Monday, April 30, 2012

 No time to waste ;[ deciison-- made ]

must be PRO-ACTIVE and now prepare
must  be on the top ,  to over -power all - who ever they  be
In this game --'"Fear is the key"

Have enough of them on the stage
This is  , no doubt, --The NUCLEAR AGE"
with latest missiles and NUCLEAR HEADS

Mayy be we have enough to wipe off the  World --
 Several times over if ,allowed the chance.
Tell us what ? ! ...half the World is starving ?
so ! what ? Who is living in  hell ?
Saving the World is most important job

Not a time to  look back and think
and if some million sstarve ?
Please , stop make all  these fuss
Disease, anaemia, rickety, starve d ! --so wat
More urgent things first .

Pack all the graneries and stores with Nutron bombs
let's turn all the play grounds to Nuclear -clubs
May  I repeat ,----this is NUCLEAR AGE
we must have enough and more , -even to wipe off SUN & MOON
" I am the GREAST" ---I repeat ;  can't remember his  name .

Just make and pack more on GLOBAL STAGE
This  is   OUR  Last chance   in   NUCLEAR AGE !

Monday, April 23, 2012

by Phanibhusan Basu


With  Insomia in my breast 
I  went out  on the street
tension /hypertension-- my company ever.

This is 21st Century of Missiles and Neutron -Bomb on shelves
with well-fed  Nations ( maybe 50%  starving ! ).
UN  trying its best to keep everyone pleased
even the rogues.

Not my businees! some  one told.
So, I went  to  MEAT - shop and found
Cut-out Peace  ,in packets and Blocks
not a single one -  agrieived or shouting
or protesting  here !

So, i had reason to be satisfied
and returned
with   three packets ' Peace'
'with labels  as   - chickren and ham.
Rich Text Areaomnia in my breast

I went out on the street

tension /hypertension-- my company ever.

This is 21st Century of Missiles and Neutron -Bomb on shelves

with well-fed Nations ( maybe 50% starving ! ).

UN trying its best to keep

everyone pleased --even the rogues.

Not my businees! some one told.

I went to MEAT - shop and found

Cut-out Peace ,in packets and Blocks

not a single one - agrieived or shouting

or protesting here !

So, i had reason to be satisfied

and returned

with three packets of ' Peace'

'with labels as - chickren and ham.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

The frog in the pool shall never know

there is Ocean beyond.

Nor incoming visitor , from any Ocean -,can ever convince.

If ,like cocoon, we are ever tied up to our pond.

'Open up' to the vaster sky and look beyond.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

i and vi. LOVE is a subtle feeling or SENSOR and not a transitive Verve

ii. . 'I love you' --is the Commonest Commercial Logo on EARTH or an expressive Commercial-TRAP'.

iii,Poetry and Love are two ingradients of ' Fusion-Bomb'.

iv, the Best POEM , like Love ,- is a never-Reachable goal , staying ever beyond.

v.  Never Vocalise the the word 'LOVE'- try to'realise live it..

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Now your turn ; thou , search me out

I am tired unto bones - seeking your den

I smashed, even atom , you ran to quarks

leaving your proton -base !

Now ,some tell me --you

dancing on ultimate String !

Well ! --dad

dance or drown -do not care

as tired I am searching you.

Now your turn to come out -I say

from your hiding base

and seek and search and find me out--

your deserted son ; or may say - the 'orphaned one'

It is your turn ---come out Dad

Know ye are hiding --- some where

within my CONSCIOUSNESS !!

Facebook  Faces :
Stepping and tracing  back  on Time-space  CANVAS :

The event can be traced first in Chhandygya Upanishad.

with the  growth of civillisation  and  evolving conscious and aware MAN( whole humanity) the story begin about 5 to 7 thousand B.C in PreAxial  phase of civillisation , as rcorded in Vdanta:
INDRA  the god of intelligenc or the best in man and Virochan , the head of mmmoanik  desire in man  came to Prajapaoti, the creative gent pf PURUSHOTTAMA  or 1st  Cause.
They both asked  Lord , what is that we see- what do we look in calm water  surface   of  a pool ?( Do not forget , -It was a Time line  when there no mirror invented i.e  Pre-metalic Phase)
Prajapoti = you see  yourself:  now do a thing ; Dress up yourselves as best as you wish and go again and see through that water surface,
They did and came  back wa over joyed seing  himself in best attire and ask ed : Lord , we saw   us  in the form and what was that?
Proj : you saw  your selves.
Virochon was all excited  and  declared that that he has learnt  everything about  SELF and took leave from his Masterand went back to his community  to tell them  how to keep their selves all happy.
Indra could not be trapped . he urgued , challenged and question and then learnt through many many years (cosmic time orgenerations and  Projapoti  was happy and taught him further.
*** That was the first FACE BOOK  STORY in the BEGINING  of   this Cosmic Cycle.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Oh ! that's nothing : - my wounded soul with covering clot

oh ! thats nothing ,; re-living life through my moist look

once more ,now , aspire afresh by your, sweet presence

to enjoy now ,-your butterfly spread with spectrum glow !

( pre- 2002 - my Bengali shaayaree translated now)

( under speeding wheels of lovers )

How does it differ or what is strange

This also  is  , just, another way
sudden and sharp
this Death in a moment , -crushed
like a lightning struck !

Now the dead will go in another way
taken and dragged by tail ( municipal kind0
Every day on street  or   any other site
The depatrture call Death - in similar type
like usual urban habit of life !

Any special rating , dear dog ! did you have ?
The chain or belt ;  or -jonny , Julie -name
Nothing at all ; - only 'stray dog !'
Yet must  have left behind some kids - now orphaned
or some forgotten spose behind ?

How it matters --now !
Love builds and grow ever, this way
and most often so abruptly ends !
Good !, you had not not to know or suffer
the streched-out pangs of Death .

Or the lovers on speeding car ;did they know
what spattering blood is spryed on their wheel
how it matters now to whom !

On the highway , I too drove behind
speeding cars on either side
spectrum 'saarees'  on  residing yards
every thing  same as any other time

Yet a missing -life that none will remember hence !
Smashing the DOORS of Life
this sudden embracing of DEATH
defeating even gods sanctioned life !

Bring it here and now

my dear friends and followers too

the cup-full of poison, you are waiting with

even if i offered all my necter

to you .

Nothing is sudden nor ill-conceived

-no !

Shall accept, gracefully , your collective will

Give me, my dear, the ' cup-full -return' you brought.

Now; let me --- ful-fill your dreaming hope

give me the Cup , -your final gift

your Love .


by Phanibhusan Basu


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Word, don't come out from within me

do not get involved in rhymes

enough timrs you played on this 'swing'

now get calmposed; rest inside.

So many times you were singing loud

among the plentiful deafs

now admit that much ,yet- don't regret

remain dumb or quiet,-- for some time .






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Thursday, April 12, 2012

(6)' 'The poet does not.know the shape of his dream , as a priest doe

(6) 'The poet does not. know many things but knows that :

I. 'Poetry is a sort of Compulsive incense buring'
II..'Poetry is  experience at  'Soul-level'.
 iii.  Poetry -- should not be  searched in LIBRARY  RACKS.
iv,  Poetry grows on the soil of Experienc at sub-atomic(quantum) level  of  Supra-Sensorial soul.
v. If you do no know the meaning of "LOVE' don't try to be a poet....Love lives beyond   perceptual. 
   Field  of Earthly Existence., called physical thirst.
vi. LOVE  is  a subtle feeling and noa transitive Verve
vii. . 'I love you' --is the  Commonest Commercial  Logo on EARTH or an expressive Commercial-TRAP'.
viii,Poetry  and Love  are two ingradients of ' Fusion-Bomb'.
ix, the Best poem  like Love  - is a never-Reachable  goal , staying ever beyond.
Xx. Never Vocalise the the word   'LOVE'- try to'realise ' it and live it..
If I Love You ..... !

