Wednesday, February 9, 2011


FAITH , -I think - is a Hormone. I donot know where it is born or which gland produces it. But some Endocrene-Gland inside our body must be producing it !......Maybe, it is the Pineal Gland or some where in the liver area .I am not sure but it is "sixth sense or 'non-sense' of me.
During my M.D -studies (1958-60 ) I even had this crazy thought and got this hunch while studying on 'Heparin'......................
Since, 'gulfs' of water ran through Oceans and there have been so many metamorphosed 're-births' within me through books and experiences and spiritual search........................!
And even to- day on Octogenarian -stair of ife , this thought is speeding like a virus within me as sub-clinical evidence. Maybe research in Medical Scientific world has already explored and found the root! ...I don't know, -for I am now an 'Out-sider' of Medical Science for last 25 years.
But I still believe -'Faith is a Hormone and must be related to some ATGC switch of our Genetic chain !!
...Again I say I don't kmow but I have rights to my faith.

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