Friday, April 6, 2012

--by Hironmoy Gautom

The sky that was, is there no more
the way I was , am there no more'
The wide open door of consciousnes is opening up more
The bird in the cage ,now,with oped wide door -
to fly or remain a-float
on cerulean space

The Existence itself  - its own expression
 the bluish sky melting down
unto eternity.

Spiritual Ascent
--y Gautom Hironmoy

Some will go to `heaven, of course
but as heaven is not one
but `seven` with levels in-between.

Each one can not go to the same.
Like so many channels on your T.V screen
it`s a play of divine wave-lengths.

Your vital heaven can not be like
the psychic heaven of some one else;
or, the divine space-time of very few.
In washington DC,
does every traveller go to White House;
or, as per one`s own achievement.

There may be ' Down town in our Heaven too.
by vedantic term ,there are `seven heavens of divine wave lengths of
Consciousness-awareness attainment.
So, a vital heaven may not be
my ideal choice after my death.
Of course,one can prepare himself for his
own choice as his psychae is.

--by  Hiranmoy Gautom

Who signals there,-quite so far
can it be a mirage,then
On this frightening dark-design
is it illusion that beacons me
How it knew your deceiving trick
of years behind ! And sometimes
when I lost you on
my 'Death-valley voyage; then died and born
so many times

All round now the dark-descent
of adverse time
thy cast-shadow yet beacons me
but do not t know - how
or why ! !

We Will Meet Again
--by Gautom ---- Hiranmoy

We`ll meet again
if it`s love
that fuses each in single string
as, all things are bound in One.
\This tiny flow shall join the Stream
for, faith and love are growing twin
and together they grow in each other`s arm

Life is ful-filled with inner glow
we`ll come close and surely meet
here or there or beyond this `street`.

Free Will
--by Gautom ---- Hiranmoy

With absurd words don`t knit yoyr thoughts
the Cosmos is bound by trillions of knotts
the stars arn`t free, nor the sun or moon
the World is trapped like a cocoon.

Your life is bound in a million ways
your sights or senses, your nights or days
are bound by nature or cosmic string
you dance like a clown as your hormones sing

\And you respond, as your reflexes kick
you, cosmic puppet, can`t know the trick
tour trillion cells are but billion whip
to make you dance or `tease or strip`

Your free-will dream is the greatest joke
HE pulls the string with the master`s stroke
you play to the tune, yet `free` you think
oh! the cosmic slave with forgotten link!

THE COSMIC GAME (47 Ursae,major)
by Gautom ---- Hiranmoy

Oh, no ! `WE` are not alone.
When RAMAKRISHNA asserted it
more than a century back
`YOU` believed it not - and
Scientists laughed aloud:
because he said
like billions of seasonal water crabs
on the river of Ganga
there are trillions of World
teeming with life -the children of God
and `YOU` believed it not.

To day
they discovered the Solar neighbour
with planets and ,perhaps with life
on the `back yard` of our Solar field
and yet, `YOU` believe not !
that all the Cosmic play and consciousness
are but the `Play' of the ABSOLUTE.

How to -
--by Hiranmoy Gautom

Heavens have
each life has too
Your mind has  layers
tell, -me now where to
meet you !

If I Love You ..... !
--by Hiranmoy Gautom
If I love you, what is that to you
or - how does it matter to uou
it's my vibrating soul
my spectrum play and creative joy
sublime wings afloat on its wings
on my cerulean psychic sky
free of bondage or inter-dependence

So!, if I love you , dear
how it matters to you
It is painting on my own canvas
my lively way of living alive.

Perfect Life
--by Hiranmoy Gautom

The stalk and bud await
without noise
the spectrum floats on bloom
fragrance float and spread
and in silence the flower fades
what a perfect life !

Murder ! - I said
--by Hiranmoy Gautom

The other day
you killed a flower betwix your nails
and presented it
to your lover to sweeten her heart !

And ....
'Murder !!' - I said in silent cry
No ! I could n't see otherwise !
as flower died with a dream
unfulfilled !

