Thursday, October 2, 2014

Oh !
He    was   a   great  Global   personality
and   one  of   the  most intelligent  and
 Shrewdest  one--but
not  the person  Qualified   to  wear  the ' crown'
that    he  most    gladly  accepted  from
a  great    poet   of a  the  Land
maybe,  through   exchange  of  one(  I am  not sure )
i.e  'Master'  or  Gurudev  or  some   other  synonym
may be .

If  we  believe  in  **VEDANTA  , as  I  do
and   what  Prozaapoti    said    about  the   voice
of  DIVINE  through  'Thunder'  that
' godly  men'    are  qualified  only  through  their
' Self - control' in  faith  , ability  and  practice
in  time  of  real test  and  practice .

If  one  could  not  prove  his   inner  power
on the    day   of   his  father's  -death with his
self-control  in  habit  or  passion ;
what  should  I  believe  in !

How  can   I  agree  : he  was  a  'godly  man'
capable of  wearing  a 'noble '  crown .
Nether  that   quality  has  ever   revealed
through   his   subsequent  heritage  link !

There  are other  events  but   I  won't  elaborate here
Let  me   live   with  my  faith  and   You   with  yours .
Composed : 03/ Oct./2014 :
**  For  Ref.  please read  the  Poem  "WHAT   DID  * PRAOZAAPOTI   THE    CREATOR  ,   TELL  ABOUT       THUNDER" in    Dt. 02 /Oct/ 2014.  by  Hiranmoy  Gautom (Phanibhushan ).

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