Sunday, September 30, 2012

Aging  i  no  problem // Grow  gracefully  old //  do  not   spend for  Hair -die  or  Viagra -prayer.// Let  your  Hormone  rest in peace //  Do not  invite  ALZ  , trying to get back  to  your  Young-shape. Walk  alone  and Inwards //  There is  a  Universe -within , vaster  than  Outside  
( Inreply   to  GOOGLE   report  o  Aging  Problem, o, 01/10/2012 )

বদ-হজমির  জমে-থাকা   পঁচা -খাবারের  গ্যাস 

'Birth-Days " (Western  RITUALISM)   is  not  REAL  BIRTH-DAY or Time  as far as I know  from MEDICAL SCIENCE  and  Modern COSMOLOGY!
Our  real  Birth - Time   precedes by , about  9.6  month in  our  MOTHER' S  WOMB  , by  participation  of  our  Parents  under DIVINE-Choice !
Even  our  parents  are  secondary  ; The  Grand Designer ( DIVINE 's  Consciousness )  is the  real  DECIDER !

We  (our  Soul) is  never  Born  nor  shall ever  die ; only our  CAGE ( body ) dies  by Cosmic Law of  Entropy .
That's  why ,  I never   have   celebrated my own   Birth-day  nor  shall  ever  do.
 This  is  a  Western  Ritualism  and  smart  COMMERCIALISM  and  not  a  Vedantic  ' Darshan ' , though  we all  are , now , under  its  Influence , in full.

( To  Rana, Neela, Babi  & Sharmila bakshi)

Back in  Action /  good !  But  be  sure  about  'ACTION'( Like ARJUNA  seeing only the 'EYE' (not even the  fish) in his "ACTION" ( from Mythology).
Getting back  all  Black  Money ,  for  BPL-India only &  Fighting  KING-KONG  CORRUPTION ( not Dragon) ,  should  be  the  SINGLE  Ideal and  OATH .

These  day  as  a Common  man  or  Citizen , I don't have  my  right  to  vote  for  my  Prime Minister  for  , he  comes, I think,  through  'Back-door "  or  Raajya  Sobhaa-choice  .
 But  if  the  day  comes  when   ONE   will   hold the POST  by PEOPLE's  VOTE and  if  I   have  the  opportunity  to  vote , I  think ,, I   shall look   - not into the  scholarship of  a PM but  his  Captain-ship  to steer  through   a  STORM   or  Leader ship (   without  a  back-ground  BOSS ).

Saturday, September 29, 2012

‎" CRIME COUNTRY"-Sunday Times , Sept. 30.2012; Front page (also P 7 & 8 )
The GIFT by some ' King-knog' with more than Six DECADE'S Effort !

" A crimson wave of Crime seem to have blanketed India,,,,from Rapes to Robbery, Kidnappings to killing----and the common man is under siege. ...It is disturbing darkness !" P 8

What more ! what more, my soul ! !

What goal for our great Octogenerian. -'Popular ; I think, 'Docile' leader ! What 'Golden' PYRAMID is he building for BHARAT( not this India ) after 6Th Century AD( Gupta Period) !
Like ·  ·  · Promote · 5 minutes ago ·

HOMO SAPIENS, I think, are the MOST UN-imporatant living Ooganisms on this Planet and a damn MINORITY to many others, except one fact that the Divine needed the HOMOSAPIENS for the play, as REFLECTVE MIRROR for the CONSCIOUS PLAY !
Without that Conscious -Game , the whole COSMOS would not have any RECORD of Existence or UN-folding of the Grand Designer !
Like ·  ·  · Promote · A few seconds ago ·

Thursday, September 27, 2012

‎"Suchitra Se in Hospital with Fracture" - T.O.I , Kolkata, Sept.29 , 2012: Front Page.
'FATE ' with LONG LIFE ! ...A LEGENDART Actor, she was always , I think , better that Uttamkumar who was so, handsome and lucky in timing his ' EXIT' .
I think , U-K' s younger brother was also better Actor but with a face like Charles Laughton and equally talented.
But who cares for talent in Fim World, unless picked up by right Director. That way , who can come even 3 Yards- close to Tulshi Chakravorty ?