The Bible ( in verse ) - part IV
--by Hiranmoy Gautom

Most men honour me with their lips
their hearts are ,though, elsewhere
seek me in vain, their wealth to keep
those words? - not mine; but mortals` mere.
Shall pull by roots, plants with bad seed
blind leading blinds, both fall in pit.

Do you really want to follow your Lord
deny thyself, pick up cross, follow God.

If you gain the world and lose your Soul
is it worth living with such a `goal`!
With pure faith within your soul
you can move mountain; make it your goal.
Some are enuchs as the are born
some are made by men
a few are enuchs because they renounced
their marriage, for the sake of `heaven`.

Do not murder, do not steal
no adultery or false witnessing ever
love your parents and love your neighbour.

` REVELATION` -(after the Bible) -part -I
--by Hiranmoy Gautom

Seven Churches in `Asia`
`First born` from the dead
Seven golden lamp-stands
with thier luminous head.
\He who has an ear
let him hear.

One who overcomes
would not be hurt
by this `second death`
if the soul is in the heart.

Each will be repaid
according to his deed;
he who thinks to be alive
is but dead instead.

`REVELATION`(after the Bible) part - II
--by Hiranmoy Gautom

The divine moves like a thief
and no body knows
where is HE when
or where HE goes.

That door once open
can never be shut
aeven,-gold has to be refined
by fire, like the heart.

Even, when HE is within
you are to knock on the `door`
that `door` has no timber
nor built on any floor.

--by Hiranmoy Gautom

Sun rays Vs solar light
unit Vs the indivisible whole
self Vs the SELF
everything within the Absolute.

How better can I describe
Cosmos holding all galaxies, stars & planets

Consciousness distributing life and form
yet all units indivisible
unified field of One.

Divisions are only your myopic view
all colours blue, green or red play
EMF-play on spectral screen.

Man, you forget the gift you got
The crisis you create now
by abuse of the gift the intelligence
I know it w`ll rebound
only don`t know in what form!

Living Alone
--by Hiranmoy Gautom

The Sun
walking on eternal Sky

The ascetic Sky
sitting mute
ever alone

My timid soul
why you look
so bothered
to live alone!

Common Sense Spirituality
--by Hiranmoy Gautom

There never will be a time ,any where, when
every one will be born,a Buuddha or Jesus
It Cannot be as,it is not Divine,s way
If you don`t believe in re-birth
thou arn`t a spiritualist(even jesus
identified john as Elias -reborn)

\All children born are not divine
Murderers,rapists when reborn are not god`s children
Soul is neither individual nor infinite
(like sun rays/sun shine).
The sprit and spirituality are refined through re-birth
and over time; `what goes up,comes down`
Only the quality of soul, while dying,-returns

If you believe in recycling and not in
re-birth, it is futile wasting time,debating.

Read Your Bible Again
--by Hiranmoy Gautom

Not as ritual but to understand
read your Bible again with me
(if you are a Christian):

If you kill to eat
if you judge others before judging yourself
if you cherish lust but enact like a saint
if helping poor, you like to be advertised
look for God,while walking with the crowd
and seek God while greed for more
than you need:

You are no Christian -(take it from me)
Jesus was born in a stable; died on a Cross
you -born under A/C and gamble your life
on Wall-street (Casino) and yet you dream
to be embraced by the divine!
ho! ho ! ha!!

--byy Hiranmoy Gautom

Primodial vibration of
Divine or your first cause.
A -U -M : the Cosmic origin

eyond all `String`
or speculation,imagination
or any final thought.

The Consciousness of the divine
on the field of manifestation
a cosmic play of Consciousness-Light
to design Energy-matter field
of Nature to play the romantic play
of living Life
with everlasting suspense and awe
for the design of the Divine
to fill the stage of display
a creative mystic flow
the spectrum of life.

The Largest Moon
--by Hiranmoy Gautom

The largest Moon
I ever saw--was
when a child.
Its silvery rim
with effulgent glow
leaped beyond
overflowing the sky.

And ever since
it started to shrink
and as I grew
in experience
with modern time
unto my mature age.

And . . . today
the largest moon
of my childhood life
has receded now
to its present size.

