Monday, September 16, 2013

AFTER VEDANTA : ( Shwetashwetara Upanishad) {Spiritual Science Vs Modern Cosmology

AFTER  VEDANTA  :  ( Shwetashwetara  Upanishad)
 {Spiritual  Science  Vs    Modern  Cosmology }
[and  as  I  Understood]:
   I.   What  is  the  CAUSE  of  this  COSMOS  ?
  II.    Effect  or  events  can  never  be  the  First  Cause   but  can  be  the  Cause  uf  subsequent  effects .
III.    No  manifestation  in  NATURE  can  be  the  First  Cause ,  as  they  are  subsequent  ' Events' .
IV.   The  FIRST  CAUSE  or  DIVINE  is  that which   RULES over  TIME, SPACE,  CAUSALITY  and
       all   UNIVERSES ;  even  COSMOS .
V.    On  the  ever  revolving   Wheel  of  'BEINGS', the  individual  Self  goes  round  and  round  through
         Life  after  Life  [Cf . Cyclic  Universe] believing   itself  or 'himself '  to  be  a  SEPARATE   Creature.
VII.  Conscious  Spirit  and  Unconscious  Matter ,  - both  have  existed    (Potential form) since  the  Dawn         of  Time .
VIII. Avid  identifying  yourself  with  the  body ( Outer Casing). Your  ID.  is your  soul  or  Self  which  is  a
        inseparable  fraction  of  Cosmic  Consciousness  (  cf . the  Sun   Vs  Sun -shine ).which  is  the  Root
       cause  of  of  you   being   on this  Earth.
IX.  Bring   both  your Mind  and  Breath  under  control  to  get  connected  with  Divine .
X .  The  DIVINE  was  before  COSMOS ; and  will be  after  Dissolution of  Cyclic  Universe ; even
      Cosmos .
XI . Like  the  Spider   spreading  out  the  Net  out  of  itself, the  DIVINE  PROJECTED  the  Cosmos
       from ITSELF( Divine  is  neither 'He'  nor  'She'   nor  neuter ; biology  is  a  subsequent   event . God
       has  no  ' belly-button ).
XII. Divine  knows  everything  everyone  simultaneously  but  we  shall   never  never  know  God ( the
        Divine  because   Divine[the  ever   UN-knowable is  the   only  SUBJECT( Consciousness- source )  in         the  Manifestation  of  Subject - object  phenomena .
XIII.Subtler  than  the   Subtlest ( smaller than  Planck's unit )  and  greater  than  the  greatest ( Cosmos) is
XIV. Beyond   the REACH  of  Mind   and  Intellect  is  Divine  but   only  reachable  with  Pure
        Consciousness( Meditation).
XV. DIVINE  is Pure  Consciousness; Omnipotent , Omnipresent , Omniscient.
XVI, EVOLUTION  takes  place  at  Divine's  Command
XVII. DIVINE  is  Cause  without  case.
XVIII. Everything  within  the  Cosmos ( including  'WE' )  are  his   eternal, myriad   instruments  for  the
           COSMIC -Game .

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