Monday, September 10, 2012

Further Info ; My Income -Tax  is  clear  up -to -date and from  now
onward  my Income  will  be Tax   declared Tax-free (on ground  of  my
age  on the limit of my Income).
Uptil now  I have gifted Sadhan Rs 10,000/=(once ) and Raya ( d/o
Ratan ) @ Rs 6000/= per Year from 2006 to 2012 , out  of Total  of  58
thousand  left in my mother's A/c (jt a/c with me). She will be
getting the same  so long  I am alive .
 I feel  ,presonally, Shushil( Mirzafor) is  more guilty of the
tragedy in our Jt. Family ( Has proof i.e mother,s letter) than Dada.
Ranjit was  pushed to his present character by all of us .
Mejda  was  the best in young  days to help my mother and our family
late 1940-s --50-s., but  did the  worst , feeding false  news  to
send her  to Calcutta  to  win the SC case (1985-86) and received  my
mother's curses and he admitted after Boudi's tragic end
Bina  was  neglected  most by my father and favored  most ( beyond
family -norms ) by my mother and  that partly led  to the
Irriversible CRISIS pushing  Dada  to the  extreme !
Bina is  partly responsible  for  taking our  hotel-money ( Cash) from
our  mother ( that  I used  to submit for  yesars when my father  took
 to  look after the  A/c  of hotel  and daily submited to mother (
Under signature )without my knowledge,.
 When the Family  Arbitration  was  given to me  in 1980-s(2nd half)
along with Gopa's Father  as  chief Advisor. And Dada  agreed  to it ,
Bina sold the Santoshpur plot ( near  the lake ( main Road)
without,even, letting  me  know ! Even  Gopa's father  expressed
That was the  final betrayal  of Jt. Family  Rule.( Q.E.D).
This may be treated  Confidential  or Open . I don't care as  as I am
FREE  of  all SOCIAL (Jt. Family ) Connections)

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