Wednesday, October 16, 2013


We  all  know  the  date  of  our  birth
By  occidental  habit   it  is  a  day  of   festive  joy
wishes , blessings  even  through   media  channels
or  commercial  tracks .

Well , in our  Oriental   'back-dated' ways '
(  as  my  childhood  memory  tells )
we  hardly   observed  our  Birth days
except  our   mother  reminding  us
with  a  sweet  dish of  rice-milk -  sugar , well-cooked .
and  that was  all.
Even  today , with octogenarian  state  of  life
it  is  very  hard  for  me  to  calculate
the  real  length   of my  life !

Is it  not  true   in  scientific way   that
I  was  even  alive   before  my  'date  of  birth '
happily  in  my  mother's  womb
for  all  those  nine  months plus  more /

And  why
that  sweet  precious  length  of  my  life
is  so  carelessly  excised   out  of  my  life
in Reality- world !

Is  it  really  right  or  sane
to  exclude  the  sweet - sweet  phase  of  our  life
within  our mothers'  womb ?
or ,  do  not  have  our  mothers'  bearing , love  and   rearing  all
with  their   burdened   wombs   all  those  months, with  us
have  any  value  in  counting  the  length  of  our  life
or  our  date  of  Birth  !!

I  do  not  know   yet  ;  but   let  some one    tell  !
Composed : 10 / 16 /2013 

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