Friday, August 23, 2013

Small  even  big   set -backs
who  has  not   --in life
let  it  be   as   hurdle -race  of  life

What  space  can  we   fill up   or  remove
with   tears
Only  storing  up  griefs  and  pain
and throttle  out  Life '

Rationalize   another  way
Search  or  recreate    the    Broad- way - Life
expand  the  horizon  and   green p  your  garden  another  way
or  some  other   plane  or  dimension   for  conscious  life .

On  either  side  , there  were
nights  and   days   or   shades  and   light
set -backs ; small and  big , in  life
will  always  be  there .
( Transliteration  directly  on  Screen  just  now  ,  of   old  Bengali  poem )

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