Monday, April 23, 2012

by Phanibhusan Basu


With  Insomia in my breast 
I  went out  on the street
tension /hypertension-- my company ever.

This is 21st Century of Missiles and Neutron -Bomb on shelves
with well-fed  Nations ( maybe 50%  starving ! ).
UN  trying its best to keep everyone pleased
even the rogues.

Not my businees! some  one told.
So, I went  to  MEAT - shop and found
Cut-out Peace  ,in packets and Blocks
not a single one -  agrieived or shouting
or protesting  here !

So, i had reason to be satisfied
and returned
with   three packets ' Peace'
'with labels  as   - chickren and ham.
Rich Text Areaomnia in my breast

I went out on the street

tension /hypertension-- my company ever.

This is 21st Century of Missiles and Neutron -Bomb on shelves

with well-fed Nations ( maybe 50% starving ! ).

UN trying its best to keep

everyone pleased --even the rogues.

Not my businees! some one told.

I went to MEAT - shop and found

Cut-out Peace ,in packets and Blocks

not a single one - agrieived or shouting

or protesting here !

So, i had reason to be satisfied

and returned

with three packets of ' Peace'

'with labels as - chickren and ham.

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