consciousness.
In advanced stage even Giant Compeuters may become intelligenct andconscios.
It is being specuated .these days that at subatomic level. electrons -photon-or quarks maybe intelligent .
The computers with 0 & 1 as their medium and carrier are transmitting information at light-speed, io out wit our measure of thinking.
J.C. Bose of India first proved that Plants have life and growth potentiality.
Very recently , scientists found evidence tha plants have not only life but enen can feel and express.
The conclusion , borders unto the arena that Cosmic Intelligenc filters and pervades all level of life or even unto matter ( the frozen Energy of Universe).
An Indian saint suggested that enen your car, if abused and is too tired can react and cause accident to punish you.

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