Friday, April 6, 2012

its ultimate Consciousness.

Spiritual Rhymes For Children
By Hiranmoy Gautom

(After the GEETA)

\'One and two, buckle my shoe`
GOD is one His powers are two
`Three and four , shut the door`
vibrations- three & types are four
Five and six, pick up sticks`
perceptions- five, paths are six
`Seven and eight,lay them straight`
heavens are seven, elements - eight
`Nine and ten,big fat hen`
qualities - nine, organs are ten.

To Jesus
By Hiranmoy Gautom
As and when
I see you, o ! Jesus
on the cross, -
at onceit is brought home to me
that no one or the World
would want anything
from him
who can`t give
all he has
as you did !

Pole Star
By Hiranmoy Gautom

The stars, the Galaxies speed
the planets rush and the comets fly
even the sun and the moon,-glide.
All things slide or change their place
on the back-drop of Cosmic screen !
\Things move or rest in relative sense;
To modern Science -
that`s the essence.
\Yet, to the living world
and conscious life
while we change or fail or thrive
the Pole star is fixed as if, still !
by the Cosmic-skill of Whom ;
and thus raising hope
for this fragile
revolving and conscious Globe !

COSMIC RELIGION(Vedantic) : - part -VII
By Hiranmoy Gautom

Seven walls,seven doors,seven guards
the effulgent ascent beyond
Who you are or why am I
these reflected images on consciousness
The Player `itself`
immutable,immobile,omnipresent and
all- pervasive ,-overwhelming.
Everything and every one
the reflected image of conscious form
from everything else;
the myriad multiplicity on the illusive Time
All cut-piece concepts seeming complete.
Even Infinity resembles endless divides
as if, you and I and all
the endless reflections on Time and space
yet complete within the limited frame;
all contained within the Infinite
reflected and expanded on conscious Field
Or, - in final form
the immutable formless - the Absolute.

COSMIC RELIGION(Vedantic): part -IV
By Hiranmoy Gautom

Neither the Sun or the effulgent light
nor the beauty of the reflective Moon
The Cosmos rises, floats and dissolves
with myriad universes all within
The first- born Space on the Cosmic Mind
reflects the pulsating universes
of matter and life.
Slowly still, the stream of shadows
enter the arena of Space- Time- void
beyond all words of expressions or thoughts
surpassing all
or all perceptions of the mind.
\And alone
exists the Existence there
within the Consciousness of the Divine.


By Hiranmoy Gautom
Don`t shed it - no !
weep within , then
store like honey-bee - or
like the leaves, green and young
absorb the heat and lightthen - synthesize.

Do not weep and make a show
the world won`t care to know
your pains and may,even,laugh aloud
or make relishing jokes.
Suffer within - your silent pangs
compress and crytalise
like Oysters deep down the ocean
that reacts by mystic device
and strife,-until it makes a pearl.

No! don`t shed your tears
nor advertise your joy
Convert or immortalise with love
the way, you write your poem.

Re - incarnation
By Hiranmoy Gautom

Shall come again
on renewed stage
for - so much are left
yet un-done.

So many hearts to touch
to see or feel so much
know or learn.
And so much love
lost half-the-way
soaked by sweat
or by tears.

\All doors to open
all barriers to break
more candles to light
till my ego
expands to enclose
all space and time.

By Hiranmoy Gautom

While, the Sky
the ascetic, lone
meditating on its carpet, blue
and the traveler Sun faring lone;
oh, my timid heart
wherefore are you
afraid to walk
your way alone !


There was time
when I lived my days
doting on a budding flower
and my time was bliss!
To day, in my garden wide
 search eagerly for Aloe
because, sick I am.

Summer Heat

By Hiranmoy Gautom

After the perspiring toil of the day
on some assured eve with a complacent cup of tea

I desire to knit and repair my dream.

with every lazy sip
titillating moments and wrapping myself
with idle time
get absorbed in itoxicated poise.
like a dog wagging its tail
with inspiration re-born
yet yawning loud
do whisper`love`
to the departing sun

even though it seems
so unrelated.

The Psychic Moon
By Hiranmoy Gautom

The cerulean sky
on washed clean dusk
dazzling moon
like glittering gem
beyond,- on solar space
or - within me;
is it a dream
or in trance
who is sure
I am not.

