Sunday, October 5, 2014


Hstory  of   Civilization :

" Last  week in  Babylon , Last  night    in  Rome "
[poets 's  name     ---. ? ]

Civilization  flourished  ; War  - Games  and  colonization   through.
18 Th. century    taught us  the  french  REVOLUTION  and
 Guillotine  too

19TH.  Century    was   born  in  another way !
And  the  aging   Century   presented  the  American     Revolution  and
with  " Boston  Tea  Party "-  Novelty  soon
 Thus   introduced  and     voiced
the     power of  Democracy  of  another  form .

20 Th.  century    was  the   juvenile  growth  of    SCIENCE  and
the 'Teen-Aged   century  taught    introduced   us   to    WORLD  WAR  I
and  proved  it's   MATURITY   with  WORLD  WAR  II
and  a  'Hiroshima ' ; Hollywood type .

21st    CENTURY  started  with   'TWIN-TOWER  COLLAPSE"   and
a  new  Face   of  'OVER- GROWTH'    and    Cycling    back  
to   that    BABYLON  that  is  IRAQ  now   of   W.M.D - Show .

" Now    is   the  winter    of   discontent "    every   where - - - - ??
and  the  "  BEHEADING    SPORT  "  is     now  a   GLOBAL   THREAT  !!
Composed :05 / Oct. / 2014 :  (  Directly  on   the  Screen )

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