By Hiranmoy Gautom

If I love you, what is that to you

or - how does it matter to uou

it's my vibrating soul

my spectrum play and creative joy

sublime wings afloat on its wings

on my cerulean psychic sky

free of bondage or inter-dependence

So!, if I love you , dear

how it matters to you

It is painting on my own canvas

my lively way of living alive.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Reality`s Conscious `dream`

Shiva`s Dance

By Hiranmoy Gautom

Further than photon of fifth dimension
beyond all Field or Force
furthest from Axial Time-Space -play
`warf and woof` of mutable field for life
lie,-s the Stage for  SHIVA'`s Dance
\HE poise  and dance
beyond the reach of all your`strings`
manifesting another creative `Light`
dividing and multiplying life with reflective Cosmic-Mind
and myriad  endless Space for ' mirage '
that rise and vanish in joy
to enact the illusive play
of vrtual reality and
deep-dark game you call


By Hiranmoy Gautom

Observer without observable
-senselessness !
Observable without an observer  -nothingness  !
Matter with no spirit within  --all nonsese  !
How is observation posible without   --either one
\Knowledge is only but reactions of
matter on observer`s capacity to know.
Perception without Consciousness is absurd too!
\Genius  like Einstein  Max planck or  -dreamers of `Strings`
are but `observers`  ----whose
Supra-sensual perceptions -make us know
what would  not  or could be there ,
whether we admit  it or not.

ISLAM : Let Us Know
By Hiranmoy Gautom

Have you read all about holy `Koran`?
then sit with me and tell
What are the `Five Pillars` of ISLAM
(name them without help  or Internet)
Tell ,--what  `Islam` means
\I too believe we will go to Heaven
even if we kill for some higher cause
But what is really the Landscape of Heaven
and how many levels that Heaven has got
\Is that the best place for  oul or sensual joy
even better than Wall-street/Hollywood-sex
or others levels of spiritual joy
and wave-lengths of divine achievements
\Should I aspire Heaven for sensual joy
or should I not aspire ` for transcedence !

By Hiranmoy Gautom

`Thi is John
who was Elias in previous birth`

Was it not
told by jesus , the  Perfect Jew
before he was a Christian to me  or to you.
 now  recorded in the BIBLE !

 or, may be,
others  won`t believe
in re-incarnation
\Help them oh! Lord
they read but do not
like to believe !

When the War ends
By Hiranmoy Gautom

When the War ends
whichever way you cast your eyes
scattered deads aad destruction prevail
with spattered blood .
\Victor or victim whichever thou art
now you repent and weep within
and sign the `treaties` with pride
or in shame.

Oh! the `Victor` or the `king`
look around and see
the `maggots` of devastating death
pile up all around your `crown`
overwhelming your joyous `win`.

The final tale: - in the end:
the Battle-field only wins.
The victor ,victim and suffering all
are only the stage-play pawns
of Nature`s Cosmic game!

The Lightning Struck
By Hiranmoy Gautom

The lightning struck
burnt out clean
every thing
and nothing after
was as before.
\There was neither life
nor a thing nor Nature`s smile.
\But another change
or display
was supreme.

Global View
By Hiranmoy Gautom

Thirtynine thousand feet above the earth
flying,window-side,in a Jet
all National boundaries - wiped off clean
all Continental identities - erased or drowned
by unending oceanic blue
only the global shape of Earth
and covering clouds or cerulean space
overwhelm my psychic mind
flushing away all fragmenting thoughts
of ethnic or racial divide.

At thirtynine thousand feet above the Earth
the `planes` of thoughts and living change.
Yet, whisky on ice-rock or drinks or soup
or wine, red or otherwise
can be the plenty to bring me to earth
while that psychic space now upholds me
in Cosmic way.

Atma Geeta part -II
By Hiranmoy Gautom

Freeing the soul is not a social theme
freedom from desire the ultimate guide
or final liberation, as you are

Cosmic Consciousness trapped in body and  mind
locked and bound by senses and thoughts.
our entire living is but a long dream that
breaks down in final snap called `Death`.

Me,myself & i are only the Ego`s pride
or subtle traps that hypnotise us.
See only `THAT` anywhere;in all you see
from stone to insects,from grass to tree.

We are actors of His play and tiny pawns
while the Play-wright is unknowable beyond
only the Absolute plays the game
like the Sun for our solar field
all else are but His myriad display
by reflections like that of the moon
on million sea-waves with luminous dance.

Atma Geeta & modern Science
------By Hiranmoy Gautom

Big-Bangs repeat like fire-fly show
First Cause is the author of Consciousness
All perceptions are game of EMF play
all matters are clusters of Electron-dance
The theory of everything ends in `string`
There was no begining nor shall be the end.
\The Absolute,-may even be named the `GOD`
but give IT no belly-button or biologic form
`Multiverse` behave like `breeding rats`
the Absolute is helpless after casting the dice

`Universe could have been made in myriad ways
but we would not be `here` to tell the tale`.

Atma Geeta part -IV
----By Hiranmoy Gautom

Paths are many; but must have faith
can realise even, without outside help
can walk, swim or run as one is `designed`

Love is the only condition for that search
must have no attachment nor greed nor lust
must seek no condition or commercial gain
love must be only giving; seek no return
with desire attached, can`t earn that love
`love`is more misused and abused much.

\Renounce sensual joy and walk inwards
to know your soul, your silent search.
Don`t respond to sloth of any kind
be`t hatred,deception or wrath
be a witness; not a reacting junk
never despair or weep in defeat or loss
ye know not how you are tested or
how the `light` may ever come.

Atma Geeta  Vs  Cosmology
----By Hiranmoy Gautom

Observer,observation,the field
the Trinity of play of Consciousness
or -what is the Universe or Cosmos!
with none to Know or report!

Matter-Energy ; - either face of mutable space
or, -things are only energy in frozen form
Electron,proton.quark or `string`
Quantum,graviton,boson,Emf,nuclear force
and - particles are but `waves` or `string`
(like cotton-thread that make a quilt).
\In `Multiple Universe``we are not alone`
Uncertainty-principle`the divine `whim`
vibrating string` the fabric of all
and `nothingness`,perhaps, the Absolute`s design
Black holes are swallowing galactic light
Dimensions are many and `heavens` too
Space` has neither begining nor end
and universes expand like `Buble-soap`

Atma Geeta - -III
By Hiranmoy Gautom
Like reflecting sea waves
of moon-lit night
we are reflectors of that Consciousness
Or, like Electron-gadgets we are all
activated by that `power cell`.
\Without ocean,snow or cloud
what is moisture in wind.

Neither this body, nor mind are we
our I-ness is a borrowed Ego-sense.
As our soul is asleep, we feel alive.
as consciousness expands we`re re-vived.
\This Universe - only a sensory-field
While selfish desire,lust and greed
like covering cloud does cast our sky
creates illusion and hide the Sun.