\Universe outside
or within
virtual or mirrage;
reality in perception
or Psychic moon
within me
in my trance !

Unified Field
By Hiranmoy Gautom

Ever invisible
ever unknowable
beyond measurable field;
forever in our Consciousness
what is seen or known

\Beyond your photon
beyond your planck
beyond graviton,boson and all
the unified field - resides.

\Subtler than `string`
that vibrations sing
father of all e.m.f-light.
\Neither `he`,`she,`it` nor `not`
Nature the abstract `consort`
and the Absolute - the ultimate of
all manifestating delight.

Universe within

By Hiranmoy Gautom

To know the ultimate source
do not close your eyes
yet refuse to see
the ellusive show or perceptive field.

\Sit still in frozen poise
ride your breath and reign it
climb the peak of the void
the home of effulgent Light
submerged in purest black of Invisibility.

\Let all perceptions perish
on the alter of Time & Space
let light and force and field dissolve
in utter reality of emptiness.

Be intensely aware
on the level of Consciousness
and transcend all to reach the Truth
the luminous Existence.

The Bible ( in verse ) part - II
By Hiranmoy Gautom

Boasting help to poor, you advertise much
let not left hand know what right one does
Pray alone in silence; better not aloud
seek not your lover nor God in the crowd

Do not declare in advance your fast
for, then you spoil both food and trust.

You can`t serve both God & mammon at once
one for body`s need;other Spirit`s advance.
Do not be restless but wait within
see how do lillies bloom and without spin.
Seek the king and meet HIM first
then HIS kingdom & wealth reach you fast.

Do not give the dogs that is not its food
throwing pearls to pigs, you lose for good
Never read your scripture to hostile men
nor offer rich meal to sick one`s den.

Ask-it will be given,seek-it will be found
knock -the door will open,if faith is sound.

COSMIC RELIGION(Vedantic) :part -VIII (a)
By Hiranmoy Gautom

(YAMA unfolds the Mystery of Life after DEATH)

\Not by knowledge can one find THAT though
not even by talent shall one ever know
only the chosen shall comprehend HIM
or if HE wills to show HIS effulgent glow.

\As Solar heat entering the body of Earth
manifest ever in myriad forms of life
the SELF too en-shines on each living soul
and manifest as beings of different type.

The better way
By Hiranmoy Gautom

Allow no agent between you and GOD
If HE is not within,- then HE is `not`.
If only in Heaven ,then - an alien too
He is your awareness and in your thought.
is, -in good and evil and else you conceive
is light and darkness, dead and live
the obverse abd reverse of all the `coins`

HE is within and above too;- just beleive.
\Don`t invite a priest bet`n you and God
All are but children or extension of Lord
good , bad or ugly are `father`s sons
live like a son; don`t bribe your God.

The Bible ( in verse ) part - III
By Hiranmoy Gautom

Avoid sham priest; wolf in sheep-clothing
tree`s known by fruit, falsity - worstthing.
let dead bury dead; you just follw Him
most are already dead; not what they seem

Even wind & waves obey the LOrd
as they have authority from the God

Be like sheep; amongst wolves
be shrewd as snakes;be innocent as doves
When the hour comes, you need not say
HE`ill speak through you; calm you stay
All that concealed -will be disclosed
all thing hidden will be exposed.
`He` does come, not for peace - behold
man`s enemy are from his own house-hold.

Whoever finds life will be losing it
living life for God, will find it indeed
Work or rest on Sabath is not the need
won`t u save a sheep if it falls in a pit

Gather with the lord or scatter instead
sins`ll be forgiven if not against spirit.

COSMIC RELIGION(Vedandic) :Part- VIII(b)

By Hiranmoy Gautom

The Sun -the Eye of the living World
never affected by deffects of mortal eyes
same way the SELF is also affected not
by human failures or deffects of us.

\HIM the Sun can never reveal
nor the moon nor stars there shine
nor even Lightning; leave aprt `fires`
all illuminations are the play of Divine.

\Overwhelmed by IT, all `fires` give heat
 the Sun gives -heat and light
Overwhelmed, gods of Mind & Space respond
Overwhelmed, Death submits to HIS delight.

IT exists not on field of perception
with physical eye, no one can see
with nind & heart absorbed by the SOUL
the Psychic mind attains Immortality.