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Your Who's Who in Poetry 2012 Nomination is Official!

You'll Share $10,000 in Cash and Prizes!
You also Get Two FREE Poet Award Pins!

Dear Phanibhusan,

Congratulations! Over the past 12 months we have been reviewing the poetic accomplishments of people whose poetry has recently been discovered in major poetry archives, poetry websites and in print editions released by various publishers in America and around the world.

It's my pleasure to inform you that you and your poetry have been selected to be published in the historic edition...

International Who's Who in Poetry 2012
Library of Congress ISBN- 978-1-61936-035-8

Congratulations on your selection, Phanibhusan!

The new poem you submit to us will be showcased on an entire page devoted exclusively to you and your poetic artistry. You and your poetry will be featured along with a distinguished group of other contemporary poets that were nominated to participate in this highly sought after annual edition.

Click here to submit your poem now!

And that's not all...

You will Share $10,000 in Cash and Prizes!

To honor you and the rest of this elite group of talented individuals, we have established a contest with over $10,000.00 in cash and prizes that will be awarded to you and the other poets featured in this Historic Edition!

You're automatically eligible for these prizes, but you must submit your poem right now. Prizes will be announced November 30, 2012, with an anticipated publication date of late December, 2012.

Click here to submit your poem now!

International Who's Who in Poetry 2012 will be among the finest quality poetry books ever produced. Every aspect of design will convey the finest quality craftsmanship and attention to detail. It will make a handsome addition to any library, a treasured family keepsake or a highly valued personal gift. And best of all...

International Who's Who in Poetry 2012 will
feature an entire page devoted to your poetry!

Before going any further Phanibhusan, let me make one thing clear. You are under no obligation whatsoever to submit any entry fee or subsidy payment, or to make any purchase of any kind.

Click here to submit your poem now!

GREAT T 20 -PLAY ! & MUMBAI--Show : Who can score how many between two twin- party Players of MHA Ministry ? Indian Black Gold , Black Diamond and Black faces flooding the Mumbai bay for Best Bollywood -SHOW ! Book in Advance ;the screen is lifting high ! ! !
India is no more shy of OLYMPIC : Let them introduce , -schemes , Scam and ' Black-dance' ,- India/Mumbai -Style and see ! All gold -medals are India's ! Jai ho! ....Bonde ..Ma-a-a t-a r-r-a-m ! ' We are the GREATEST ! ' (after Mohd., Ali).
Even now, if Indian people , all in one voice, do not rise with steely back-bone and ask for CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT and replace the stitched- up Majority and party recruited PM from Rajya Sabha , then we are getting , just, what we deserve . The Youth force of India, to whom future belongs to , is already drugged by Colonial CRICKET and SENSUAL & VITAL Hormonal diversions . And enough is enough ! ! IS IT NOT ? ? ?
If I have right to my FREE thought and if there is Freedom of Speech like ( like in USA), I daresay : India became FREE , I think, not because of any Gandhi but as aftermath effect of World War II.( most of colonial nations were declared not by choice or kindness but by post WAR-bankrupcy and Economic -Compulsion. By theory of COSMOLOGY: maybe,like in 'PARALLEL WORLDS' ( Michio Kaku) , if World War II did not happen , India would not, perhaps, be Free. From the level and depth of present day Corruption in High Authorities and A.P.L -India, this nebulous thought has stuck deep in my soul. Well I am helpless and sad to have to say this!
Next time , if U allow !

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

সৎ -মা  কী  আর   ভালো  চায় গো ; দিদি তুমি  ঠিক  করেছ  করেছ 
কালো টাকার  সরকারী  সাজ , --ছেড়ে   তুমি   বেশ   কৈরেছো  ।।
                                        ২ ময়মং সিঙ  এ  কেউ  যাবেন না  , চোর -ছ্যা চোর  -এর  ঠাই  সে তো 
 কয়লা -চুরির   কারখানা   আর  খেল--জুয়া রীর   ক্লাব    যতো  !

