Thursday, October 2, 2014

And  all  human-s  were frightened  and  overwhelmed
when  they  saw  the  Lightning tearing the  sky   and
 heard  the thunder splitting  their ears

They  desired to  know  from  their  Creator   Father  
the   meaning    of   that  thundering  Voice
from  the  Sky  above

And   Prozaapoti  their  Father  said :
Those  of   you  who  are  brightest  and  best  like   gods
should   learn   and  prove  your   self -control  every when.

Those  who  are  behind  but  advancing   well -  should
share  your  wealth  and  love   with    those    who  are  
 below    and  behind  you.

And   you  the   others  my  children , --
who  are  ignorant  , rough    like  brutes
should  learn  to  be  kind  to  those who   are timid
 and    weaker than  you.

Yes  that   is  the   voice  of  Divine   through  thunder
and  lightning   from  the  Sky  above .
Composed : 02 / Oct. / 2014

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