Revelation (after the Bible) part VI (concluded )
By Hiranmoy Gautom

The white horse with the rider
His name, - known to Himself alone;
beasts,false-prophets all shall be
thrown in burnig lake.
The first Ressurected was
the blessed son of God.

\Most men seemed living but were dead
all were judged,as were their deed.
and Second death - always the `lake of fire`.

\New Heaven ,new Earth (after the first)
God now dwell with men & live with them.
\The Absolute - the alpha & omega
of all that exist - and
`to every one according to what he has done`

\His last words to man: - `I am the ROOT`.

Revelation (after the Bible) - part III
By Hiranmoy Gautom

1st - A white horse - the rider with bow
was given a crown and nod to conquer.

2nd -A fiery horse with rider
invading peace and earth.
Men Killing men with `sword`.

3rd,-Black horse; rider with balance

to judge and bestow as they desrve.
`don`t spoil your oil & wine`.
4th -Pale horse and - `Death` the rider
power over the 4th of Earth
killing by sword; famine and plague .
5th, - Prayer for judgement and to
avange the blood of those killed
White robes for those saved
asked to wait.

6th, -the earthquakes spit
the Sun turned black; moon turns red
stars do fall; sky recedes;
all deserts!

Revelation (after the Bible) - part IV
By Hiranmoy Gautom

Seven angels with seven trumpets:

First trumpet sounded
golden censer filled with fire
hurled on earth.
third of Earth was burnt

with second trumpet sounded then:
third of Sea turned blood
third of the sea-life dead
and ships drowned.

Third trumpet sounded:
third of water turned bitter.
when fourth trumpet played
third of stars, moon & space turned dark
third of days and night without light.

Angel trumpeting the fifth:
Stars fell from sky on earth
Locust swarmed -not to kill but to torture.
Wishing for death -they won`t find it
and tenth of cities collapsed.

Revelation (after the Bible) part V
By Hiranmoy Gautom

The sixth angel blew his trumpet and
the heads of horses were like lions
fire,smoke, sulfur came from their mouths
third of mankind killed.
Some men were given power to shut the sky
and to strike the earth with plague.
A tenth of cities collapsed.

\The Seventh trumpet was sounded now
Woman,pregnant, clothed with the sun.
And a Dragon with seven heads and ten horns
lashing its tail
Stars fell out of sky on earth.
God`s wrath poured down fast.
\Woman is the great city
that rules over the kings of the Earth.

Religion & Spirituality
--by Hiranmoy Gautom

`Surrender to the will of Allah`
or god or Rama, Krishna or Jehova.

The names and forms are human ways
to reach the Divine.

Never submit to the whim of Fanatics.
whatever be the name or cloak

\None has the right
to preach `gospel` to me
except my conscious soul.
Exploit not religion for sectarian cause
or for political dreams.

\Religions are but dressing gowns
not the person wearing it
The spirit within has no ID-card
but is ever cosmic with Unitary faith
inspite of place or
ethnic `stamp`.

Autumn Leaves
--by  Hiranmoy Gautom

Crimson yellow, fiery pink
greenish, pale or grey
Shrubs or bushes trees bulky, slender, tall
and autumn leaves, large or small
all await the ushering "fall."

I, too, with my aging gait
bifocal lense, fragile stoop
Walking back to my lonely shade
greeted by fading sunset smile

The crispy sigh of falling leaves
floating, dropping every where
I trample some as I step on them
in helpless way; yet looking on
with tender heart and resigned stare

\The spectrum-autumn, the coming fall
my walking back and awaiting too
Season or Nature whatever we call
shall repeat its way while passing through.

--by Hiranmoy Gautom

That was a sparkling sweet surprise
that was a visual enchanting mirage
that was a masterly fiction in life
that was the fragrance of vanishing delight

\Yet , the defeated Sun is on its retreat
yet the tired sun burnt by diarnal heat
yet the crimson Sun on retracting glow
yet the wishful Sun recycles its reminiscence

\Mitaruna you are an un-real aesthetic finish
Mitaruna you 're temporal as my joy in ''Aruba'!
Mitaruna you are volatile yet so complete
Mitaruna are you really- real as your self!