STRAY -Thoughts :
Lived  a  long life,  and  saw too many and  too much
the  crafty  , canine  smiles  on  well-groomed- face 
those  that  had  neither  soul nor heart , yet , as such
wanted  to   swallow  or  gulp  every thing  in  Life's  Rat-Race  !
WEST  BENGAL  WITH  A  'STEP-FATHER'   AT THE   CENTER: . . .  a-n-d   BPL-India :

ঠান্ডা/চু লায়/ ঘুমায়/ বেড়াল/ তেলের/ দামতো/ আগুন  !
ভাত / খেওনা,  বিকিয়ে/ যাবে/জান -জীবনের/ ফাগুন 
তরকারি-খুব/ দ রকারীকী;সজনে পাতা/খাও 
চতুর /  হলে /  চরিত্র কী?  দিন - মজুরের-নাও / ?

ব্রিটিশ - প্রভুর / ক্রিকেট /  নিয়ে / নেশায় / ডুবে / থাকো 
কয়লা /  এখন /  রাজ-নেতাদের///-কালো / ধান্দায় /  লাগো   ।

কয়লা  ধুলে   ফর্সা  বানায়  বলেছে  কোন  পাঠা 
সজনে  ডালে  গোলাপ  ফোটে , গোল  আলুতে  কাঁটা ।
নেতা হলেই  স্বভাব  ভালো  ? --একটু   বুঝে  বলো 
কয়লা  খনির   দালালী  চাও ; তাইলে   দিল্লী  চলো  ।।

এই  ভাবেই  বারে  বারে  বর্গী  এলো  দ্যাশে
তখন  ছিল    ইস্ট  ইন্ডিয়া র   বন্দুক , কামান
এখন ?;  FDI-এর  কায়দা
ঘরের  মধ্যে  কোরাপট -দাদা
জোড়া -তালির  ন্যাতার   বেশে !

গোলাপ  ফুলে পাঁপড়ি  ঝরা    শিউলি  ফুলে  পোকা 
ছাটতে  গিয়ে  ফেলতে  হলো  মালতি - মল্লিকা 
পদ্মফুলে  পাঁ শুটে   রং  রক্তজবা  ফিকে 
রজনীগন্ধা  ম্রিতের   বন্ধু  , চলছে  শ্মশান   মুখে 

তাইলে  আমায়   ফুল  তুলে  দাও , --তবেই  পূজায়  বসি 
ছন্দ  ছাড়া   ভাল্লাগেনা   অষ্টাদশী    শশী 
মরণ   আমার   মরণ  - - - - -- - -
 দেখি ,  সব   ফুলেরাই   বাসি  !
(রচনা --১৯৭৫--৭৬)

Monday, September 17, 2012


সারাদিন  মেঘেঢাকা  আকাশের  মুখখানা  ম্লান 
প্রিয়ার  মুখের  মত ; বিরহী -দিনের  প্রতীক্ষায় 
কখন  সকাল  থেকে   সূর্য  নিরুদ্দেশ  
ফোঁটা  ফোটা  অশ্রু  ঝরে  উত্কন্ঠিত  আকাশ  কান্নায় 
সিক্ত  তাই  ধরনীর   অস্শ্রু-মোছা   সবুজ  অঞ্চল !
দুঃখের  হাওয়ারা  ছোটে   কান্নার  সীমানা  ছুঁয়ে 
ঝরো -ঝর   পত্র  শিহরণ  !
- - - - - - - - - - -- - -  - - - - - -
দিন  -দিন  সারাদিন; একঘেয়ে  কান্নাভরা  নৈরাশ্য -মলিন 
সূর্যের  নিশানা  নাই !  কোথা   গ্যালো  বার্তাবাহী   আলোর  প্রবাহ 
এ  প্রেমের   লগ্ন  শেষ  ! বন্ধ্যা   পৃথিবীর  বুকে  অপরান্হ  ওই  নেমে এলো !
( রচনা  ১৯৫৮)

মাসীগো  মাসী  আর কি  হাসি  পাচ্ছে  ঠিক
দিক  বিদিক  শুন্য আজ ; লুটছে  দেশ , ভুগছে  দেশ   ভারত বর্ষ  সব খানে
প্রধান  প্রিয়  নেতা   এত  প্রিয় ,  দেশ-বিদেশে   কত   কাম  !
Washignton  Poost   খুলে  দ্যাখো  ,  আমরিকা  ও  করছে নাম  !
কালো  টাকার  স্বর্ণ -লঙ্কা !  উপোষ  করি ?--তাতে  কী 
উপর তলায়  টাকার   জো য়ার  ; হিংসা  করো ! ছি , ছি , ছি ! !