--By Hiranmoy Gautom

All perceptions are play on sensory field.
Cosmos is a Stage-play ; you are only
programmed to play your part. Birth
and Death are the `names of the same
coin` called `Life`.Long life can be a
boon if you contemplate to know -who you
are and why were born ?Learning is
through `division`while knowledge matures
through sense of Unity; you can count the
waves or see the Ocean ;your choice.Cosmos
is the play of Nature and Consciousness
he`Master` of the game.Yesterday is not
to-day ; nor to-day the to-marrow;

No river-bank is the same next moment.
Play your part as assigned to you and
consciously.We`re `free`only in
relativity,- not beyond.Material
attachments are like adhesive tapes;
easy to get fixed but painful to
get rid off.

--By Hiranmoy Gautom

Yoga (`yoke`) - the Vedantic `root`
is but union of the miind with sooul
soul -the extension of the SOUL-DIVINNE
singularity of mind and soul

Human mind behaves like
scattered mastard-seeds
or like monkey that jumps restless
from branches of tree to other tree.

Like Laser ray on singular path
gather the mind to `one`
be it for Divine or be it for love
or knowledge of any kind
(be it even for physical good.)

\Yoga is but union of self
with Divine`s Conscious SOUL
controlling the body with singular flow
is Yoga`s other goal.

Mind without words
--By Hiranmoy Gautom

Mind without words
swells up high
(like full-moon tide)
transcending words
with in-built strife
to exceed and
excel all that rise
or arise in front or around
like `Berlin wall`
or anything alike you name.

--By Hiranmoy Gautom

like solar or physical light
casting shadow on the wall or a screen
the `luminosity-invisible` of
Cosmic Consciousness
creating the three-D shadows
(as if,alive!)
On the `screen of Nature
reflecting and simaulating all created life

The field of `Relativity`
that we know as `Reality` so long
on the stage of the Divine
known as Living Universe`
the terminal game of Supreme `Consciousness`.

--By Hiranmoy Gautom

Yester-night was a different night
and to-nght ? well, - so different too
waiting waiting the sleepless night
then the coverd morn. with expansive cloud
dark and grumbling or screaming sometimes
overwhelming the helpless morn.

No , Please ! don't
--By Hiranmoy Gautom

No! please, don't
invite me to the magic-world
of poetry - anymore.
Words are, themselves, so lame
cripple and incomplete within their frame -that
they ever fall so short of
what I feel or
desire to say.

Poetry for Contest
--By Hiranoy Gautom

Write a poem for contest
no, I h've never done it ,ever
as my poems are ever the extract of my soul
when it comes , it comes
when does not , - let not
And dream a dance! - if I win
no ! no , -never, to adore my age
let poetry bloom on the soil of my soul
free and un-bound like cerulean hue.
-- by Hiranmoy Gautom

Evening assured - 'will come in the morn'
morning promised -the coming night
twinkling stars with cynical smile
tried to console,- in renewed style!

The Face Of God
--by Hiranmoy Gautom

Your physical eyes can't see the Divine
nor human-words nor mind can comprehend 'THAT'
neither thy intrllect nor any scientific search
can ever assess that Absolute Divine.

(Transliteration from Katha-Upanishat - by Hiranmoy Gautom)

---by Hiranmoy Gautom

What more could he have given you !
He fixed the speed of light
found the Relativity of Existence
told the material value of all matter(E=mc/sqare).
Unlocked 'mystery'of Universe with
Gravitational Law.
Even to day,Cosmological Constant'
the 'Greatest Blunder' of him
is now your 'greatesr Truth'!
What more you expected from this
'son of God'!

----------- Searched for Phani --------

Love Story
--by Phani Bhusan

Tell me the name -of
a favourite flower -and
I shall paint
the portrait of your Love.
It`s no magic, I promise,- for
in that blossom and ethreal fragrance
lies the shape of one`s love.

\Only, never pluck a flower
with thy nails
(or cut the stem)
to please the one you love
for, that too is murder or killing game.
\Can never know,what is love
by slashing a tender flower
to prove your soul.

Clever Game
--by Phani Basu

Between the two terminals of waste outlets -
for biologic display of life
placed the magic `organ`
for symphony of reproductive joy
tuned up with thy tricks 0f hormone-flow
soaking all physical perceptual field
with overwhelming sensual joy
climbing unto an ultimate source
the conciousness of soul.
\Betwixt the terminals of body`s `waste out-lets`
thou placed the very center of reproductive joy
to enchant and trap all beings,insects to man
to poetic immortality of material life
thus, -keeping up thy game
forever alive!

This physical craving,- unto our psychic soul!
this pilgrim- voyage of conscious physical form!!

--by Phani Basu

Tropical cry of baked up land
for rain to quench thirst of life
Aila responds with drowning flood.

--by Phani Basu

Emigrating birds
for Eastward flight
or NRIs with migrating wings
yet hostile time
and indifferent sky
and murderous canine rage
there -the other himsphere

Those emigrating birds
can't decide the take-off time
-to fly or not to fly
This uncertain stormy sky
can't signal hope
nor assure
any future calm !

No Name
--by Phani Basu

Give no name to your liking
not even if it is love
neither in words nor in spectrum-joy
Or any octave flow
let them float on the canvas of
your winging consciousness
like an avian flight
on the azure plane.

Wave Length
--by Phani Basu

We talked and talked
then we felt
we needed an interpreter
or some
other -time.


--by Phani Basu

The forest in debt; that is why
it did not come - the rain . Roots & leaves tremble in despair
The higher space - did hold promise
yet all dreams and clouds float and fly
in funeral robe, denying all - early promise!
Blame ? No , not the sky
the fault was in inherited space
or genetic-design like -'fate'

\The vast forest in debt
that's why it did not come
the r-a-i-n ; and in its place
returned swift
- revenge !.

Monsoon Time
--by Phani Basu

Monsoon time
with darkening sky
and weepy clouds
and droping rain
looking alke
like the gloomy face
of the beloved lone
and left behind
on distant shore.

And suddenly
the lightning strikes
Ah ! what a finish
for my desiring dream !

The Ascent
--by Phani Basu

From earthly way
unto the Pacificblue
of  cerulean sky and beyond
the deep-dark space
where emptiness , the ruling Lord
and frozen time unto ultimate
the coolest mighty Condensate

Where all is One
and the one in all
and only,if
I could ascend

Subtle Stance
---by Phani Basu

Even if you know- I love you
how it affects you, dear

It's,perhaps, my genetic design
or some chemical octave flow
that sings within my soul or float
like spring-time fragrance - far!

*** ****

So ! how or why it should affect you dear
even if you know
that, - I love you !

--- searched for Phanibhusan -----

LOVE - an Evolving Seed
--by Phanibhusan Gautom

Love! ;- reverse the word and read
`Evol` - the root of conscious growth
Ye know not what is `love`
if-in you- it has not evolved.

Not sensual passion nor physical joy
nor one-ended desire to fulfil
is but psychic outgrowth of soul
to embrace, evolve or absorb and feel
the unity of Existence
enclosing embracing one and all.

\Love blossoms when soul evolves
with expanding conscious-self.

--by Phanibhusan Gautom

groups of letters
gifts to `homosapiens`.

running dots
with twists and turns
to design thoughts.
patchy clouds of
floating mind.

the human hot plate
of receptive field
to cook to communicate
for some one to feel
good or bad -or
to lie dormant
for future tale.