Joy Of Perception !
--by Hiranmoy Gautom

Take it from me
or elsewhere, as you like
We are all -Biological robots
in terminal phase of evolution
Our only hope lie in our consciousness
flowing from the Divine,-like this `nternet connection`
with which I am connecting with you all and if you
only allow ; and if our DNA with AGTC,ever
ever rhythm and rhyme within -like
a smphony or a poem! Or, if like a ray
of `Sun-shine`, the illumination happens
in our diarnal life to light up darkness
any when within our frailing heart

The First Cause
--by Hiranmoy Gautom

`Have realised at last the very First cause`
only ONE that exist and nothing else
call that the Divine with Consciousness
or the Absolute or (give) any other name
or a fancy name, it matters not.

\Without an Observer what is what
without consciousness how do you know
all these games of Nature`s mirror play
the luminous reflections and magic show.

The churches,temples and mosque are what
unless there is that one,the only one
the seer,the seen,the knowledge all are
the trinity of single unified theme.

\THAT reveals` all` only thru consciousness
Nature is the mirror for grand display.

--by Hiranmoy Gautom

I Every one does
design his goal
\Many want to gain the world
even loosing their soul

Jesus did not
that is why
he had to
carry on his shoulder
the Cross.

\I deserted a friend
not of earthly desire
but twined with soul
\Now, what do I care
about all worldly goal!

IMAGINARY TIME (after Stephen Hawhimg)
--by Hiranmoy Gautom

Yes, Stephen, you are right
there are "Imaginary time(s)"

And experience of mine
the reality alone.
Like too many `angels` on your `pinhead`
even now I live on so many `times`
on the curled up time-space globe !

No, not through black hole or
out through a white one.
\Space-Time such a crazy lump
imaginary time so much diversions !
that I can dance or limp on so many of them
without changing my dress and yet
shifting and shuffling as I like.
Or, even can jump into the past
or build a future flower bed of rose
yet not drop or fall in black hole
that,you said are not much black .
Even my death is no final `hole` ,I know.

Sermon from a Soul
--by Hiranmoy Gautom

All `Scriptures` were (wherever from)
written after their `Prophets` death.
Then, can I be so sure that
those scripted lines were from Divine-lips
and not diluted by mortal`s cloudy mind !
(Yet, all prophets had their root and birth
in Asia alone).

If the Scriptures are not on wave-length line
of my, inspired, seeking soul
how can anyone force-feed me
and push it down my throat !

All scriptures are but `written staff`
edited,aging and more often than not
out of touch with time
with patches of`printers-devil`
or aftermath of ethnic political plans.

Death Of A Horse
--by Hiranmoy Gautom

The stallion
symbol of force and speed
now, on its back
with all of four legs
now looking high up towards sky
the final poise!

All symbols of vital power
speed and force virile
lost in final strife
how! and why!

The neck - twisted like a loop
propped eyes like desert sky

Dead! -or equine way of final try
named- `Exit`.
The terminal surrender to Time or life
this`final finish`!

--by Hiranmoy Gautom

The manifestator of this World
the sky and all `Heavens` beyond !
May we pray and meditate on
the effulgent glow of all Divine!
Guide us and lead
oh! the Absolute
on that path, as Thou
designed for each of us.

Neither I desire a kingdom to rule
nor I pray for `Heaven` to return
nor even my freedom from the re-birth.
But all that I desire is
liberation from all pains
and sufferings of all beings on this earth in any form.

Sweet Suspense
--by Hiranmoy Gautom

Not the rain-bow time
but fading eve
stepping on quick-sand night
while endless void
with witness-stars
did stare or peep.
\Some meteor sped and rushed
with lightning glow
so close
and past our space !

Was it then some good luck -or
an aborted dream
it did not crash
on our earth
for better or for worse !

The Sniper Time
--by Hiranmoy Gautom

The chill; the stabbing wind
after the spectrum `fall`
the winter cold
the snow-fall
like white sheet - covering dead.

This sniper time
all uncertain life
the triggered seal of death
and whim of fractured way of life
to decide all frames and fate !

\Yet the fall
followed by winter chill
or snowy night or day
does promise a spring
in Nature`s way
even during this modern `Time`.