Sunday, September 16, 2012

প্রহসন্ন   কাব্য :

ভারতবর্ষের  কপাল   ভাঙ্গা 
অনেক  নেতা   ন্যাংটা -নাঙ্গা 
গুপ্ত যুগের  সময় গ্যাছে 
স্বর্ণ -যুগের  স্বপ্ন    মিছে 
কয়লা চুরি   আসল  ধন 
কপাল  খুলে   সিংহাসন  !

ক্রিকেট  কাব্য 

'ছেলে ঘুমালো  পাড়া  জুড়ালো '-  ক্রিকেট  এলো  শেষে 
কালো  টাকায়   দেশ  ডুবে  যায়   কোরাপ শনের   দেশে 
ম্যাচ টা  যদি   Fix কোরে   নাও  তবেই  জমে  খেলা 
বিপিএল রা   মরে   মরুক   রাজ -রাজাদের  মেলা   ।

In my post - graduate studies (for M.D), I had the good chance to read a book on PHYSIOGNOMY ,where I learnt that Facial-features of many humans simulate many non-human living World..
In real life so many faces in Political -World reminds me similar features of Avian and land-living creatures !
I don't dare to be more expressive.
Like ·  ·  · A few seconds ago · 

শাস্ত্র   বাক্য  ।

খুব সহজে   ন্যাতা  হবেন , --কোরাপ শোনে  -এ   লাইগ্যা  যান   \
সিংহাসনে  বসতে  পাবেন ; গুপ্ত   কম্মে  হাত  পাকান  ।।
দেশে ফিরে  ভাবছি  এখন  কি  বোকামি করেছি  করেছি /  ক্রিকেট, ফিল্ম আর  ফটোর  নেশায়  ভুগছে সবাই , দেখেছি !
On the  final  phase  and  last  Act of my  life  and  living, experincing a rich  life  from  my Root of  very rermote  village Life in East Bengal( now  BANGLA DESH) and  living  the  urban life in Delhi , then living 15yrs  in  USA  as  USA  citizen , seeing  or  visiting all over the  Globe  from London to  New York to Moscow  and  now  flying back the  Ganga river  basin.
 With my Octogenarian  status  I think  that  the  only  100 % bold , honest , open  Profession  in the  human  World  is ,I think , the  professional  Prostitutes  only .
To  understand  the  telling this and  better,  I shall  advise  the  readers  of  this  Blog   to read  also the  FAMOUS Play  of  George  Bernard Shaw( G.B.S )  -" Mrs. Warenes' Profession", to get to the  deeper meaning  of  my belief.
we all else , humans , are , I think , some  parts ,  hypocrite ,fake or conceit  in someway or  other from the top position  down  to the  lowest level of  living  individual.

Friday, September 14, 2012

This  is the  'Winter  of  Discontent --Nation   wide
the  'adhesive ' or  'stitched up' Synthetic  Majority  rule the Land
Nothing will  bring 'CHANGE' any  way; - I  feel in my heart
without  CONSTITUTION Amended  for  a  PEOPLE's  PM.

Corruption with Black Money  is  ruling  the  ANCIENT  LAND
CHANGE or Excision the  - CURE ; if  we all  understand !

Thursday, September 13, 2012

4470 W. Sunset Blvd.
Suite 451
Los Angeles, CA 90027

Your Who's Who in Poetry 2012 Nomination is Official!

You'll Share $10,000 in Cash and Prizes!
You also Get Two FREE Poet Award Pins!

Dear Phanibhusan,

Congratulations! Over the past 12 months we have been reviewing the poetic accomplishments of people whose poetry has recently been discovered in major poetry archives, poetry websites and in print editions released by various publishers in America and around the world.

It's my pleasure to inform you that you and your poetry have been selected to be published in the historic edition...
International Who's Who in Poetry 2012
Library of Congress ISBN- 978-1-61936-035-8

Congratulations on your selection, Phanibhusan!

