Monday, April 7, 2014

The   problems  of  Divine  with  us  , - the   humanity
becomes  most  acute  ---when
the     scientists  declare  -  that
 we , the   intelligent  Homo Sapien -s   created   ' God '.

And  who  created   us ? !
The  answer  is  short  -  sound  and    simple  :
The  CHIMP-s  and their    ancestors  down  to  the  root
in  successive  form .
Some  parts   some  where,  is  obvious  and  true !
as  Darwin proved .

Yet  the   PUZZLE  remains  intact !!
The  Egg  first  or  the  chicken
and  where  from  came  the  cock  ? !

So !
Evolution  the  'CREATIVE  -  Sport' or  Force
must  have  a  'Seed '.
as  Duality  and  Multiplicity   create  recurring   'twig-s'
unless   it  is  established  finally  - that
there  was  some thing  even  before  this  Poetic  Equation
or  EVOLUTION ,  that  we  know or  call .

Yet , it    can not   survive ;  unless  we  accept
the  role   of  the  Divine  , - as  'INVOLVED '
or  involution   in the ' GAME ' of the ' Grand  Designer '
Or , whatever   older  name you  recall
'will smell as  sweet' !
Composed : 7 /  April / 2014 

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