Monday, September 10, 2012

My REVISED  will  up dated on11/Sept/2012.
My   Will  is  my Wish  only  and  not a legal binding for  on any of my children.
I am now  83 + from the  date of my  birth and  feel  reired / withdrawn from  material  need  and greed  of physical living .
On the  DAY  of  my  Death( which  I  desire to  be  sudden/sharp , without having  to be taken hospital and   suffering with ' terminal illness' and  burdening  all my children and  friends, around or  beyond), I  shall  leave  behind :
I. Two  flats  at 40& 41 G.T . Road (E) , Konnagar, Hoogly, West Bengal -Pin -712235.( fully  paid & legally  free from  bindings  & also occupied  only by myself).
II. Cash  money , almost  1.5  times  the present  value  of my  Flats in konnagar and ind form of  FD-s  in SBI Bank( Delhi/Konnagar),Axis Bank( Konnagar ,B.O.I (Delh,Pension A/c,  Serampore),and UBI ( Delhi /Nabagram (Konnagar).

I  wish  for  a Water  burial at Ganga Sagar , West Bengal, after may  Death and  not  more than one lakh  of  rupees should  be  spent for my burial includining all social  or  ritualistic  performances  as, decided by my  children , jointly.
III.Uma  Das of 41 G.T . road, who is  looking after me ad a Houe-hold assistant and  whom I am looking after as my  daughter will get  Rs  Five thousand  that i  have already put  to help her to open her Axis Bank A/c in konnagar and Rs Ten thousand of  the FD , that I have  already  done( Provided  she  completes  at least five years of  service and stays  unto the  day of my Death, when  she wiill be  entitled for Rs One thousand per month or  Rs Two thousand five  hundred From interest od  my FD-S if  she is appointed to look after my  two Flats , Under Trusteeship management of  my Children ( Two sons and daughter).

The event of  my  DEATH  and there after, should not be  a  burden nor expensive  on any of  my children . yet the JOINT Decision (all three together) will be  FINAL and Rana (my first son)  will  be the  chief  Executor(as I wish ).

The  Two Flats ,as already mentioned  above  and cash value  of the flat at 40 G.T .Road + the  amount  to make 41 G.T -flat value equal to  40 G.T.Road - flat  will be shared by  my three Children and equally .
The  remaining money will  be  saved as  FD-s  and utilized  for  Preserving my Art-works ,  Sculptues, published Books , authored by me ( now in my Flats) and  residual money  for  Charity ; first for my near relatives and then to educational hep to the  Society.
My wife  Mrs Sunanda  Basu is  now  76 + and she may  not be  able  to out-live me. But I  have  sold my  C.R.Park House in 2006  and  already  distributed  the  amount amongst  my  children , wife and  myself.
otherwise  she is a  pensioner and financially  sound . I think  she does not , anymore, need my financial support .
This  a draft copy . I request my  children to  go through,  acutely, and then  advise/ suggest me  further to improbe on it,
My  children will have the  right  to keep/preserve  my ART-pieces in their own  homes  or DISPLAY in any way they kike  but  no right to SELL.
( spellings  not checked)

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