Thursday, October 24, 2013


A  part  now  I  offer  to  you ;  a part  to  her
who preaching  me  to  serve  love   like  a  slave
herslf ,  mastered  the  art  of   becoming  free !

Thus   love  itself   transcends  or   evolves  on it's  way
profit  and  loss  both , - I  accept   gracefully   for
that  is  the  easier  way   for  a  compromise  ,
A   part  of   all  harvested  crops  gets  spoiled   or  lost
some  way  over time .

So  many   can  achieve  in so many  ways ;  am  often  told
I  admit   or  accept   yet  remain the   same
with    dream  of  another  sowing  time .
 The  storm  or  rain or  flood
all  of  them  visit  me   in  their own scheduled  time
Even  rodents  and  rats  find  time  in another  way
as  entropy  in  life  prevails  .

Listen  to  me  my  love
In how  many  different  ways
 must   I  tell  tell  you  my  tale !
and  in-spite  , the  final  shape  of   fate  builds  itself !

Just   like   viewing  myself  in a mirror  time  and  again
 without  expecting  any  change .
Then ,  come  on  ! let's  make  the  last  treat  or  compromise
and   this  way  I  offer  to  you  my  love  and  to  her, -who
preaching  me  to  serve   love  as  a  slave ,  herself
mastered  the  art  of  becoming  free !
Transliteration  of  a Bengali  poem  of 1970-s .

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