Thursday, February 27, 2014

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HABITABLE orbit PLANETS DISCOVERED among 715 new worlds

Register - ‎1 hour ago‎
Boffins working with the Kepler space telescope have verified the existence of 715 planets in what is the project's largest mass-discovery to date.
In 1883   an  Indian  saint  (* SriRamakrishna )  asserted   to  his  disciples ( recorded  in " Kathamrita "  that  like   monsoon -  crabs   floating  on  the  Ganges  , there  are  millions   and  millions  of  world  in the   'universes '  under God's  care .
The  Scientific  world   laughed  out   loud  for  it  was   before  1886  when  Radio- Telescope   was  invented  and the  Scientific  World  first  admitted  that   10 % of   our  only  existing   Galaxy   might   have  chance  to  have  planets of  the  Stars  similar  to    our  ' mother Earth '.

I  wrote more  than   once  about  this  in  my   Blogs (w
hile  in  USA).
Now   'Earth- Planets '  are ' breeding  like  rats ' !!
SriRamakrishna , the Master  of  Swami Vivekananda .

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