Monday, December 31, 2012

Kissing really spreads 'mono' disease: study

Indian Express - ‎1 hour ago‎
Deep kissing increases the risk of spreading a viral disease called 'mono' or "kissing disease", a new study has found.

God ,
Should  I  not  thank  you  first , on behalf  of  my Land
for   giving  so many  gifts  for   past  Six  decades  and  more
after  slicing  my  Mother-land  through  World -War II  and
 High-up  cunning   'Paashaa-Khel'  &    inept   political  score !

Also,  gave   us  the   'Raja-s ,' Kalmadi-s'  even  a  Coalgate-scam
and  plenty  of  corrupt- seeds  sowing  and reaping  as a regular gift !
As  final  offer   Thou  even   gave  a    " Gang-Rape -Capital" .-lord
when  the   HELL would  be a  better   place  ; I will go if  me  You shift!

In   final  prayer , I wish  to urge ,  if  You  allow me    Lord
Enough  is  enough  ; now   intervene  Thou , - in    last  prayer  I  voice
what  has  happened   was  not  your  choice  ; what we   made -  we  got
Now, -  not a  dummy ;  give  us  a  Leader , with  PEOPLE'S   Vote  and  Choice !

Sunday, December 30, 2012

(Poetry )

Pimples , pain  and -sours  are  only  symptoms
the  Causative  disease  lies  hidden and deep
The - root ,  the  root  ; where  the  Cause  is  hidden
while   prying  and nourishing  it's   canine  greed.

When  ' Leadership -  impotency '   thrive    on   ' credit- card'
when  Corruption  is  the  back-ground - support  to  survive
The ' Gangrene'  then  but  eats  up the   Vital  parts
and  'death'  of  all  ' Values'    will  be  written on   a  Nation's   life !
31/ dec/ 2012
by Pibi , Dr. P.Basu ,M.D, Legendary  poet , Poetry . com , USA.

Deathbed theory dreamt by an Indian maths genius is finally proved correct ...

Daily Mail
Dec 28, 2012
Written by
Mark Prigg
Researchers have finally solved the cryptic deathbed puzzle renowned Indian mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan claimed came to him in dreams.

Massive quakes may hit the Himalayas: scientists

Press Trust of India - ‎5 hours ago‎
Singapore, Dec 30 (PTI) In what can have huge implications for countries like India, scientists have warned of massive earthquakes of the magnitude 8 to 8.5 in the Himalayas, especially in areas with their surface yet to be broken by a temblor.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

See realtime coverage

A Sun scream: NASA captures image of star 'winking' after passing of Mayan ... - ‎Dec 28, 2012‎
They said the world was going to end - but this cheeky 'wink' shows what the Sun thought of the predicted Armageddon. Just seconds after Planet Earth escaped last Friday's 'Mayan apocalypse', NASA scientists captured this stunning image.
Sun »

Indian math genius Ramanujan's theory finally proved right

Daily News & Analysis - ‎1 hour ago‎
Mathematicians from a US university have finally solved a cryptic puzzle renowned Indian mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan claimed came to him in his dreams while he was on his deathbed.

