Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

The UN's New Focus: Surviving, Not Stopping, Climate Change

The international body has issued a manual for adapting to a warming world.
Humanity  crying  out   loud :
'Global  Warming ' !

Well !  in a  way 
It  is  the  LAW   of  the  'CYCLIC   UNIVERSE '
in  dissolution phase .
In  another  form   to  tell
the  final  SUICIDAL  Game  of     highly    intelligent  HOMO SAPIENS.

Whom to  blame  ? ;  the  Divine's  Cosmic  Law  - or
the   aggressive  POWER-  HUNGRY  CIVILIZED   WORLD ? !

"Horns  of  a  dilema "  - or 
a  Paradoxical  rebound  of   some  vicious  cycle  - or 
Desperate  - divide  between  the  'Haves  and  have-not-s "
now  more    expressed  !
through  deprivation, mis-use    and  abuse  of  Mother  Earth 's 
in-built  Natural wealth  an  now  en-hanced  through  burning 
or  greedy  devouring ?? !!  

And  why not  name it :
'  the  Rape  of  Mother  Earth !! "
Composed :April / 02 / 2014 

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