Better To Keep Awake
--by Phanibhusan ----- Basu

On such sultry days as these
it is better to keep awake
taking a reposing posture
from day to day.
If I woo sleep
weariness grows apace and
I dream dreams that are fatiguing.

\No longer in my dream
can I play the role of a prince
of fairy tales
nor spin a yarn of the winged horse.
What foul weather waylays me
behind the screen of dreams!

I retreat,smeared all over with blood
ruthlessly smitten by nightmares.
Its better to sit up and recline
and put on semblence of being alive.

Ether - al
--by Phanibhusan Basu

Don't give any name or form
to your sublime passion
or love
neither in words nor in spectrum-pigment-glow
nor even in vocal octave-swinging muse
let them float
on your conscious vibrating plane
everywhere unto eternity.

Final Call
---by Phanibhusan Basuhiro

Man , thou the last insignificant
dare not think, - you ever can
destroy the world in any way
except - yourself and -at the most.

Your intelligence was a gift to you
(yet your worst tool - if abused).
With Contracted Consciousness,of course, can
reach your `Hell` and any time

By expanding it - the heaven is yours.
\Dinossaur came too; was replaced soon
beast & babboons,-all types of `apes`
made their ascent; were replaced by
the potential conscious `MAN` at last.

And if you can`t prove your worth
or accept the Unitary (monistic) Existence
be ready -to be rplaced by
another `species` worthier than thee
with cleaner luminous Consciousness.

Final limb
--by Phanibhusan Basu

Each day, - something die within us
tired of repeating habits of lfe
next morn, -we rise again from the dead
Call it growing or be it oherwise
or recycling in another sense
after the one left behind.
Live,- man , -live
rather that copying xerox-life
'dead man walking' within each
or in every other life.
but, we 're progressing, making greater strides
towardsadvanced decorated graves
and makingfinal climb
until - what !

On Return

--by Phanibhusan Basu

Was roaming wide
swimming far
or flying high
throughout life
now tired
returned home
stepped within
closing doors
living now
like coccoon
my name-plate alone
hang outside.

Submit a Poem
--by Phanibhusan Basu

Submit a new poem
even if , there is
nothig 'new' in life
And poetry! -
where and how  does 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ititit grow

on the barren empty soil

of our soul !

or on this desert- Earth, -where

every mystic garden space

is exposed and analysed by

genetic exposure and

all secret and even sacred joy

exposed -by naked light.


By Phanibhusan Basu

Have to return after death

as - have not been thru yet

all the dark tunnels of life

unto the 'light'.


While flying on jet

thirty-six thousand feet above

all political boundaries, I found

were divisional bluffs.


Like all floaing ice-bergs

your promise of love

may be as sub-merged too

my dear.

Indian verse
by Phanibhusan Basu

With canine faith
the dog is barking loud
while pine tree,so tall
is dumb with sun-shine bath.


There was time -when
I made wait all golden-promise
held your hand and walked so long
today too, I walk that log but alone !


No more thy smile can enchant me
has known all faces of
pasted smiles
and mask-beauties of all

Cosmic Frame
-by Phanibhusan Basu

On this Universe
our solar space -
a tiny spot
and this Earth a mere dot
and yet our conscious expanding thought now know -
we are none but
specks like 'particle'-dust
\yet we boast so much -that
we are all important beings and
'giants of thoughts and power trust'
only Einstein knew
our real stance.

--by Phanibhusan Basu

The festive time is over now
all friends are leajng one by one
my  Soul,thou return to thy inner den
It is time, - for our meeting,dear!

Soul, Rest a while
by Basu Gautom

Tired or turmoiled ; soul
rest a while
\What is thy desire
where does wait
your goal!
If all is but Quantum play
why on surface swim
what you want to tell the world
that is half blind, and deaf
rest a while my soul
rather let us play
in silence or in deepest dark
where the other `light` display
\Rest a while my tired soul
float On the void and forget the goal.

Bad Dreams!
--by Gautom Basu

More of them now
when awake
\While affluence blesses
global half and
another half is starving
though`cutting edge` is
empowering the richer ones
and along side the starving world
dying like orphans-cursed

What goes down
is moral side
of illumined men.
For you or me
bad dreams! and more of them
even when try to sleep or remain awake

This is the best and worst for all
this is the `Homicide Time`
for love or peace.

--by Gautom Basu

What shall i attain
by seeing THEE
I cherished the desire
only to know you more.
What shall gain
by scanning THEE
I dreamt only to find my worth
and be one with THEE.

Where and how you stay
are but worthless quest
that, you and me
are indivisable One
that much always was
my life long hope.


by Gautom Basu

What shall i attain
by seeing THEE
I cherished the desire
only to know you more.

What shall gain
by scanning THEE
I dreamt only to find my worth
and be one with THEE.
Where and how you stay
are but worthless quest
that, you and me
are indivisable One
that much always was
my life long hope.

My Other World
--by Gautom Basu

My childhood river, ocean-wide
Holding my mother's hand
Vast and deep lush green view around
Coconut, mango trees
Bordering river bank
Shaking heads with wild wind
Like sweet and naughty village girls

The azure sky kissing the horizon beyond
Distant boat men with swollen sails singing
Rich folk songs
Even high up on limitless silver sky
Floating enunciated clouds
Made me enthralled and mesmerized
Today I, an aging man
Burnt grey with heat of experience
Of modern urban life
\Yet my childhood river vast, like ocean
Enriched me with so many hopes and gifts

---Searched for Parashar ----

Political Punch / Quip - (5/7/03)

By Parashar - --P



are Nature`s `slap`.

Glogal terrorism and -

all killing games

are `Mega - germs.`

\Corporate `Villains`

and Job-cut `rule`

for millions of job-less

are `enemies` of Nation

in real terms.

America the most frightened nation? - I don`t know

By Parashar Bose

To day,is America the most frightened Nation on Earth?

I don`t Know the answer; true, I don`t.

\`Cowards die many times before his death

but the valiant never tasteth death but once`

Shakespeare,himself ,spoke (through juleus)

But what our voice whispers Nation-wide!

\America was once such a bold Nation!

and challenged all odds face to face

Now one terroist action, in any form

sends a chilling shiver thru` its spine

like an Earhquake shaking everything around

or like a declared `Sunami`

it shakes up people,like after a bad dream.

\Is it that Terrorism is winning in the end

shouting loud that `Fear is the key`

The simple American now most insecured!

Emergency Call

By Parashar Bose

Abnormal conditions create ,I know

abnormal result,like it or not

murderers and criminals on War-front

are the out-come of

degenerate backgrounds of warring minds

Modern War-clouds are ominous signs

of after-math storms on social-life

back -yard of breeding of distorted genes

transform young blood to dangerous traits

\It is the Psychae that hits the switch

for the `Cloning` and breeding of killer mind

`Timothys` and others may be result outright

of painful experiences in tragic wars

of midern time.

\The summation effect of war-front life

do distort all tender solders in every way

The present outcome may be another one

911-response (or Emergency-call}.


By Parashar Bose

Turmoiled time !

the sailing captains -blind

the adverse tide , the cyclone -or

torenedo signalling frightening fate

Terrorism a rapid viral - spread

Global warming threatenig all

Tsunami,Durfur ,the starving world

while some affluents enjoying wild

what to say or what not to

the broad canvas look so soiled

what should I paint and with what color

while the baby-Century is sick

on the lap of its `dad`

with Pognosis turning -sad !