COSMIC RELIGION(Vedantic) : -part - V
--by Hiranmoy Gautom

The source of all*energies is but ONE
manifested in myriad forms.
The Sun,all steller forms are also the One
that lights up the universe everywhere.
It is but the same Dawn that illuminates all
The Absolute the only becomes and;transcends all.

the wise men express on different terms.
All material forms are from that Divine
All evolutionery variations are
but the play of the Absolute.
All involvments are too the design of THAT.
All minds are the bits of Collective mind
All thoughts & `Mantras` are only but
the play of Collective Consciousness.
All effort/differences - the projections of
the Cosmic consciousness and to THat alone
I surrender myself in full adoration !

COSMIC RELIGION(Vedantic) : -part - VIII
by Hiranmoy Gautom

Nachiketa to his father:
Let me,please, know, father, and learn
the priori,process & final way of life

As human beings take birth like seasonal crop
and die or perish like corp in every way !


Ignorance is inherent in human life
yet he thinks - he is the wisest one
with conflicting and misguiding ego or faith
they perish, the way the blind man leads
another blind in tragic way.

As old age advances towards `Death`
man is worried and wants to know
what lies beyond and after our death?
tell me all that oh! Lord, as you know.

Yama then unfolds and tell:

See Life and Death and the Divine

(part I and II ) contd.

COSMIC RELIGION (Vedantic) ; part -I
--by Hiranmoy Gautom

I have realised that Absolute,at last
the creator of all life-force and all
that effulgent invisible luminosity
overwhelming all that is `dark or dead`
and by knowing which alone
one can conquer and transcend Death.

There is no other way
There is none other path.

All energies(or Fields) in any form are
the ONE,-manifested in myriad ways.
All Suns, all stellar forms - also the ONE
that lights up all Universes.
It is but the ONE , -that dawns all space.

The Absolute is the only ; and that alone
transcends and becomes all that is or ever was.

Vedantic Realisation part - II
--by Hiranmoy Gautom

All Existence is but that ONE;
wise ones express in different ways.

All Material expressions are also but
the extension of and from the DIVINE.

All evolutionery processes are too
the play of that, - the only ONE.

\All minds are fractions of Cosmic mind
All Mantras and thoughts are from that
Collective Consciousness.

All unities or differences are also
the play of that DIVINE-awareness-game.

And to that ABSOLUTE alone, I surrender
in adoration and reverence.

To `Modern` Man
by Hiranmoy Gautom

How much of you are - yourself
what about your cosmetic mask
does your denture fit you well
as you smile or preach so much!

Even your spinal belt or surgical knee
might have much to betray
about your physical health.

Your modern style
for spiritual growth!
hall not, rather, ask
the world can itself see
your cunning poise and canine speed
on Wall Street Rat-race game
Or tho aftermath -of Casino nights
and the final finish -the hollywood style.

`Return to Sender`
--by Hiranmoy Gautom

`Return (me) to Sender ; adress unknown`
to whom to report hence
where back shall be thrown!
This voyage of mine has failed
could not finish Thy job
nor even my own
while I thought -I evolve!
Time breathed harsh on me
shivered on blizard path
which ever way I tried - failed
fate displayed its wrath.

Like a kite in summer storm
I tried, desparate, to stay
things I loved more often got lost
my dreams floated astray!

\`Return (me) to Sender`
to that unknowable ONE
thousands of time I was born
yet I stand abandoned!

The Last Hope
--by Hiranmoy Gautom

Jump-sart? - no!
needs a Quantum `Rocket` take off
some `Satelite`- glide ; then look down
on our motherly ever green `Earth`.
No barrier/boundary would you see
no ethnic.theologic,fanatic face
no Nation; no selfish hunting race!

All mean divisions vanish on mothers lap
only a mozaic spectral octave dance !

The Divine`s planet `now` turned into
man-made hunting ,killing sport
(like children`s horror vedio-games).

Take off, to cosmic height; -expand
thy mind and soul the real `fuel`.

Even animals have soul;-( not human-beasts
who should not have any part to play.)
Get Cosmic faith; b`cause, division is death
and Unitary knowledge - the Divine`s `Light`.

--by Hiranmoy Gautom

Between two World-Wars, -born
craddled on mother-land`s fractured lap
grew up through Cold-war chill
and threats of hunger, famine,death
global Nuclear funeral pyre
(even canine communal hyena howls
contageous as S-A-R-S).

Only, millions of empty bowls and
starving abundance -was the expanding promise !
Yet, you wanted me grow ethical way
while my afternoon sky was ruled over by
tornedo eyes of `doom`
and theologic terror or Kashmir-gloom
that designed my evening life!

