Monday, February 28, 2011

'MiNORITY GROUPING' ! ! -What's IT ???

Almost two years now, that I am back in Bharat.Ido not like to be called Indian [to me, it is a Greek -Sang]. That apart, I find that it is so much emphasized,more particuary on Political world, the word Called 'Minority Group'..
.What it is ? Even more than half a Century after 'freedom' and with Democracy ,if there is still.' Minority Group ' in a Democratic Country, well, I do not feel proud as a Citizen. If I was a Muslim in India and was grouped by such definition, I would feel neither proud nor Integrated as an Indian National.
In a true Demovratic Nation there are only two types of Citizen i.e 'Haves' and 'Have-nots'.In U.S.a where I lived for more than 15 years I never came across U.S.A- Citizen labelled as of Minority Group on Religious ground. The habit of grouping people on religious basis in a Democratic Nation is a sure proof of nurturing Religious bias, promoting and sustaining communal feeling or identity.
Regarding Economic support even, this political-logo and bad habit of subgrouping citizens as Majority or minority group should be dumped, burnt orburied .
In real sensense in an ideal DEMOCRACY all citizens below the poverty line (BPL) should be marked the real Minority Group. By that standard a brahmin son who is poor and Starving , -belongs to this 'Minority group' andd a person e.g SRK, even as a Muslim is of Super Majority group !of too-much 'HAVES'.!

To me and in the same way Mr. X. Chatterjee if in Business or in a Bank, -is not a Brahmin but ' Vaishya'.. For further detailing is the Root, ..the genetic basis ..the practical Law of Nature and germinal Economy.

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