Tuesday, September 25, 2012

GREAT T 20 -PLAY ! & MUMBAI--Show : Who can score how many between two twin- party Players of MHA Ministry ? Indian Black Gold , Black Diamond and Black faces flooding the Mumbai bay for Best Bollywood -SHOW ! Book in Advance ;the screen is lifting high ! ! !
India is no more shy of OLYMPIC : Let them introduce , -schemes , Scam and ' Black-dance' ,- India/Mumbai -Style and see ! All gold -medals are India's ! Jai ho! ....Bonde ..Ma-a-a t-a r-r-a-m ! ' We are the GREATEST ! ' (after Mohd., Ali).
Even now, if Indian people , all in one voice, do not rise with steely back-bone and ask for CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT and replace the stitched- up Majority and party recruited PM from Rajya Sabha , then we are getting , just, what we deserve . The Youth force of India, to whom future belongs to , is already drugged by Colonial CRICKET and SENSUAL & VITAL Hormonal diversions . And enough is enough ! ! IS IT NOT ? ? ?
If I have right to my FREE thought and if there is Freedom of Speech like ( like in USA), I daresay : India became FREE , I think, not because of any Gandhi but as aftermath effect of World War II.( most of colonial nations were declared not by choice or kindness but by post WAR-bankrupcy and Economic -Compulsion. By theory of COSMOLOGY: maybe,like in 'PARALLEL WORLDS' ( Michio Kaku) , if World War II did not happen , India would not, perhaps, be Free. From the level and depth of present day Corruption in High Authorities and A.P.L -India, this nebulous thought has stuck deep in my soul. Well I am helpless and sad to have to say this!
Next time , if U allow !

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