The new poem you submit to us will be showcased on an entire page devoted exclusively to you and your poetic artistry. You and your poetry will be featured along with a distinguished group of other contemporary poets that were nominated to participate in this highly sought after annual edition.

Click here to submit your poem now!

And that's not all...
You will Share $10,000 in Cash and Prizes!

To honor you and the rest of this elite group of talented individuals, we have established a contest with over $10,000.00 in cash and prizes that will be awarded to you and the other poets featured in this Historic Edition!

You're automatically eligible for these prizes, but you must submit your poem right now. Prizes will be announced November 30, 2012, with an anticipated publication date of late December, 2012.

Click here to submit your poem now!

International Who's Who in Poetry 2012 will be among the finest quality poetry books ever produced. Every aspect of design will convey the finest quality craftsmanship and attention to detail. It will make a handsome addition to any library, a treasured family keepsake or a highly valued personal gift. And best of all...

International Who's Who in Poetry 2012 will
feature an entire page devoted to your poetry!

Before going any further Phanibhusan, let me make one thing clear. You are under no obligation whatsoever to submit any entry fee or subsidy payment, or to make any purchase of any kind.

Click here to submit your poem now!

Of course, many people do wish to own a copy of the book in which their artistry appears. If you would like to order a copy, please see the attached order form for special discount information.

FREE! Get Your Two Beautiful Poet Award Pins!!
A $79.90 Value - Yours Free!

To commemorate your participation in this historic event, you'll also be awarded two beautiful lapel pins that have been custom designed in honor of you and your poetry. These impressive jewelry pieces feature elegant designs and meticulous craftsmanship, to formally recognize your poetic contributions.

Click here to submit your poem now!

You may order these two beautiful pins for $39.95 each, or GET THEM FOR FREE when you place an order for the book that features your poetry. You get one pin for FREE ($39.95 value!) with any order, or get BOTH PINS FREE (a $79.90 value) with any order of $60.00!
So What Happens Now?

As soon as we receive your poem, it will be typeset for publication and become eligible for the $10,000 in cash and prizes that will be awarded to you and the other poets chosen to participate in this historic project.

Click here to submit your poem now!

And let me assure you, your poem remains your property â€“ International Who's Who in Poetry 2012 is copyrighted as a compilation. This means that you retain all rights to your own work of art.

Phanibhusan, Please Enter Your Poem Right Away!

In order to make our scheduled publication date, you must submit your poem right now. Your poem must be original, it must be 26 lines or less, on any subject, and in any style, and it must be previously unpublished.

Click here to submit your poem now!

And, if you wish to order a copy of International Who's Who in Poetry 2012 at our special pre- publication price, please complete the attached order form (you are under no obligation to order anything).

Phanibhusan, you also have the opportunity to include some personal information about yourself and your poetry. In this way, the general public, your fellow poets, and members of the media can discover more about you, and the meaning poetry has in your life.

Although we must charge a nominal typesetting fee for this service, you're under no obligation to include this information. Your poem can be published without it if you wish. Please see the attached Artist's Biographical Information and Profile for further information.

Again, congratulations Phanibhusan!

International Who's Who in Poetry 2012 promises to be a highly sought after resource of contemporary poets. We feel fortunate to have discovered your talent and believe you and your artistry will add to the importance and appeal of this edition. Your participation in this special annual edition is greatly appreciated.

Click here to submit your poem now!

Judy Lynn
Chief Editor

P.S. Phanibhusan, you should be genuinely proud of your poetry. It's our pleasure to publish talented poets like yourself. In order to meet our publication date, please submit your poem as soon as possible. If we do not receive your poem in the next 14 days, your nomination could be given away to another poet.

Click here to submit your poem now!

P.P.S. Oh, and one final note. Many poets have asked for a formal way to recognize their selection to this Special Edition. We're glad to be able to do this. You can receive a beautiful, archive quality, vellum International Who's Who in Poetry 2012 Award that's embossed in gold and features your name in fine calligraphy. Your Award will arrive in a free, custom made display case. Please see the attached order form for further details.