Indian math genius Ramanujan's theory finally proved right

Published: Saturday, Dec 29, 2012, 19:03 IST
Place: London | Agency: IANS
Mathematicians from a US university have finally solved a cryptic puzzle renowned Indian mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan claimed came to him in his dreams while he was on his deathbed.
While on his death-bed in 1920, Ramanujan wrote a letter to his mentor, British mathematician GH Hardy, outlining several new mathematical functions never before heard of, along with a hunch about how they worked, the Daily Mail reported.
Now, researchers say they have proved Ramanujan was right, and that the formula could explain the behaviour of black holes.
"We've solved the problems from his last mysterious letters," Ken Ono, a mathematician from Emory University in Georgia, US, was quoted as saying.
"For people who work in this area of math, the problem has been open for 90 years," he said.
Ono said Ramanujan, a self-taught mathematician born in a village in southern India, spent so much time thinking about math that he flunked out of college in India twice.
Ramanujan's letter to Hardy described several new functions that behaved differently from known theta functions, or modular forms, and yet closely mimicked them.
Ramanujan, a devout Hindu, thought these patterns were revealed to him by the goddess Namagiri. However, no one at the time understood what he was talking about.
"It wasn't until 2002, through the work of Sander Zwegers, that we had a description of the functions that Ramanujan was writing about in 1920," Ono told the daily.
Ono and his colleagues drew on modern mathematical tools that had not been developed before Ramanujan's death to prove that his theory was correct.
"We proved that Ramanujan was right. We found the formula explaining one of the visions that he believed came from his goddess," Ono said.
"No one was talking about black holes back in the 1920s when Ramanujan first came up with mock modular forms, and yet, his work may unlock secrets about them," he said.
The findings were presented in November at a Ramanujan conference held at the University of Florida, ahead of the 125th anniversary of the mathematician's birth Dec 22.

Deathbed theory dreamt by an Indian maths genius is finally proved correct ...

Daily Mail
Dec 28, 2012
Written by
Mark Prigg
Researchers have finally solved the cryptic deathbed puzzle renowned Indian mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan claimed came to him in dreams.

Friday, December 28, 2012

(Reuters) - The gang rape victim whose assault in New Delhi triggered nation-wide protests died of her injuries on Saturday in a Singapore hospital, potentially threatening fresh protests in India where her case is a rallying point for women's rights.-
IT can  happen  only  in a  COUNTRY where;
1. Freedom  is  co-incidence  of  World-war -I  and  not  as like   spirit  of  "Boston Tea Pary".
2.  Where  CORRUPTION  is  the  Top-growth  Index  of  a  Nation .
3. Where  Top-post of  'Leadership'  is  not  decided by  Votes  of   PEOPLE ( National Level )  but by  a  group  of  'STITCHED- UP' and  Fragile - Majority-Trick .
4. Where Mafias  and  Group - Gangsterism  is  the  prevailing  Technique  to  grab  power.
5. Where  'Patriotiotism ' is  a  ' TRASHED  '  Priciple ' and   holding  Power  with  Camouflaged  logo  named ' politics ' is   the  main  instrument  of  exploitation  , at  higher Level .
6. Where  a  Nation feels Complacent with  a  title " Gang-Rape- Capital "

7.Where  2 G , CWG, Piecemeal  grouping  and  Political - Gambling   are the   way  left for  RAPING  a NATION  for  self or family  gain and  Youth-force  are  kept  drugged  with  SENSUAL Film-show  or  Match-fixing  Games .
8 Where  NATION is  like  a WIDOW   and  is  weeping  for  a  real "Husband" with  'Guts &  spine'.
9 . Where " THEEK   HAI"  is  the  only  consoling  word   for  a NATION  in   Disaster!
!0 . I  am ' CONDEMNED'  to  live   for  another  couple  of  years  or less.
( Written on the  screen,  and   as  a loving  tribute  to ' NIRVOY' , the  National  Symbol  of  Tragic  Sacrifice !!!)
Written . by  Dr, P.Basu M.D , Legendary Poet , Poetry  .com , USA ; written under  emotional  stress and  as  a  ' Right  to  Free  Opinion' )

Thursday, December 27, 2012


How   were  you  born  in  a country  of  these  Masculine - Devils
Where  from  you  got  so  much  strength , - fighting   these  animals , -tell
 No! no ! , sorry !,  for  Animals  all  do  abide  by  law of  nature
and  know the  art of  wooing  and have  patience  to  seek and  wait .

These  are ' Masculine- Devils', synthetic-  product  of  a  CORRUPT  Land
And all of them and  more  are .- out-put  of  sensual and  ' muted '  -World
They  are Cheapest  'biologic  Robots'  in human form
they  are  now  VOTERS  of a Land  of  a   "Gang-Rape -Capital " !

