Tuesday, June 23, 2015


   'Big -Bangs '   repeat  like  fire- fly    show
  First -  Cause  , --  the  Author   of    Cosmos  and  Consciousness
 All  our   perceptions  are  ' Maya '  or   display  of  EMF -  Play
 and  Matter  or   objects  are   clisters  of  ' Electron - dance .

The  ' Theory  Of  Everything '  culminates  in ' STRING '
There  was   no  BEGINNING   nor  there  the  END .
The  ABSOLUTE  or  FIRST CAUSE   be  named   DIVINE  ( or  even God )
but  give  it  no  Belly -  button  nor   ' biologic  sex '

Yet ,     MULTIVERSE   breeds  like   ' Breeding  rats '
for, the  ABSOLUTE '  is    helpless after  casting   the ' DICE '
Universes  could  have  been  made in  myriad   ways
or  , we    would  not  be  'HERE '    to  tell'  the  'TALE ' !
Was  composed  (in  2000 +) by  hiranmoy  Gautom ( Pibi) :  Published  in  Poetry . Com ( 2006).
Now  edited  and  submitted .
* Darshan  mean  knowledge  plus   Personal  Experience   through  Meditation .


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