Confession Western style

By Parashar Bose

My pious `father`

I am here to confess my sin

and you will liberate me, i know

as you are bound to the Lord

by your faith

\Before I seek your divine help

tell me father, if once or twice

you have not sinned yourself too!


if ever you had

your own confession?

\Did not the `Churches` some times sin

Tell me about Bruno`s death or

Copernicous`s failures or

Galileo`s prison-time and

what were their sin?

About All Wars

By Parashar Bose

Children die, mothers cry, elders bleed

what it matters, it`s WAR indeed

sectarian stand, or theocratic rule

and varying greed

what it matters It`s WAR indeed

To start a war just blame someone

or may create a clever-plan, instead

and matters it notr, it`s WAR indeed

The root, the root, will decide the fruit

as you deprive or as you greed

can ignite a start: it`s WAR indeed

From Afghan-`stan to Iraq burn

see,- Mediterranean too , now heavily bleed

`War` is a name of canine game

when was there peace! it`s WAR indeed.

Advance Warning

By Parashar Bose

`He who has an ear; let him hear`

Some thing,like Vietnam-aftermath

is re-visiting us!

\Those young beautiful lives

fighting now and returning home

dead,invalid, crippled or de-formed!

with psychae -so disturbed

like Tornedo-wind or wounded prey.

\What you expect of them more?

butter-smooth smiles! or `perfect mind`!!

or a return to `sweet social life` !!

\Some of these soul(s) so disturbed

like wounded leopard, will turn violent

when they are back (we pray otherwise !)

to avenge their lost-golden lives

destroyed so early; asking, why

The Uno, I Can Not Be Proud Of

By Parashar Bose

`The League of Nations` came and failed

that`s a tragic story long,long past.

Now our UNO old enough to suffer senility

or impotency of helplessness-strife.

\The `brute civilisation` now

on brink of another `Collapse syndrome`

or alive like theocratic,dictatorial

or corporate Lobby `resorts` some kind

otherwise `promising business clubs`

or bargaining vanue of ppolitics.

\While Darfur, Ruwanda are crying dead

UNO,- dysfunctional in Middle -east mess

How can I,for UNO, sing a sweet song

unless it is bold and bring the change.

\While more nations are e***, how can be

that their `agents` will be godly men!

By begging `power` UNO can never lead.

The Doller In The Fridge Code

By Parashar Bose

Who says

that republican leader donot

join the democrat these days

Some `davis Foster` of the House

is scared like a frog and croaked

Both may be shivering cold

in seperate `fridges` being trapped

storing not food but Dollars big

may be, other skeletons are too

hiding within for redemption

People of same conduct closer friends

Watch and wait; see how many in fray

Such popular national corrupt game!

Let bribery be declared a political play.

Adressing America - (Young fighters)

By Parashar Bose

Invite or allure - young blood

strong and vibrant

send them to those War-front

with latest tech`& lethal skill

you`ve,already, a terrific `Rambo,` `

The teen age blood boils and speeds

being sharp is potential force

and if they experience horros much

can turn,when back- a killer big

\It is the Psychae-,the root and causeh

he can turn into any thing,back in home

doesn`t need a C.J.Yung or Rocket skill to knoww

In adverse climate -this daring `one

and worse, he is a converted murderer

\This is the outcome of modern Wars

where killing becomes a sport-indeed

Modern war the `cutting age` tool &disaster! -

the decided End.

Black - Hole Poetry

By Parashar Bose

Dark Matter, Dark-Energy or Black hole

are but Cosmologists` sermon while

the ordinary people have never heard

or seen them on earth but

on Mediterranian bay of Jesus sky

we all are witnessing another kind

of darker energy and blacker holes

made by missiles and bombs.

Women buried alive and children die

Et6hnic war,the sectarian clash

the economic Oil-might all explode

on mid-east-Asia; what a display!

\Where Jesus once trned water to wine

ethnic clsh plays dance of Death

turning life to funeral-fire

some one refuses the right of existence

to the other one.

Kissing For A Cause [Ndtv-News 24x7 :04/16/07 10am; Et)

By Parashar Bose

[NDTV-NEWS 24X7 :04/16/07 10AM; ET)

Come, you all and calm down

they were kissing for a cause ie

against spreading AIDS

they were only educating the mass;

how to avoid AIDS- otherwise

Is it not an Indian Culture to entertain

your guest !(she said) and

(when he apologised after enjoying it, -full)

Oh ! - if I also had the chance, only once

I would have apologised hundred times !

but would she agree ; I doubt !

(i am 90 yrs young,)

Let her repreat her `Indian Culture`


A great `Shilpa-work`; I `sing` it so loud

`Encore ! Encore ! - oh dear - my dear !


By Parashar Bose

It is not good, it can not be good

this event and aftermath

Some Media, reapeating and `cloning` in so many ways

this most tragic event in Modern time

\Vultures would love to fly back over to the carcass)

\Is it feeding `news` or some commercial-appetite

that this repeatation and `cloniing`of the tragic event

bobmberding every mind over and over

with possible fear and effect that

may exicite some other young,fragile and troubled-mind

to try to be famous or `immortal`

on media-screen!

\I do not know

but I am worried down to my hiding bones!

RAP POETRY Rhyth - 3

By Parashar Bose

Rap tap or shout

they are all

phonetic tricks

on ear drum

or physics

\My passion your kiss

the chemical games

produced in

by Hormone `bands`

\Exceed them

transcend all

or surrender =and

walk naked

with soul uncovered.

There`s none

good bad ugly

No cosmos no God

without that -what

we know as `soul`.

Hard Drink Vs Hard Poetry

By Parashar Bose

Mr. president Cirac,

I shall try to define War better than you/

War is a condition of challenge and Chess-

game poise /It is laughable to think that

certain War is Dis-proportionate/This

opinion comes out of myopic vision not

Global view/By your hypothesis every time

Momammad Ali won by a Knock-out punch, was

a dispropotionate response/Creating

condition of war by Major Powers are more

disturbing attitude than survival-response

of certain nation/ Distorted visions of

great powers have led to the present pathos

on the Global stage/All nations , big or

small are stage players of self-interest.


By Parashar Bose

How easily from larvae

you transform to pupa - so fast

then again ye evolve to

Catterpillar type and naturally

in singular life, I wonder how!

\Finally, as a meditating 'Zen'

you 'realise' at last so perfect, in form

and master space and easily fly

with spread-wing spectrum of all delight

evolving thus with joy within

in single life and 'four' ascents

I envy so much ! and wish could do

like you, oh! the Butterfly!


By Parashar Bose

Self luminosity like that of Divine

'warp and woof' of spirit alive

darkness, - each time

defeated by light!

What a way to challenge

adverse time

stiching all

mutable darkness

or coal-tar night!


you ever are

tirelessly awake

with -

your luninous soul!

I don't know how!

To The Wall-Street Casinos

By Parashar Bose

Give me my life , yes, -now

back from the killer-sharks or

from where the vultures fly and prey;

refund me my childrens` future` smiles.

\Your greed knows no end

no sun-lit day; no night`s respite !

Your vampire joy with carnivore greed;

but give back my children`s desiring dreams.

\Do you ever read your `Gospel`,dear

`easier for camel to glide thru needle`s eye`

but not for you (the greedy rich),to find your divine.

\Even terrorists have their un-ashamed face

Wall-street lords, ye the worsr disgrace!

And So What !

By Parashar Bose

U are a hindu

she is a Christian

i am a muslim

and so what!

\U wear a dhoti

she has her skirt

while i my taj

and so what!