\To day , you quote `Bible ` or advise me
to know those octave dance
on the key-boards of Mozart or Bethoven !
But`tell me, when should I ! - or, how !!

ISLAM (The Faith & Five Pillars)
--by Hiranmoy Gautom

( The Faith )

It is the will & strength of surrendering to
he will of the `Lord`; whenever & whatever you do.

(Five pillars)

The Creator is the only ONE and none but `HE`;
with belly-button,at most, a `prophet` can be.

Pray five times, a day, with `faith`and mirth
folding thy waist,then knee ,then salute the Earth.

AND `Zakat` is your oligation,the Lord has told
the poor has, too,their share to your `gold`.

`Ramadan` is the habit of fasting long
to train your animal-habits, -to be `worhy one`

Go for the `Holy Place` at least once
for `muslim`it`s Mecca,if comes the chance.

Final Confession
--by Hiranmoy Gautom

None with belly-button shall be my God
yet can be my `prophet` to guide.

By that term  --------
Ramakrishna is the one I adore much
you can have your own -no harm.

Have I to prove any thing? -No.
Yours is yours;mine is mine
without fanatic faith -yet with
enough for us to hold within.

\Scriptures` are post-facto` statements`
recited or printed; often altered much
Realisation, within, `-the only TRUTH
(exprimental experience of the `self`).

\My GOD has no belly-button;
if yours have one, I urgue not
let us differ and; exist in variation.
Be not carried away by `sectarian world`
walk alone with `Soul`, the extended Divine.

7th Trumpet of `Revelation, sounded
--by Hiranmoy Gautom

All wars crime against the Divine
(Winners are not always -right)
All forced starvations are murder by
greed of affluent world

Ecological poisoning- civilisation`s genetic defect
Psycho-physical imbalance shall invite

Heaven`s wrath

Man, don`t think,-you `re not under watch
Most have by now denied their own `Jesus`

Even to kill an insect -justify action
Shooting for sport is worse than animality

`Don`t kill to eat` -you forgot fast
Reaction-return is descending now

All existence is unitary, divisions death
Cosmos is indivisible expression of Divine
or be ready :
The Seventh TRUPET will be sounded -now!

Scientific Error ! (OR Theft ! )
--by Hiranmoy Gautom

Anytime I read those books
like "Strange Matters"(p.139)
I feel sad, tired as because

Aristotle only quoted Vedantic thoughts.
His `four elements` and ; `fifth essence`
were nothing original nor complete

Centuries before and ; last in the GEETA
you can verify it and even now.
I quote:"Earth ,water ,fire ,air
and the space(your fifth essence)
the mind,intellect & ego
these eight elements make up all
through which I manifest myself"(ch-7/4).

Admit that `they` not only robbed
the freedom but stored-knowledge -,everything
and advaced thoughts with precious `zero`;
the `Quintessence` was not Aristotle`s gift
but preceded by Vedatic mind
of realising `Truth` in Unique way.

Human - Evolution
--by Hiranmoy Gautom

The Ape - man ,atlast
rising from the `animal` form
while, dropping off his tail
stood erect -on twin feet
with Divine gift of liberated hands
also the `magic thumb
`along with the binocular sight
and - above all
with the gift
of expanding Consciousness
and now the `Man`.

Thus was the story :
Now the Evolution of mind
the Divine in myriad ways
for the play on Cosmic stage
`good` and `bad` or (light/shadow)
as designed by Consciousness
the Absolute`s Creative joy.

Spring - Time Ballad
--by Hiranmoy Gautom

Walking side by side; -Leslie and I
was quite close (I admit)
`cause - it was springtime bloom!

Leslie, a single parent and I
whose wife was shot dead some other spring
by her agrieved school-time friend.

Leslie`s daughter and my son
were now closer friends -(too close).

Walking past the spread-color blooms
and even hand in hand
we were worried and; world apart -
swallowed by light-speed thoughts:
`would they grow in fusion-love
or just as friends
what will be good for them and what about us
should we walk closer more and say -yes
or, let these children search their heart
and decide the final steps of their walk`!

`live the life God has designed for you`, SOUND OF MUSIC
--by Hiranmoy Gautom



`lead me to the path for which you desined me`

Death of an Earth-Worm
--by Hiranmoy Gautom

The aftermath
of a surplus monsoon rain
the deep green grass fieild overflowing
like a flooded pool.

