Monday, June 8, 2015


Mrs . Pandey :  What  is  the  method   of  searching  your  material ?
P .B :        There  is  no  particular  method. As  I  told  you before , I  am  a  doctor  and  in  a  job . I  go  to  the  hospital  ( Safdarjung   Hospital , Delhi ).  and  keep my   eyes  alert  and  observation awake  even  when  on my  walk   so  that I  may  se   something  interesting . If  I find  a  wood- piece, -I  pick  it  up--hold  it  --turn it   may  keep  it  or  throw it  back . One  thing  is  vey  certain :  only  forms  or  shapes  do not   interest  me  inless  there  is  a   possibility  of  deeper  expression  covered  underneath . When  I  succeed    I  feel  happy, proud  and  think  that   I  have  rescued  a  piece  of  dead-wood  condemned  to  be  burnt  or   left  to  decay and  I  try  to  give  it  another  phase  of  'life '.
Mrs  Pandey :  What  is  your  idea  about  giving  the  piece  the  final  shape  ?
P.B :  By  selection  or  rejection .  One  thing  is  certain ;  I  must not  add  anything  as  then , I  would  violate   NATURE's 'Game  and  my  Principle . If  I add , -- then I  have  no    right   to  pick  waste -wood from  Nature's  lap .
Mrs, Pandey :  Where  from  you  got  you  first  idea   and  inspiration ; from  others's  sculptures ?
P. B  : I told you  I  try to  keep  myself  alert  and  aware   to absorb all  that  are   acceptable  and  good  enough  as  'food'  for  my  mind . Regarding  inspiration , -- I get inspiration  from almost  all  events  in    around  me .  In hospital I  get  inspiration  , from Market  place  I  get  inspiration . from  trees   dreen  or  dying  , from pasing  men , from speeding  people , laughing  men , crying  kids , beggars , even  dead  ; they all  inspire  me   to  rethink .
You  know ; Life  is  a  very  big  CANVAS  and  there  you  can not  be selective . One  must  keep  hia  eyes and  all  senses  alert  to absorb  that  one  considers  as  food  for  his  thoughts.
The  Sky , the  World  , the  trees , the  men   living  , even  dying  or  dead   are  better  models  than  any  such  found  in  any  Art -school  -  studio .
Mrs. Pandey :  You  being  a  doctor, how  do  you  afford  to  get  time fr  your love   for so  many  serious  Arts .
P.B : It  is  is  a  very  old  Time-honored   Question ;  always  put  up  and answered   in all  different
   ways  I  shall  also  answer  in  another  way . Col . R.N. Banerjee, head  of  the department   of

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