Sunday, February 2, 2014

Not  in  Heaven  now ;  nor in  Hell
in - between
Neither  left   out here ;  nor   any ' there'
Neither in  my   home  ;nor  a  Tourist- Resort
Transit  state
could  not  discover  myself ;  nor ever got  lost
Settlled  with  Fate .

Ever  restless  Life  with  struggling  strife
got  some  gold
Did  not  care   so  much ;lived  for  inner search
lost   the hold
Sought    Soul-mate-friend ;  at  life's  every bend
none  too  close
Now  the lonely  man  ;in  desert  or  crowd
and  returning  Home

This  '*Satori '  I  deserved ;  to  re-wind   and  revive
in  Final  Act .
return  slow  and  alone;  to  a  lonely  Home
to  remain  intact  .
Composed :  03 /Feb ./ 2014 ; based  on  soul-feeling .
** After   Mythological  Story  of   Vishwamitra Muni of ' Mahabharata '( Indian Scripture).
*Zen  experience .

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