Inspite of fiery sun
you wanted to swim
beyond the drowning-pool
(perhaps) for better way of life
crawling on the burning concrete path
of summer time the `futile-voyage`.

I was walking back -and
you were dying a drying burning death
with dream for another life beyond.
Even this surplus monsoon time
was too much for you
like this advanced` modern urban life
to me.

When The Divine Summoned Me
--by Hiranmoy Gautom

In a state of `half sleep half awake
the vibration(voice) of
that ever invisible,ever inaudible
offered: `you desire to see me`!

No!, was my instant respone (in trance)
`then what you seek, my son !
I urged`I want to know you more & more
what shall I attain by seeing your shape?`

The cool luminous vibrating `Light`surfed
and swam; swam and danced on waves of
eternal Oceans of Cosmic creative stance
vanished! as I woke up, I was
floating on the Void of vibrating joy!

Then, it was all peace and love
of existence; for sometime
the Eternity embraced me
as inseperable part within!

--by Hiranmoy Gautom

`Dad, you must have Alz by now`
my son, so often, fires the joke
and when I agree he laughs out loud -or
when I count,-how many times
he tried to tease me thus.

Now, he surrenders as he finds
my counting was dead right -then
he challenge me to the Chess board
even though ,he knows,I am
double his age by to-day`s count
and he respect the way I play.

That is the relation of us, the father and son
to build the bridge in another way.

Sixth Sense
--by Hiranmoy Gautom

36 thousand feet above the world
while Jet-flying, super speed
perceptions transcend all earthly bar
is it the Soul, that feels indeed!

\All boundaries vanished as looked below
mystic spread of clouds below
or unified patches of grayish Earth
only supersonic sound to know.

No Nation, no division; no beast or man
all absorbed by Space
the world seemed really a unified Field
to disclose the Cosmic grace.

36 thousand feet above the Earth
all myopic vision change
One world and only Unified Space
through Unified field of Consciousness.

Atma Geeta - part- V
--by Hiranmoy Gautom

Only the soul is changeless; all else die
un-controlled mind is evil and worst foe

Ye`re not only son of God but can be THAT
once ye reside within and realise TRUTH
and know your root that you are from.
Voyage within and know thyself.
Return to `Green-room` from the `stage`

Give up all false make up; be thy Self.
Not a man,nor woman nor that body you are
ye are HIs other part and can be `He`
All rivers do flow till they reach the sea.
Be like Him and be it your goal.
Thou art that`; see Him in every thing
be it a worm,insect,man or anything
as nothing in universe exist without THAT
that `Spirit` is in stone,
and even in a mole.

(Concluded) .

The Science of GOD
--by Hiranmoy Gautom

The Author of all Consciousness and life
in any form
becoming, revealing all -as is.

THAT is `there` but no one knows
where that `there` is or is not!
Neither `He` nor `She` nor `it`
nor any belly-button for `THAT`
no `parental-womb`
All Cosmos, Universes within `THAT`
and`THAT`- within all and every thing
indivisible, inseperable -yet
overwhelming all -as was or is.

Everything living or not -is
manifested or projected from `THAT`
serving only the ultimate `Joy` or `Will`
of `THAT` -the `First Cause`

That Dream ---- `The DREAM `
--by Hiranmoy Gautom

Let it be
this- dream
ever remain as `Dream`.
And don`t destroy your dream
by any spoiling dream of

Let this final one
shine in full and high
like the `autumn Moon` in Fall -or
like a distant Galactic Star.

let it glitter like `mother Gold`
or sparkle like a diamond huge
forever ...................

No !
do not spoil `this Dream`
by any`Entropic` realisation.

`Genesis` !
---by Hiranmoy Gautom

`In the begining
God created Heaven and Earth`
-thus says `Genesis`
`But no one was there to see it`
Steven Weinberg remarked
(in -`First three minutes`).
`While some people know
by the word -`Universe`
only our solar system and -
the Milk way Galaxy!`

Either the Universe has ever existed
or if it began abruptly
and with a bang
then (it means) that it appeared
suddenly and -
out of nothing`.