Congratulations on Your Nomination!
Click here to submit your poem now!
International Who's Who in Poetry
4470 W. Sunset Blvd. Suite 451
Los Angeles, CA 90027
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Monday, September 10, 2012

Further Info ; My Income -Tax  is  clear  up -to -date and from  now
onward  my Income  will  be Tax   declared Tax-free (on ground  of  my
age  on the limit of my Income).
Uptil now  I have gifted Sadhan Rs 10,000/=(once ) and Raya ( d/o
Ratan ) @ Rs 6000/= per Year from 2006 to 2012 , out  of Total  of  58
thousand  left in my mother's A/c (jt a/c with me). She will be
getting the same  so long  I am alive .
 I feel  ,presonally, Shushil( Mirzafor) is  more guilty of the
tragedy in our Jt. Family ( Has proof i.e mother,s letter) than Dada.
Ranjit was  pushed to his present character by all of us .
Mejda  was  the best in young  days to help my mother and our family
late 1940-s --50-s., but  did the  worst , feeding false  news  to
send her  to Calcutta  to  win the SC case (1985-86) and received  my
mother's curses and he admitted after Boudi's tragic end
Bina  was  neglected  most by my father and favored  most ( beyond
family -norms ) by my mother and  that partly led  to the
Irriversible CRISIS pushing  Dada  to the  extreme !
Bina is  partly responsible  for  taking our  hotel-money ( Cash) from
our  mother ( that  I used  to submit for  yesars when my father  took
 to  look after the  A/c  of hotel  and daily submited to mother (
Under signature )without my knowledge,.
 When the Family  Arbitration  was  given to me  in 1980-s(2nd half)
along with Gopa's Father  as  chief Advisor. And Dada  agreed  to it ,
Bina sold the Santoshpur plot ( near  the lake ( main Road)
without,even, letting  me  know ! Even  Gopa's father  expressed
That was the  final betrayal  of Jt. Family  Rule.( Q.E.D).
This may be treated  Confidential  or Open . I don't care as  as I am
FREE  of  all SOCIAL (Jt. Family ) Connections)

My REVISED  will  up dated on11/Sept/2012.
My   Will  is  my Wish  only  and  not a legal binding for  on any of my children.
I am now  83 + from the  date of my  birth and  feel  reired / withdrawn from  material  need  and greed  of physical living .
On the  DAY  of  my  Death( which  I  desire to  be  sudden/sharp , without having  to be taken hospital and   suffering with ' terminal illness' and  burdening  all my children and  friends, around or  beyond), I  shall  leave  behind :
I. Two  flats  at 40& 41 G.T . Road (E) , Konnagar, Hoogly, West Bengal -Pin -712235.( fully  paid & legally  free from  bindings  & also occupied  only by myself).
II. Cash  money , almost  1.5  times  the present  value  of my  Flats in konnagar and ind form of  FD-s  in SBI Bank( Delhi/Konnagar),Axis Bank( Konnagar ,B.O.I (Delh,Pension A/c,  Serampore),and UBI ( Delhi /Nabagram (Konnagar).

I  wish  for  a Water  burial at Ganga Sagar , West Bengal, after may  Death and  not  more than one lakh  of  rupees should  be  spent for my burial includining all social  or  ritualistic  performances  as, decided by my  children , jointly.
III.Uma  Das of 41 G.T . road, who is  looking after me ad a Houe-hold assistant and  whom I am looking after as my  daughter will get  Rs  Five thousand  that i  have already put  to help her to open her Axis Bank A/c in konnagar and Rs Ten thousand of  the FD , that I have  already  done( Provided  she  completes  at least five years of  service and stays  unto the  day of my Death, when  she wiill be  entitled for Rs One thousand per month or  Rs Two thousand five  hundred From interest od  my FD-S if  she is appointed to look after my  two Flats , Under Trusteeship management of  my Children ( Two sons and daughter).

The event of  my  DEATH  and there after, should not be  a  burden nor expensive  on any of  my children . yet the JOINT Decision (all three together) will be  FINAL and Rana (my first son)  will  be the  chief  Executor(as I wish ).

