Wednesday, April 4, 2012

WAR " --The Times Of India, Kolkata, Thursday, April 5, 2012, -Front page'


"REVELATION " -- Modern Time.

And more is concealed, than open on the ground

It's ,like a huge Ice -Berg, beyond people to know

like one that sunk the TITANIK, -maybe,

the Captain -remained drunk or sleepy

the fate beyond --- to decide.

Twenty FiRST CENTURY is nomore like other ones

when 'Richard the Third-s' are Conspiring the plot

the crippled , - made-'Lords' are managing the show

while  the commnon ones can only wait

or pray and suffer ,perhaps , - "the Die is Cast " !

The Vultures fly and scan the ground

hayenas prowl ; and counting time

Each one, , now plans his pawn 'own - way'

when 'the KING is naked '-- even a child can see !

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