Atma Geeta - part -I
---by Hiranmoy Gautom

Give up all attachments -for
what you are attached to is not real
but shadows or mirages, as because
the Universe is only the stage
of sensory games
like the vedio play on your T.V screen
all responses are mere reacting thoughts.

The Absolute is the ultimate
and First Cause
while all else and we are within that.
Our mind,thoughts all perceptions are
only reflective play of the Absolute.

That is the only and all else is none
but dancing points of luminous Consciousness
Realise this; go beyond and be good.
Being good is not a moral or social theme
but positive extension of Love Divine.

Religion Only One
--by Hiranmoy Gautom

Only one Religion and for all
It is but the way of your living
or how you behave with all beings
Political religion is different game
or socio ethnic response of sects
influenced often by economic life

Humanity can`t have differnt Gods
for different races or nations-and
jesus was not a `christian` at birth.
Religion is not what `passport` tells
or properties of temples,mosque or church

My religion has but a single name
call it `Evolving Humanism`, - otherwise
`Sanatan eternal Dharma`,a Vedantic term.
Religion is not what you preach -but
the way you behave and believe every once.

The Unfinished Poem
--by Hiranmoy Gautom

The lonesome window
evening sky
a chair and writng desk
scattered sheets of scribbled words
and the witness-light
waiting for the poet
for finishing touch
to a poem, -taking birth.

the empty chair
waiting too long
the breathing sigh
of breeze -in suspense
seeking the poet`s return.

The void and gloomy night
expands beyond all space around!
The poet just died -gaspng hard
while tossing on his couch
for the golden word of his `poem`.

Next Encounter
--by  Hiranmoy Gautom

In the void of space
beyond this deceptive sky
of bluish hue
hope, we'ill meet again
in deep silence
without shape or form
like vibrating existence
of eternal love.

The Search for the Absolute
--by Hiranmoy Gautom

With trilionth or less of the Sun-shine
received or lost; -this day or the night
on this tiny Earth, that is -
a mere sand-grain on Cosmic Canvas.

What myriad mysteries still remain!
on your Space infinite -to manifest
your play of conscious joy for life!
The milkway-herds of billions of stars
displayed by Thy magic wand!

Even on this tiny world
countless churches,temples sing in joy!

And I,too, seek your wholesome shape
thy Unity in diversity in each display.
They call me atheist as I search for Truth.
What it matters ,though!
Can they ever compress in churches alone
the Absolute, who not only rear this tiny Eaeth
but millions Galaxies and universes all
by that effulgent Consciousness-Light!

--by Hiranmoy Gautom

And. on some cross road
some when -we met
neither it meant
the way you chose
nor did I
the chance of meeting
was but true
also the departing steps.

Is it now
good to know -how
the Providence shall design
the goal

You on your way
I on mine
may be -all paths are curved
and,some day, return.

Theory Of Reality and Relativity
--by Hiranmoy Gautom

A humble question- sir
After all `strings` and membrane- maths
can you say -you have seen them or made!
Or have ever worked out
the mathematics of Conscousness!
Is Consciousness, matter energy or what?

In my own limited sense
the Knower or viewer is the final one
without whom all the speculated themes
are but realities of nothingness.

The Cosmos of relativity is also but
Reality`s Conscious `dream`

Shiva`s Dance
--by Hiranmoy Gautom

Further than photon of fifth dimension
beyond all Field or Force
furthest from Axial Time-Space farce
`warf and woof`
of mutable field for life
lies the Stage for
Shiva`s Dance

HE sings and dance
beyond the reach of all your`strings`
manifesting another creative `Light`
multiplying life with reflective mind
and myriad oceans of mirage
that rise and vanish in joy
to enact the illusive play
of vrtual reality and
deep-dark game you call

--by Hiranmoy Gautom

Observer without observable
Observable without an observer
Matter with no spirit within
-all nonsese
How is observation posible without
-either one

Knowledge is only but reactions of
matter on observer`s capacity to know.
Perception without Consciousness
-is absurd too!
Genius observer like Einstein
Max planck or dreamers of `Strings`
are but `observers` whose
Supra-sensual perceptions -make us know
what would or could be there , whether we admit or not.

ISLAM : Let Us Know
--by Hiranmoy Gautom

Have you read all about holy `Koran`?
then sit with me and tell
What are the `Five Pillars` of ISLAM
(name them without the help of Internet)
Tell me also, what the word `Islam` means


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