Saturday, April 14, 2012

( under speeding wheels of lovers )

How does it differ or what is strange

This also  is  , just, another way
sudden and sharp
this Death in a moment , -crushed
like a lightning struck !

Now the dead will go in another way
taken and dragged by tail ( municipal kind0
Every day on street  or   any other site
The depatrture call Death - in similar type
like usual urban habit of life !

Any special rating , dear dog ! did you have ?
The chain or belt ;  or -jonny , Julie -name
Nothing at all ; - only 'stray dog !'
Yet must  have left behind some kids - now orphaned
or some forgotten spose behind ?

How it matters --now !
Love builds and grow ever, this way
and most often so abruptly ends !
Good !, you had not not to know or suffer
the streched-out pangs of Death .

Or the lovers on speeding car ;did they know
what spattering blood is spryed on their wheel
how it matters now to whom !

On the highway , I too drove behind
speeding cars on either side
spectrum 'saarees'  on  residing yards
every thing  same as any other time

Yet a missing -life that none will remember hence !
Smashing the DOORS of Life
this sudden embracing of DEATH
defeating even gods sanctioned life !

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