The Bible (in verse) Part - 1
--by Hiranmoy Gautom

Live not by bread alone
divine`s word are better food ever known.
never dare to put god to test
deepest faith shall guide you best.

Whatever do do it in His name
all works be services in living game.
Fishing fish is surviving need
fishing wise men for God -better indeed
Blessed are those - pure in heart
even if they suffer ,God won`t desert.
Jesus came not to abolish things
but to fulfil & discard nothing

No right to kill that you created not
forgiving is better - approved by Lord.

With lust in heart ,adultery you commit
it matters least if by look or by greed.

Don`t swear by God or by head again
neither of them are in your domain.

Do what you have to - as God`s will
hate not your enemy, even if have to kill.

Diamond In The Mud
--By Hiranmoy Gautom

That diamond in the mud
overed by some filthy clod
or lost in a stinking drain
or may be, under the heap of ash.

But whatever it is ,still it is
the diamond displaced,misplaced,lost
Let us search and seek them all
learn to love and value the worth.
Diamonds misplaced or hidden in mud
are diamonds!(inspite of displacement).

The more it`s clean the more dazzles;
it`s intrinsic worth was never in doubt.
The clod Of mud with diamond in
is the man derailed with Divine within.

--by Hiranmoy Gautom

The juice of highly delicious fruit
and venom deadly
have given you perfect maturity.

Your eyes shower necter
and in my heart.
With your touch, I get
the pleasure of gleaning flowers
and the pricks of thorns as well.

\Your proximity spells the smell of musk
and creates an atmosphere
that benumbs my senses.

And the skill with which
you twine your tender arms around me
I call it Love.

Hunting Game
--by Hiranmoy Gautom

The lizard pry and hunt
on the wall
the insect run
and strife hard to survive.

The name and form
is the `frame` -for the game of life
of the cosmic show.

Who will die or who shall stay
 what a way to decide!

In desire to live, beyond all deaths
hope is the only tie.

The eater eating shall be eaten too
by other name and form.

The latest trick shall win the game
through `name without form`
of the Game.

God Vanquished ?
--by Hiranmoy Gautom

What a pragmatic dream !
what a hope - or promised life !
sell out your fertilised egg or seed
or, even invest or keep in `Bank`
for better or worse,- be rich
or even a millionaire.

You can clone your physical form
or even your degrading `self`

The knowledge, -a double edged sword
can brighten your `light` or life
or you can do ...oh,what not !

Is it the extended divine light or
the `dark Moon`
engulfing all that was bright;
or, may be it is the subtle skill or design
by the Divine for the final `Kill`!

DNA (the Divine natural agent)
--by Hiranmoy Gautom

Are you mere chemistry, inert !
or something rooted beneath
that rises from Divine Consciousness
the connecting link that divide
yet unite in variation!

The puzzling length
curled, twisted with myriad rungs
en-coding every `feature` in Life!
\Where is the root !
how was it first devised
where from that intelligence came
who is that `Author` that let it grow
who can tell or know!

Or, - is it linked else-where
 the game called -Life
the Divine-Natural-Agent
at they call -DNA.

DNA (the Divine natural agent)
by Hiranmoy Gautom

Are you mere chemistry, inert !
or something rooted beneath
that rises from Divine Consciousness
the connecting link that divide
yet unite in variation!

The puzzling length
curled, twisted with myriad rungs
en-coding every `feature` in Life!

\Where is the root !
how was it first devised
where from that intelligence came
who is that `Author` that let it grow
who can tell or know!

\Or, - is it linked else-where
for the game called -Life
the Divine-Natural-Agent
that they call -DNA.

Who Am I
--by Hiranmoy Gautom

Thi drop of water wanted to know
who was it and how things grow
beyond its bulge;
where from it came and this very urge
for growth in consciousness
raised the storm in microbic life.

The electron state in rising form
at last told;
it floated and rolled in a pool
or on the drain
danced on waves or slept on snow.

Was it a voyage or retreat - who knows !
The root ! the root!
that`s what it wanted to reach
at the sea of `Time and space`.
its ultimate Consciousness.

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