Thursday, August 29, 2013

Or, " Winter  of  Discontent " -Shakespeare .

Half  the   starving   World  now   discontent ;half  the  World   in   War
When   Higg's  Boson  now  out  of  'Soup' and  travel   to  Mars  not  far
Terrors  ' breed   like  rats '  in  every  land  or  inside  or  out  side  home
Living   in   home  is  more  troublesome ; returning   alive  is  more  !

This  new  World  has  now  --  'best  of  all  and  worst  of  all '  too
Dickens   told  it   for  that  time ;  now   true   for  me  and  you
Thousand-s  of  Neutron- Bomb  in  stock;  hundreds   are   born  or  due
even  starving  Nations  are joining  the  'Club' and  challenging  ' Life'   a-new
The Earth , the  Ocean , the  sky  or  space ;  all  are  polluted  now
With  pollution   or  terror , poison  or  fear  and  suicidal-bombs  make  vow

Arctic  melting ?  and  so  what ?--  Civilization  is  frozen  dear
The  'winter  of  discontent '  in  starving  World  and   Humanity   trembling  in  fear   !
(Composed : 29/ Aug / 2013  on  the  back-drop  of  Syrian  - Issue )

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