Thursday, April 25, 2013

THE    DEMOCRACY  , ----->  yj  way  I  know :

" A rose  by  any  name  is  called  , will  smell  as  Sweet "  ----Shakespeare

And  it is  a  clever  statement   to  me  and  I  believe  in  the  quote  above  --  half-way  as ,  according   to  my  thinking :

--'  Even  if  a  bad   smelling  flower  is  named  'a rose'  will  sttnk  as  bad !'
Any   System   given  the  Sweet  name   of   DEMOCRACY'  may  neither  be   democratic  nor  sweet.

I think , any  System  where  the    EXECUTIVE  HEAD  is  not   'VOTED  IN '  by   PEOPLE 's   Vote  but  comes  through  some   backdoor - Process, be   it   R-S   or     stitched  up   Majority  , made   by  permutation / Combination  or  any other  Synthetic   process,  is  not  Democracy   to  me   with   my  limited I.Q.
If  Constitution  does not  permit   it,  it should  be  URGENT   to   amend  Constitution, I  think.

That  way ,  I  think ,  USA   is   the   only  NATION  in the  World  with    DEMOCRACY   that  has  stood  the  TEST  of    Time  for  more  than  200  years .

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