Sunday, April 28, 2013


If   you  can   or  when   you  do
take  a  Jet -  flight  and    sit  by   a  window  side
 flying  to  36  Thousand   feet    high  above
like  floating - smooth  on  Space
 and   find :
All  the   Man-made  National   boundaries  of   Political - Pride
 of  every  Country   big  or  small
vanishing  like  'Magic-show '  or  recurrent   'Big-jokes '
from  above !
Even  great  Leaders  in  their  posh   cars  or  famous  men  on  Land
are  not  even  'ants ' or ' insect-  size '  to  our  visual - scale
of 20/ 20  existence !

And  out  side  the   Window - - - --
only  the   Sun    or  Solar - Space   dominates  what --
 we know  as  Existence , --beyond the  Jet-space.

And    this  Solar-space ,  as  I  learnt
is  not  even an  air-bubble   to
the   Canvas  or   Cosmic  Back-Ground
with  billions  of  Galaxies , trillions  of  Stars
( bigger  than our  brilliant  Sun)
and  Black-holes   waiting to  engulf
 all  of  us.!
( Previous  poem ( Published)  , edited  and  re-submitted:  by  Dr. P.Basu  M.D,  Legendary Poet , USA; Poetry  .com ;  also   WINNER  of   WORLD  POEMS  AWARD, 2012, USA &  published  Poem ).

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