Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Any  pain  getting  condensed
rise  forth  on  the  stalk  of  my  bosom
resembling  you !
Any  love  that   dissolves  in  my  heart
shapes  up    your  face .

Terribly  agitated ,when  I  approach  a  rock
to  hammer  it  to  pieces
I  retrace   my  steps  seeing  your  foot- imprints .
You  never  plucked  a  rose  to  enjoy  its   fragrance
or  beauty  otherwise.
yet  so many  thorns   pricked  your  tender  heart
and  hid  their  faces   feeling  ashamed .
Even  emaciated  stem or  stalk  regained  its 'green '
with   your  care  and  love !

No  image  in a  temple   is as  alive  as  your  face .
No  marble  statue  of  you would  ever  be  curved
as  stones  know  not   how  to  melt .
Only  when   I  search  inside
you  appear  vivid  within  my  soul.

And   your tender  love
knew  no  bound
that  is  why
all  my  flower  plants
blooms  outside and   bends   you -ward
with  my  love  and  deep  reverence .
Published  Bengali poem  of  1990-s :Translated  into English   by  Umanath  Bhattacharya ; Now  edited  and   submitted   for 'Share  a poem'.

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