Sunday, August 4, 2013

VEDANTA : Page 21 of 23

KRISHNA-JAZURVEDA  :   PRASHNOPANISHAD                   Page   22
UNIVERSE  ----PRANA-----SORCE -----SLEEP ------DEATH -------SELF
By :-
(Sukesha --Satykam ---Gargyo---Kaushalya---Bhargava---kabandha.).
To  Pippalada.

  Who    created   the     UNIVERSE  ?

     ANS :  The  Lord   Meditated  , brought  forth   PRANA  with   Rayi, the  giver   of     Name   and
                 Form.      Prana   is  the   Sun   ;  Rayi     the    Moon.
                  Those   who   observe    outward   form    of   WORSHIP   and   are     content   with
                   personal God and  pleasure,  travel   after   Death,  by   Spouthern   Path   of  the    Ancestors                     and   Rayi   to   the  Moon-world   and   are  born    again .
                  Sex-force  can   transcend    to   the  Spiritual  force.
What  power   supports  this body ?
                 All   powers  boasted  about   their  Supremacy  in  the body . But when  PRANA, the Vital                         power  declared   to  live   the    body  .all   other   Powers  knew,-- they  had  to  leave .
From  What   Source   does   Prana    Come ?
               PRANA  ,the   Vital   power  is   born   from   the   SELF.
               [ Prana ---Apaana---Samaana ----Vyaana  ---Udaana ]
Who is Sleeping   when  one  is  sleeping ?
               Senses  are  gathered   up  in  the   Mind  which   is   the  Master   of   all   Senses .  Thus   when                  all   Senses   are withdrawn ,  we  call  it   Sleep .  And    only  the   Fire of    Prana  is   burning .                  Udana   is   the   fruit  of   Dreamless  sleep . But   the   Dreaming   Mind  recalls  part  of
               impressions .[  Sleep is  like  the---bird  tat  flies   to  Nest  to  Rest ]

               TheSupreme God   cast  no  Shadow.

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