\one son a doctor

the other a prof.

the daughter a teacher

the `father` - but one .

\U have `Shiva`

she has her `God`

and i my `Allah`

are they not ONE !!!

While Rome Was Burning

By Parashar Bose

`While Rome was burning .....`

\Or our world under terrorists` fire

Even Somalia now under ... them!

(`what? -without my sanction!`!)

\To me, Gay marriage is great issue

can`t wait for another chance

My `clients` are losing hold now

they need my help. yes and now.

\Some one bring me my `flute`

Even if, -Iraq is burning

I won`t allow anything else to

frighten me `under my Watch`.

THE WAR-O- philia

By Parashar Bose

Not `iraq` nor `iran`; nor the cause

nor the fact revealed or ever known

but the motive and revenge, that`s all

It does not matter what intelligence say

or the realities on the Global stage.

\As realities are within `Relativity`-field

that is what the Genius says

He tried to kill my Dad,you know

that`s the WMD yes! (for me

enough reason to take `him` on.

\Can run but cannot hide this time

may hide but I shall find `him` soon

Is it the wrong man or taking years

the health of the Nation matters not.


By Parashar Bose

Was it the best time, i was born

so much light of knowledge over-flowing now

Is it the worst time i was dumped in

the canine human intelligence

crossing swords every where!

The crippled fate of collective life

only to spit venom every way.

\The last of Homosapiens

the hope of the Conscious life

eating up themselves -planning what!

Is it in response of Apocalypse.

\And my pen

instead of poetry, - spit poison too.

Have we reached, the peak at last to fall

or like the apes are we being

replaced by another better ones!

by evolutionery Science or the Divine!

Horns of a Dilema (political satire)

By Parashar Bose

As Iraq stands up

we stand down` O.K?

Gentleman`s promise

\The present hurdle is

even after both knee-surgery

as aftermath of war and the way

we made the `Mission accomplished`

Iraq needs a `Walker` for life


\So! and SO?

how to decide

how many years it may take

for Iraq to stand up

as the condition is!

\So, let us pray and prepare.

Adressing Americans (political satire)

By Parashar Bose

What a shape of advance Democracy!

When America is sinking in New Orleans

some ones were `playing flute`

in Katrina disaster days (now we know)

One billion syphoned by some `patriots`

\Why blame the corrupt corporates alone

the national Character progressing fast(?)

While America is getting burnt in Iraq

and illegal aliens, in millions now

dreaming for their majority status

the senate heroes are playing flute

singing songs, as past time,-on National flag

\Some one uncovered the majority-face

by showing the picture of a singer, smart

wearing on a disfigured flag; singing

to the elated majority group!

Is advance Democracy betraying self

on issues of urgency and priority too.

About Immigration

By Parashar Bose

Immigration is but the Nature`s way

to live anywhere as Global right

Immigration is but the Divine`s play

for human beings grow unified.

\For balanced growth on equity terms

do not violate the Nation`s law

brute-force with your political gain

will destroy dreams you once saw.

\what is unlawful, can`t be made

`legal` with whatever size

of number skill or as `out-law`

because future will, rebound likewise.

America - 2004

By Parashar Bose

Gone! -is it forever

that dare-devil Nations face!

\Now, the growing shadow of fear

and Cancerous uncertainty

tower over the height and serenity

of that `Statue of Liberty`!

\America - now, in Two-thousand-four

dances around, that `yellow color-code`

shaken, showing frightened face

and walking with insomnic gait.

\For, - you did not track and extract out

the Terror`s canine teeth - all

and in time

the invisible shadow of Terror, -now

rule our days and prove ultimately

that -`Fear is the key`.

Emergy funding for Iraq for ` life time`; yes , a must

By Parashar Bose

I wish I had the right to vote, -this time

but I have not; (no chance now or anywhen)

\yet, as the codition appears on the War-front

we badly need this Emergency-funding

of course, with no binding or better to say

for `life-time`, if needed.

\Every one knows that (This War is not `that War`)

to agree to a `time-line` is to accept defeat

or surrender to the `enemy`

(don`t know which one!)

\Better, sacrifice some more soldiers (our children)

who are brave, even,when facing `friendly fire`

So with no `time-frame` we must continue; -need

this Emergency - fund.

When Crisis Befalls A Nation

By Parashar Bose

When Crisis befalls a Nation,sir

and the executive Head is `lame`

or loses two-third of popular poll

it is time for the people to re-call

the supreme-one and re-elect another `One`

of couse that will need amendment

but what is the choice, speak someone.

\Or let the `CONGRESS` rule to save

through national unified way.

Major crisis need major means

to avoid this `Lame-Duck` play.

Rap Poetry

By Parashar Bose


knocked on

every door

within reach or

within sight


locked from within

some on my face

\Now my style

shout out loud

in full throat

to bring them out

even may try

the primitive dance

to make them go

only after they know.

Soliloquy Of A Wounded Soldier

By Parashar Bose

Don`t invite me, any more

to any festivity of life

I am dead-tired ; breathing jerky

like gasping wounded soul

(both outside and within)

\Why ask me -now

Where does my happiness lie?

Lived, seen, experienced so much !

the war ,the death,dying love

living death and aftermath

Now, too tired of all sorts of war

in evry field

Leaeve it, as it is the raw bleeding wound

the dried crust of blood

Wipe them not. as all situations are now the same

all dreams or hope meanningless !

In lighter vein

By Parashar Bose

`The die is cast and all is over`

Who said it! (I know and won`t tell)

\with a few pegs poured within

I feel so sober and

my neurons take over the shift

with all my `headeches` gone!

\To feel good is my gospel now

To do, as it pleases me

without hurting a soul

is my religion,dear.

All measured values are

in the field of Relativity

(game within games).

\A vice-president shooting his friend

missing a bird can be a`sport`

(but what right he had to kill a bird)

Final show is wit of `word-play` trick

or cheat and try to retreat.

Stem -Cell Research & The Veto

By Parashar Bose

FOrgive them Oh Lord

they do not know, what they are doing`

or, forgive him Oh Lord,as he does not know

what he is doing with his Veto!

Not even he knows -the thing he says about

a subject outside reach.

Collective ignorance is a fine tool

for leaders this days, while

mwdia is a reflecting mirror

to help either side

\Similar blind faith

burnt bruno, harassed Copernicus

tortured and imprisoned Galileo

un-informed people can be easily swayed

\What is truth,-shall shine in the end

inspite of ignorance playing its part.


By Parashar Bose

`Eureka! Eureka!`

RESERVATION? the solution found!

`27%` Reservation I support; not only for

higher Education or IIMs but

also for Ministerial,PM and DPM jobs

Why not reservation for `padmasree` and

for Bharat-Ratnas! too!

\Every one should have a chance

by rotaion, reservation or

if we agree,- by lucky draw, sometime

Why not opportunity for every one

I am for this reservation

If you are not

you are an enemy to Democracy

depriving the unlucky ones from

equal chance.What a grat Discovery!

\All NRIs, come out, sons and give me a hand

Revolutionise this great thought of mine.

Grand Revelation

By Parashar Bose

Hearie, Hearie, oh you all ( even Amerikans)

If you have ear to hear:

All Great religions were gift from Asia

And Jesus was a Jew (no confusion here)

In post-Axial Civilisation

Judo-christian-Islam had single source.

The Revelation also tell us of

Seven pillars in Asia (where was other continents then!)

There is an Indian Ocean & none in any others name!

