Saturday, February 19, 2011


Cosmic Ideas & Spirituality

Saturday, February 19, 2011


What to opine , -otherwise !...The Homosapien biologic conscious 'Robots' that appeared on a tiny planet(Earth) just a few 'seconds ' back on the scale of Cosmic Time-scale and will last , this time , for another few seconds, are boasting loud to have the power to anihilte the living World with their Nuclear bombs , the device and ionic ingradients that they borrowed from Solar FIRE ( Nuclear Energy). That's why I call them fools. How can they venture to destroy the process that they never created but were placed within !
They can only invite their' Elimination ' on Evolutionary process like DINOSAURS and be replaced by higher and better consious species , as expressed by SriAurobindo long back.
Another 'Blind men's Specifying Elephant' is the 'capsulated conclusion' of Scientist that only Carbon-man is a possibilty and in teeming trillions of Stars ,Galaxies,and Universes, Water is a must for life !. Thats may be true ony for Carbo-man. Why can't there be Silicon-man or Nitrogen or even 'Particle- man ? Who can prove that billions of Star- systems are 'Dead' because there is no water?
If Virus can exist with only DNA and without body-ectoplasm , why can't there be Intelligent Life without H--2-O ? Who says that the First Cause (or Divine) needs EARTH's Physics .
Within absolute REALITY what is the value of present 'Relativity '? ?
If RECYCLING is possible at Material level , why Re-incarnation is not possible in COSMIC-INTELLIGENCE Sphere ?
Human-brain is too Egoistic with limited flicker of fractional Intelligence. In Vivekananda's way ; - the frog of the Cess-pool will never know or believe in the existence of OCEAN .

posted by Phani Basu @ 6:28 PM 0 comments

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