Tuesday, September 17, 2013

AFTER   VEDANTA :   SAMAVEDA ;[ Chhandogya   Upanishat ]
(  as  I  Understood : Compressed   &  edited   into   points  of  Essence .
I     W-O-R-D-S :  The  Root  is  'OM' ( A-U-M);  the  Source is  SELF  or  Brahman .
II .  Those  who  know  the   SELF  and  those  who  do  not ,  may  do  the  same  thing ; one  with
      knowledge  and  the  other  in Ignorance .
III,   UNIVERSE ( COSMOS)  came  from  the DIVINE ( Brahman )  and  will  return  to  Divine ( cf .
       Cyclic Universe  of  Modern  Cosmology ).
IV.  A  person 'IS'  what  his  'Desire' is .
V.In the  beginning  was  the  BEING , the  ONE  without  second . There  is  NOTHING  that  does  not
    come  from  THAT(BEING ).
   The  bees  suck  necter  from myriad  flowers  but  their  Collective  HONEY  is  but  One .
    There is  nothing  that  does  not  come  from Divine .
VI.  DEATH :     ---  the  House  is   deserted  ;  the Dweller is  gone .
VII.  Salt   dissolved  in   water .  Now  the  salt  could   be  tasted  everywhere .
      "  You  are  THAT .,.Shetaketu " .
       "Tattwam-Asi , shetaketu " ( sanskrit ).

VIII.  All  borrowed   knowledge  are  but  only  'words '.
        Control  the  senses  and  purify  your  mind ; then  you  will  know   everything .

       CITY   OF   BRAHMAN :
IX. As  great  as  the  infinite  Space  outside  is  the  Universe  within .
     Those  who  depart  from  this   Universe  without  knowing  --who  they  are  have  no  FREEDO   here
     nor  in   Heaven .
     They  would   find   as  their desire  was  but  not  what  Reality  is .
X .  Negative  thoughts  or sphere   can not  enter  the   FIELD  of  Brahman; nor  darkness (Night)  can
      enter  that  space.

   STORY   OF  INDRA ( Intelligence &  Rational thinking , VIROCHAN ( State  of  ignorance )  and
    PRAJAPATI  ( the  lord  of  Manifested  Universe ).

[ Already    submitted    elsewhere before,  in form  of  'Facebook  Story ' .  Shall   be  glad  to  repeat ,  on request ]

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