Europe had its, Dark Age even yest er...

Columbus to reach India, found Red-Indians where...and why

And tomorrow, may belong to yellow race for

That is, as it seems today.

Hard Poetry (

By Parashar Bose

The World is on fire

fury of higher Nature un-leashed

the powerful nations are `Shylocks` smart

eager to have their pound

it matters not by what means

\Scatterd deads`-the pawns of warring game

Hayenas and vultures are breathing joy

this century may be the last act on Earth

Missiles,Atom-bombs will play `Fire works`

\Why worry so much about your children`s fate

Collective Grave will assure all

a grand finale of nuclear death

and prove the supremacy of `Homo-Sapiens`

\Man will unite again in Funeral fest

Those who have eyes may read and -rest.

Brute Force Makes You A Brute

By Parashar Bose

Once,while, at His feet

my Guru told: - behold my child

brute force wil make you a brute

with three arms (or say 3 branches

in terms of politics)

will make you a champion brute.

You wll have big `capital to spend`

and you will spend, become a Bankrupt

or may even make you corrupt.

\That is the nature of all Ruling games

With the start, being famous,may become

infamous and that`s called fate

Like the Oedepus-complex,-you don`t know

how you end up or where you go

or throw your own friends and people !

\I asked my Guru -what should I ask

and what He advised is ;- Quo Vadis ?

Right to vote & Right to Re-call

By Parashar Bose

When I have the right to vote

should have,also, the right to `re-call`

The mistake committed should also have

a provision to rectify

\The elected member whoever is

should have no right to continue

if in aftermath, he is found to be

a corrupt/criminal (or say,a rotten egg)

\The Fridge was devised for keeping food

not for $90,000/= to cool

and if some Hanis Faster is frightened or

furious,- search,also, his `fridge`

\I shall, in future, only vote

if, have the right to register a `re-call`

to pick up and throw such rotten egg

as corrupt politicians are no `patriots`.

Casino-world : Hollywood succeeds more than `Da vinci`

By Parashar Bose

Make a scandal; be famous overnight

uphold a controversy,publicise for profit

true or false?-a scandal is a comodity

\In india Budha,Krishna and Charvak too

had equal right to preach without

marketting advantage

Indians are genetically spiritual and

accepts what is only worth.

Modern hollywood days : a Film has

more value than the author and an Actor

more worth than Jesus had

Want to profit in commerce?

Make a scandal and boldly advertise

more the uproar, more your chance.

To me I care not if jesus was married

or some `gay`

To me what jesus said and did is my coin.

\All mythologies,i think,is turbid water.

DECLARATION OF lOVE (American way)

By Parashar Bose

What is tnis! so unacceptable for us

Other Nations don`t love us; but why!

Still the only super Power

we shall have to deal, one by one

and teach them, how to love or, at least, like

even if, have to `veto` in UNO-site

\just give us some more time (we mean years)

until we finish this Iraq -war

while Iran , korea have to wait their time.

Sut minimum condition, `others` must love us

whatever it costs [to us, or to them].

Hard drink

By Parashar Bose

`they will find , they mis-read George Bush`

said, the second from the Top

But, they may also find:

out of two` Tops`, directing War

One did not khow - how to aim ,-in bird-shooting

instead, he hurt his own friend,

(the lucky bird flew away free)

The other top-most never did fight

on War-field !

With that records - if true

where to put our! trust !

PEACE, in the meat shop

By Parashar Bose

`Peace` in plenty, in the meat shop

I can`t help, admiring you my friend

so cleverly you have established `PEACE`

in divided forms, packed and stored

All pain, strain and turmoil we suffeer from

if, could be attended to, as you do

and keep them in storage cold

without one, to raise a voice or try to protest in your land

Peace returns so peaceful, lying dead

as if, restng in bed!

I admire, so much,your keeping all meat.

Quiet and in so much peace!

I really do sometimes try but

I can not! I can not! and I can not!

LAW_MAKERS` Recreation Club

By Parashar Bose

Who says,the Nation is in Crisis

(who dares?) and we are playing `flute`

Don`t we need to provide,to people,

some respite!

Is there,really, so much crisis

\Let`s have some fun(call it comic-relief

like in `Greek Tragedy`) and


We have been winning the same war

for so many years ,now

so let us relax or forget

\We will talk about (say) Mongolia

why not about Thailand too

or why not thank the Wine-makers!

\Or for a change, let us talk about Weather

you never know `Katrina` may again

wash out our votes!

U . N . O - Impotency

By Parashar Bose

Hearie, Hearie, Hearie

Israel-Lebanon Crisis en-gulfing the Globe

and Uno is helpless suffering from

impotency agravated, - as because

one party is terrorist and consitution

permits not to negotiate if one of two

is terrorist or not a member-state.

\Let you wait and pray

UNO will participate when fire dies down

yes, hundreds die or thousands fly

but must have patience, - until UNO can

find out a way to negotiate peace.

may take weeks or months and that`s the way.

\The UNO is u.n.a-; power-less stuff

Viagra ! Viagra ! - do you hear !

Scape - Goat

By Parashar Bose

Get some one, quick

to stand on the Gallow

and save my `national face`

\I promised `Sharlock` his post

though, Katrina is after us

like a ghost

while a few years more, ahead, for me

\Some Mike Frown did a `heck of a job`

I said openly!(should not have)

Now, let him take some heat

and without Sharlock, I am lost

\Let some one save my face

find out a `scape-goat`

or a lamb be sacrificed

be it say Mike Frown.

I Dance Naked

By Parashar Bose

`Forgive them`!-`they` even deceive the Divine

in temples,churches, mosques

Deceiving people is easy job

the hunting game for Hyenas/sharks

prowling Wall Street or corporate field

protected by political business skill

\The Exploited `poor gods!

are ideal target of theologic clubs

They even assure the suffering mass

with `certified redemption`

against graded donation (as `fund-

collecting dinner`by political Lords)

\Poor gods! so helpless you are

having no `microphone` to protest loud

Temples churches mosque,the places for

crucification for `christs` of to day.

\Deceiving gods are ever - cleverst game!

Final War For Theoretical Peace

By Parashar Bose

For to morrow`s peace

to-day`s final war

a few dozen children -dead

a few hundred widows more

burnt down homes or collapsed bridges

more missiles or bombs from sky

this is better agreement for

to morrow`s peace!

Peace will be distributed soon

like wrapped up meat

from Path Mark shopping-complex

\It must be a better deal

only few more hours left

let us destroy each other or kill

a few dozens more of future neighbours

only a few hours left

make the final kill

for the assured `Theoretical Peace`

hours ahead.

Adressing All Americans- ((3rd party now)

By Parashar Bose

This is urgent message

we need a third party -NOW

not to put in power -stat

but for effective check on

other parties,- smelling `rot`

\White ,brown or black

leberal/conservative; Demo or Repub.

a few members - worse than Corporate sharks

will do any thing for money or `bribe`

be it `Indian settlement or social crime

even FREEZERS are temptations for a few

for hiding,perhaps,`bribe`.

\A National crisis - now

call the 911 or`other ones` to send

a Third party of any name but not of corrupts

\American people held hostage now

by ruling ones.

Ethics (political) Vs Opinion poll

By Parashar Bose

Without my masked face and painted smile

its so hard to serve people

and also difficult to

serve `my.self`

Yet, have to keep an ever smart eye

on the `Opinion-Poll`, for balancing act

Being pragmatic and clever is

the `Survival-Game` of modern time.

