Wednesday, September 25, 2013

DNA ( Divine Nature's Agent)

DNA ( Divine Nature's Agent)

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The   above  one  is   a   Poem    I  wrote   a long  time   back  and    Published   it    both  in  Old   and  new   'Management '  of    Poetry . com ( Share   a  poem ).
I  tried    by  intuition  or  by  inspiration  to    project   DNA  as   DIVINE's    primordial  'Design '  or  Root -Pattern   for   LIFE   in  any  sphere  of  Cosmos .[DNA  is   Deoxy-riboneuclic  Acid   in  molecular  biology ].

To  day   while    reading   once  more    GEETA  ,  the  Vedantic   Exposition   of  Ancient  Religion  of  Bharat ( India ) ,  I  came  across   two   places  i.e  Chapter  7  /  10  &   10  / 39   where  I  was  magnetically  pulled  to  the   following   lines  : 

" Beezong  Maang   Sorbobhutaanaang  Biddhi  Paartho   Sonaatonom " [Sanskrit  with  phonetic  spelling ; 7 / 10]
Transliteration  :
' Know  me   Partha,    as  the  root  -cause  of  all  living   being   anywhere '.

Also  : "Jochchaapi   Sorbobhutaanaag  Beezong    Tot-ahom  Arjuna " -[Sanskrit( 10/ 39).]

(Transliteration : Arjuna  ,  I   am  the   root  ( Genetic ) - cause   of  all  living  beings   any  where.)
Comment : 
 Could  it  be   that   Sages  of   Bharat  ( India )  Realized   through  MEDITATION   about  the   DNA -Truth   of    Living  process   a  few  millennium    years   B.C  but  there  was  no   Technical  science  to   prove  it .(  Or , no  Eddington  for '  Einsteins', then  to verify  the  Gravitational  bending  of ' Light ' ).
I  don't  know  nor  am   equipped  or  competent  enough  to   expound  further .
Some  Scholars   of  Sanskrit  of  any  University   may  throw  some  ' Light  '  to  dispel  my IGNORANCE.
The  timing  of  GEETA  it  self  is  taken  be  about  500 Years B.c .(  Ref : R.K Mission. )
My  poem  can  be  traced  in [Share a poem ].

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