Monday, February 3, 2014


Feel  like  an  Alien  myself   now
transported  through   by some  Quntum - Style
In  a  FAKE-  World  I  am  living  now
On  a  Planet   with   False  Face-up ,- habits  'Mobile'

Most  of  living    only  Xerox -  Print
Bollywood , Tollywood  are    Hollywood  - breed
When  I  caress  you ,  your  paints   come out
And  Media   Ad-s  re  but  Goebel's    Trick
Smiles  seems are    Electronic   Big- Bazar -  Brand
 Even  you  Dyed -hair  give  me  a  False  -  address
Lucky  that  I  am  so  Aged - recluse now
Hormones   everywhere   now  ready  for  quick  reflex

Morning  designed    for  'I  love  you  ' - script
seems ,  P-R  was  invented  for  Post -Lunch  prey
After-noon  or  evening   for   Divorce-  draft
I  feel   Alien-like    even in  recluse  -state

For me  I think  ,  this  World    --not  right  
Even   Religious   REDEMPTION   a  Shylock  -turn
Patriotic  theme   now   but    Politics   of  Gain
SEX  and   CORRUPTION   now    Prayer - time  Plan !
04 / Feb / 014

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