Monday, April 30, 2012

 No time to waste ;[ deciison-- made ]

must be PRO-ACTIVE and now prepare
must  be on the top ,  to over -power all - who ever they  be
In this game --'"Fear is the key"

Have enough of them on the stage
This is  , no doubt, --The NUCLEAR AGE"
with latest missiles and NUCLEAR HEADS

Mayy be we have enough to wipe off the  World --
 Several times over if ,allowed the chance.
Tell us what ? ! ...half the World is starving ?
so ! what ? Who is living in  hell ?
Saving the World is most important job

Not a time to  look back and think
and if some million sstarve ?
Please , stop make all  these fuss
Disease, anaemia, rickety, starve d ! --so wat
More urgent things first .

Pack all the graneries and stores with Nutron bombs
let's turn all the play grounds to Nuclear -clubs
May  I repeat ,----this is NUCLEAR AGE
we must have enough and more , -even to wipe off SUN & MOON
" I am the GREAST" ---I repeat ;  can't remember his  name .

Just make and pack more on GLOBAL STAGE
This  is   OUR  Last chance   in   NUCLEAR AGE !

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