Monday, February 3, 2014


Before  last  lines  are   read
you  declare  so fast
that you have  to  leave
then  why  did  come
hard  for  me to   know
unless  come  out  from
your   physical  cover - sheet

Beyond  this   mist  ,
surpassing    winter-chill
might  be  the  spring   waiting
and   butterfly -  dance
mystic -Sky  with  lunar  smile
might   greet  us  ;  given  a  chance

If  could   free   from    painted    life
and   tailored    Mind
dumping    Soul   that   declare
 have  no    time   to  stay  
 'Good bye'    you  say
was    it  all  or  fair !

Farewell   then  ;  oh  my friend
your   final    puzzling  frame
May   I   ask   once  more  friend
why   at   all  you  came   !?
03 / Feb. / 2014 

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