Sunday, September 9, 2012

To all Bengali NRI-s  on 'both  divides' ):
If  you have  not read  life  & 'Complete Works  of  Vivekananda' and  Life  and  'Kathamrita '  of  Ramakrishna // If you have not  read  the  Essence  of Geeta, ' Islam ' and Sayings  of  JESUS  in Bible  by  St.  Mathews  & St  John ,I  refuse    to accept  that  you  are  a  NRI-Bengali of  International  stature.
Without  link to 'Root' & Culture your  $-strength  is  no asset   to you  on this  world  as a 'CitizIen of the  World.
Also -" one  who has  not  mastered his  own mother  tongue , can not master  any" --G.B.S
You  do not  need  to  be  religious   to  read books on Religion to be  a  Global  or  Cosmic Man/woman.
But  without  faith  and  attachment to 'Root' , you can, of course ,be a  mammon  billionaire.
All  NRI Bengali-s  should read  read  essence of  Koran for Islam, Geeta  (short and  for essence Ch: 2,8, 13,15 & 18) to know  about Divine & Cosmology and  every  other  knowledge from Bible to  Modern science  & Cosmology.
Let  your children  learn and  speak their  mother-tongue.
Use  Roman- script  for  easy transition.
*Ramakrishna  practised all religion(Global):  Sanatan or Vedantic(hindu), Muslim, Christianity  and' realised' the  First Cause  as  Einstein   realised the  ultimate  Cosmology.

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