The  Two Flats ,as already mentioned  above  and cash value  of the flat at 40 G.T .Road + the  amount  to make 41 G.T -flat value equal to  40 G.T.Road - flat  will be shared by  my three Children and equally .
The  remaining money will  be  saved as  FD-s  and utilized  for  Preserving my Art-works ,  Sculptues, published Books , authored by me ( now in my Flats) and  residual money  for  Charity ; first for my near relatives and then to educational hep to the  Society.
My wife  Mrs Sunanda  Basu is  now  76 + and she may  not be  able  to out-live me. But I  have  sold my  C.R.Park House in 2006  and  already  distributed  the  amount amongst  my  children , wife and  myself.
otherwise  she is a  pensioner and financially  sound . I think  she does not , anymore, need my financial support .
This  a draft copy . I request my  children to  go through,  acutely, and then  advise/ suggest me  further to improbe on it,
My  children will have the  right  to keep/preserve  my ART-pieces in their own  homes  or DISPLAY in any way they kike  but  no right to SELL.
( spellings  not checked)

Sunday, September 9, 2012

To all Bengali NRI-s  on 'both  divides' ):
If  you have  not read  life  & 'Complete Works  of  Vivekananda' and  Life  and  'Kathamrita '  of  Ramakrishna // If you have not  read  the  Essence  of Geeta, ' Islam ' and Sayings  of  JESUS  in Bible  by  St.  Mathews  & St  John ,I  refuse    to accept  that  you  are  a  NRI-Bengali of  International  stature.
Without  link to 'Root' & Culture your  $-strength  is  no asset   to you  on this  world  as a 'CitizIen of the  World.
Also -" one  who has  not  mastered his  own mother  tongue , can not master  any" --G.B.S
You  do not  need  to  be  religious   to  read books on Religion to be  a  Global  or  Cosmic Man/woman.
But  without  faith  and  attachment to 'Root' , you can, of course ,be a  mammon  billionaire.
All  NRI Bengali-s  should read  read  essence of  Koran for Islam, Geeta  (short and  for essence Ch: 2,8, 13,15 & 18) to know  about Divine & Cosmology and  every  other  knowledge from Bible to  Modern science  & Cosmology.
Let  your children  learn and  speak their  mother-tongue.
Use  Roman- script  for  easy transition.
*Ramakrishna  practised all religion(Global):  Sanatan or Vedantic(hindu), Muslim, Christianity  and' realised' the  First Cause  as  Einstein   realised the  ultimate  Cosmology.

‎"Love is not a transitive verve ;not even a verve nor even a sensual out-play .
OXFORD DICTIONARY declares the word 'love' - as a noun -fondness ( feeling) , Even other wise , is expressed in a way to mean ' to be in love ' and not as a transitive verve..
Modern Society , I think , uses or abuses ' I love you 'as transitive verve , , to express or hype their physical, sensual or vital passion.
In reality 'love' is a soul feeling and not an action .

In Bengali, they mean it better as "Bhaalobaasaa'"(phonetic spelling) i.e Good ( Bhaalo) feeling ( baasaa) ; not an action.
Rabindranath , first raised this ,very beautifully ,in his song : ' Bhalobaasaa kaarey koy '( What is really meant by the word Love ? [transliteration] ) .
Again I repeat and I think ,that love is not a transitive verve but a supra-sensual feeling at Soul-level that embraces all, - friends, parents , wife , sons , daughter, living being , Nature ( nothing to do with sensual joy) .
I also think, closest synonym of Love is 'Friendship' that arises from sou and can embrace any body or thing .
Like ·  ·  · 

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Its torrnedo , Cyclone and tsunami around
 the'SHIP" needs a CAPTAIN Strong and Stern
 Rats ,foxes and vultures --all around
 we  need  a GUARDIAN on better term.

 The sky is heavy with dark -deep cloud
 the endangered people ,now, crying loud !

 by - Hiranmoy Gautom( Phanibhusan / Pibi) Legendary Poet (USA) of

REMINDER: You're a National TV Finalist!
9:31 PM (21 hours ago)
to awards
Dear Poet,

We have noticed that you are a very important and active member of the community. If you would like to appear on a national TV commercial for, please submit a video that meets the following criteria:

1 Announce your name and where you are from. (You may use first and last name or just your first name)

2) State why you love poetry and/or why you write poetry and/or the role poetry plays in your life.

3) State why you like and the benefits this free site provides to you.

4) Your video should be 15 seconds or less

Please email us your video to

The best videos will be chosen to appear on National Television!

Best Wishes,