Friday, October 10, 2014

Once  in  Feudal  Age    Syphilis  was  the   Royal  Disease  invading   all
Then  the  world  was  warned   of  VIRUS   by  H.G.Wells
 through  "War of  the   Worlds ".
Then  came  the  AIDS  to   the    advancing  Civilization   as  'Gift'
  -- - - - - - - - - --- - - >
Am  not  talking  of   Nuclear  Bombs   or W.M.D-s  ;  that's   another  Theme .

Now  the ' AGE   of    EBOLA -Virus '   from   the  River  it  got  it's  name
But   more    poisonous  than   Ebola it  seems,  is  the    CORRUPTION
Where  Chief-s  of  States   and  ' Parties ' are  getting   CORRUPT
proved -Judicially
and  Monsoon -like  SCAMS  in abundance  and  ' Next -day  life'  
is  UN-certain   for most  Poor ( B.P.L )!!

'Extraordinary  Conditions  need    Extraordinary    Measures '  said  BARD
I  was  a  doctor  too  and can  prescribe   specific  Measure  , if  asked -or
as :
All ' proved '  Corrupt  Leaders be  off  the   State or  Center
Should  be  Jailed and exiled  beyond his  State  or   Eliminated  
like  we  do  with   Mosquitoes  who  are    more  innocent  than them.

This  is   my out   idead  or  " look  Back  in  Anger  " of  younger  age
 And  I  think -and
I  have  still  some  right  to  print  , - as  I  feel .
Composed:     Now  on this  Screen 

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