I must keep a watch around and learn

to turn or twist, even swing sometimes

or master some plastic mould

and, even, re-shape my inside soul.


By Parashar Bose

Good or bad, I do not know

nor ever born with that sixth sense`

neither know saints`s Divine `vision`

nor had a `Crystal Ball` yet

Yet this venture seems on reverse-gear

or speeding to a fall

from the hill-top-climb

\Is it then the Leader`s fault!

with, Nation sliding down to peril

or Captain sailing with broken mast

someone will point out I`m hoping still

\An `Omen` it seems, from higher sphere

deciding out-come and this Nations fate

the frowning look of enemy-time

for right answer, how long to wait!

It is but fate ( a political quip)

By Parashar Bose

He fought like a lion

and won three `purple hearts

returned and then

denounced the brutality of unjust wars.

\But his previleged friends

enjoying in White-washed-Home

declared him un-patriotic

even with their `AWL`

\Thus is the fate of a hero

who fights so well in war

and so boldly for `Global` Peace.

\Even some `deserters` have better luck

being on the Lime-light show

while real heroes must accept sometimes

their un-deserved fate.

America Overcomes

By Parashar Bose

America overcomes

and Democracy wins

despite the events in Abu Ghraib cell

and inspite of other hurting failures all.

\The Statue of Liberty is

luminous as before

sustaining and assuring the World.

\And -anyone of you

(if thou don`t believe)

just come to experience -when

the open session of the Senate

proves its Democratic way

on five/seven/zero four

challenging the `other worlds`

to prove in similar way

their faith,belief or ethnic play.

` Dead Or Alive`

By Parashar Bose

Mr. head of a huge Nation

you failed to keep your promise repeated times

`Dead or alive, we shall - find you`- you declared

Even now`, smiling smart, he lives in your Friend's land

as the most respected and feared guest .

Supreme commander must keep his promise

or quit (with 30% support)

\Did you ever read, sir

Cervantes` - Don Quixote

you remind me so much of his vision

`Wind Mill Device or WMD

As you did not keep your promise

what should, now, be your duty?

-To leave or not to leave

`that is the question !`

But, Founders never told in good detail

about the condition of saving the post

(With 30 percent popularity alone)

the Constitution should be amended and

advise you, -`QUIT ! Sir.`


By Parashar Bose

The ethics of war, all thrown down drain

killing children and women in masculine war

now your sport

Hiding behind children and women or old

or taking shelter in hospitals is

worse than murder crime.

When hatred becomes the Mastermind

mass killing a sport

should know that thy human form

has reverted back to a stage

lower than animal type

Quo vadis! Oh the Divine`s hope

are you back to your quadruped form

even they have their standard code

wickedness is your secret code!

Evolution may take a reverse turn

Quo vadis man, still time to return.


By Parashar Bose

All criminals


why in jail

come out and

dance naked.

More criminals

now living free

some in politics

or in Wall-street

`born free & living free`

Their story- another`Da Vinci code`

don`t know who is hiding what

any one serving?-whom(you or self)

Who said -`one can smile and smile

and be a villain` and what

would you say of some

whose smile and

profession is

like prostitution.

USA Boundsaries (for children book)

By Parashar Bose

USA is huge country ,-right!

Looks like camel sitting tight

Doble-sized East-West than North & south

Columbus never knew where India was

(did not know Geography/History much

Indians are not `Red` but all colors)

\Now the boundaries and let us learn:

The North is the Cold-zone for Canadians

on the west `Alkatra`-sheltering criminals

lower down the Hollywood-sexy shore

\Onthe East the Wall-street sharks

and Capitol-hill for self serving leaders

On the SOuth is Mexico, the danger zone

and also, where some fox is the lord.

\So dear children we have learnt a lot

let us hope we are now well informed.

Time to Ammend CONSTITUTION(political satire)

By Parashar Bose

Danger shall always pry on US

when all the three `branbches` are

the istruments of one party and

the CEH(the head) falters or fails

If `lame duck` period lingers for years

let us pray to Lord for respite,dear

\Patriotism and politics -different terms

most serve themselves and a party

very few for the Nation or country

Politics is a fashion or a profession

let us admit, dear.

\When useless team is on the field

and the captain even worse

what victory can one dream

than just crying in my verse.

\So, friends,let us find a Casino

and try another luck


Final Report ( a political quip )

By Parashar Bose

A bad carpenter

may curse his tools.

A mediocre dancer

often blames the floor.


for an inept leadership

it is smart

to find fault with intelligence.


the police dog

is ever so smart

and smells it right!

WAR-MONGERS & Starving World

By Parashar Bose

The wealth spent,each year, on

production of bombs and amunitions

by all Nations, can feed the hungry World

(it`s said)

\The tragedy is, the negetive consciousness

of all War-Mongers do not care for

the tragedies the present world and

atmosphere suuffer from, to-wards `Doom `!

\The World is more divided now

than anytime before!

Dooms-day is the ultimate prognosis

of the `sick civilisation` unless

better sense prevail.

The naked truth & blunt advice (for a President)

By Parashar Bose

You failed to secure the border

even after 9/11 - true?

Smuglers and Aliens coming and

dancing free; even challenging law.

(I think) you have lost the right to lead.

\A true leader has to see the events

decades in advance - am i wrong?

Admitted -every one is not Abe Lincohn.

\In two decades they wiil be `majority`

by geometric law of growth and size.

\That`s OK if the rules are honoured

(I am too a recent immigrant,-registered.)

\But to barter law for political gain !

when the terorists and smuglers rule the day!

\Sir, it is time to seek voters `nod`.

Genetic defects in politicians (political Satire)

By Parashar Bose

It may be my own fault that

I find DNA deffects in `Capitol hill`

Some times, I think, I hate politicians

more than Wall-street criminals

or even notorious corporate-sharks

\Some Holly-wood villains look like saints

in contrast to our serving `Congress-lords`

Even isurgents do not hide their plan

as do some `Jeffersons or hasters` here

wearing masks.

\Kenleys looks some gentler face

in cantrast to these sham politicians.

God, help me from these hypocrete lords!

It was the best time; it was the worst (Satire)

By Parashar Bose

Once upon a time (on another planet)

there were two Amerikas

One called Democratikoss ; the other

republikos and the president of either land

removed the judicial-guards

to let one`s own choice prevail

to suit `democracy` of either land.

It is not ` the tale of two cities`

but the politics of `two landers`

For,it was the age of `politiking` and not

the ideal of patriotism for

these two words were poles apart.

Folk Song

By Parashar Bose

Shall meet my people

Shall talk about Democracy

Shall talk about freedom

(Chorus : with an eye for the Election )

Shall debate in the house

Shall talk about immigration

And about the border

(Chorus : with an eye for the Election )

Shall serve my people

Shall visit the flood-victims

Shall smile to the crowd

(Chorus : with an eye for the Election )

Shall meet the children

Shall visit the sick

Shall condole at funerals

(Chorus : with an eye for the Election )

Will talk about our security

Will discuss unemployment

Will talk about Jobs

(Chorus : with an eye for the Election ).


By Parashar Bose

Israel has

no right to Exist

they said!

Does it not also mean that

Einstein had no right

to be born

and what you say!

\Where should I go

and plead or appeal

Shall the World has to be

re-shaped again

with no Einstein

or his space-time

or no Light & speed

or with Light

but no speed!

Excuse me, I`m confused.