Wednesday, April 24, 2013


It was  only  last  week-end or this  week that  I  (was  not  in fullness  of  my  mind )  wrote  some  half  truth as  put  up  below :
In  FACEBOOK ,   Sri  Ashutosh  Srivastava  asked readers as  'whom  the  readers liked  most  out  of  3 Khans  of  Bollywood ?
As  my Facebook ID photo came  up ( I  was  UN-mindful)   I  answered --'None'. And  it was   half  truth  or  'fractured ' truth.

Really speaking ,  -- in  my  whole  life ( 80 years +) , I  did  not  see  any  of their  films  . So  I  should  not have written any thing  there .
Otherwise , some  Khan who ,as   I read ,  was  involved  in a  Crime( Sub-Judice)  of  Rash -Drive -Killing  in  his younger Age and  could  manage the  LAW  wait  'OUTSIDE' all  these  years  without  any  effect  of  "Crine and  Punishment "  any where  on his  Smart face , surely  has  to  WAIT  until  the  final  Judicial  VERDICT  comes  out .
  I  shall  offer  my  full  opinion  only then  and if  I  live  that  long .

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