Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Both  sides   had  '  Sherlock  Holmes' -s  ;  smart  and  sharp
'Elementary  - Watson !'  one  side  said
the  world  was  made  by  god
only  FOUR  THOUSAND  years (plus)   back   and   if
Bruno-s , Galiileo-s or  Copenicus -s   dare
put  them on   stake , in jail  or warn
and  all  ISSUES   are  solved ( and  closed ).

The  Cosmologic - wizard-s   were  no  less  better
their  'Shelock-s'   likewise,   with  Hubble's   ' - scopes '
scanned  the  sky  or  built  the  C-E-R-N :and  said
' God-damn-Particle'  is  his  ID '  we  know
Is  it  a  bad  'bad -name '    well   , baptize  it ' God  particle ',--no harm.
and  console  the  CRITIC-s   as  we  are  sure
 the  'SEED'   is  in  Mutable   World .
Or ,  where  else   is  the  chance ever, in   inner  or  outer  Space ?!
If any  one  ever  suggest    it  is   CONSCIOUSNESS-  we  declare  it  ABSURD  !    
for,  that  is   a  product  of  our  BRAIN .'

' No  where  left  to  search , we  know
 though   three-fourth  is  beyond  our  scope
that  ' Dark -  Energy ',  we  know  very  well  the  'Devil's  work '  we  hope .
And , -- only  Human-s    have  devised   the   God . they  name
This   way  we  conclude our  thoughts -and
will  smash ' ALL'  to  find   God   out  and   then   disprove .
Comoosed :10/ April / 2014;  (  personal  view)  ; by  Hiranmoy  Gautom 

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