Thursday, September 12, 2013

Deeper Thoughts

I..On  deeper  thinking  I   now  find  that  after  my  death  , it  will  be  difficult  for  my   Children  to
    look  after  my    two   Flats  in  konnagar   or  look   after   my   ' Art  gallery'  that  I was  so  long
    planning . One  of  my   children   expressed  it   and  I  appreciate  it  now .
II. As such   I  thought   over  it   for  quite  some times  and   after   rethinking  on  the  issue  ,  am
   planning as  follows :
    i) I  might  sell  one  Flat   to   reduce  the  property - load   and  put  the  Sale  Value  in  FD-s  and  get
       fixed   Interest  value  to add  to  my  monthly  income .
  ii) Keep   my  Art -Pieces   and  Books ' manuscript   Packed  and  Stored    instead  of   displaying  in
     open  as  of  now .
 iii)  On  and  after  my  death , the  future  of  the  remaining  Flat  and  also  my  savings   as  found   or
      proved , will    be  shared by  my  Daughter  and  two  sons   equally (including  art  pieces &
      books  and  manuscripts )  and   decide  their  fate without  my  making  any  condition .
iv )  However  my  desire  to  get  a   Water-Burial (at  Ganga -Sagar  )     if legally  feasible . still
       remains   within  me  but  without  making  it a  must  or  creating  inconvenience  to  anyone .

Opinions  or   suggestions  from   my  children  are   welcome   to  help  me  to  record   my ' Final  Will'

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