But yet!, -   what  Gene  gave   you  so much  courage,  even in after-math
 to  fight  even   Death  , until  now ,  to  seek report  on these devils  !
But , lo!  , they  are  too  abundant  now   all  over  the  Land
 as, being  reported  through  Media  and   almost every  day  of  our  living  !

You  must  be a    descendant  from  a Land , named  BHARAT  once
Now  slang-ed  as India  under  Corrupt  regime  and  misrule
where  leader  are  not the  born-Captains  to lead  the  NATION
 but    appointed -  figure   by  'stitched -up  politics ', as now prevail !

To  fight  six  devils ,even with a ' Murdered-sate'  in  gang  -Rape  Capital
is  the  only    reason  , --that I am Saluting  You  and  BHARAT( not India ) .
( Under  Right  to  Free  Opinion ) .
[This  not  'Poetry '  but   an 'opinion'.-pibi ]
Composed  now  on  the  Screen  by  Dr. P.Basu , M.D . Legendary  Poet; Poetry  .com ,USA.
10 AM, 28 Dec, 2-12, India .

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Religion is like 'dressing -Gown' for some Social beings who wear it. The Real Person who wears it may be SPIRITUAL or even -not .

Or , Religion is mostly a Social -political 'ID -card ' for social beings of modern world . Real Spirituality , I think , has nothing to do with the logo , 'Religion '.
I have come in contact with numbers of Atheists who are, I think , more SPIRITUAL than so many religious persons in any society any where.
Spirituality is the way we live and respond ; Religion is the way we declare ourselves , externally .
Like ·  · Promote · 

When   one  has  to   live
 in a   Country
 with  a  Gang-Rape -Capital
at it's  head
when Misrule ,  In-efficiency  and  Corruptions  are
the  prevailing  condition of  Democracy
When  UN-certain   to-morrow
is  every  one's   Rationed - Life
Then  Peaceful -protest   may be
the  only available  way  to  live with  !

Tuesday, December 25, 2012


Was  born in  a  country   'BHARAT'  by  name
When  grew up   learned   it's  slang - name  to  be    INDIA
Worked  for  THREE  decades  in DELHI and   then, - Retired
 then was  living  ,  some  good   long Time  in  LINCOLN'S   Land

Now  have  come back  pulled  by  Nostalgic TUG
With  lot  of  dreams  in my  aging  SOUL
Yet to day , I  feel ,  I  am  now  CONDEMNED  to   live
 back  in  the   Country  with    a "  GANG-RAPE -CAPITAL  ' !

Saturday, December 22, 2012

" Channel  this  anger  to  secure   real  changes' ---SUNDAY  TIMES, 23. Dec, 2012 
(Front  page ).
All  over  the   World  , some  real  change  now  dawning 
"Gang -Rape -Capital "  has  revealed its   meanest  FACE
  ******              *******                *******
 I  feel   so  happy , now,  seeing  youth-Force  like  Tsunami - Flood
Bring  the  Real  Change ;  don't get   drugged  by balmy  soft talks 
When  VULTURES  are  prying  high , HYENA -s  rule  the  land 
Daughters  and  mothers  are   Raped  ,  --even   in   your  own  CAPITAL 
Is   it time  for  soft  - Balmy  talks  with   CORRUPT and  CUNNING   Lords 
 Rise  up  at least   Once   and   Bring   the  "REAL  CHANGE "    ---> NOW !
Composed  now  by  Dr. P. Basu, M.D , Legendary  Poet , USA,

ALLAHABAD: On the occasion of 125th birth anniversary of noted Indian mathematician S Ramanujam, the National Academy of Sciences India (NASI), Allahabad chapter organised a three-day workshop titled 'emerging trends in Ramanajun's Mathematics and applications in the field of q-Hyper geometric series', on Saturday.

The workshop would be addressed by renowned experts in the field of mathematics from across the country. Speaking as the guest of honour, former president of Indian Mathematical Society, and sectional president of Indian Science Congress, Prof MA Pathan, highlighted the contribution of Ramanujan's mathematics at national and international level. Earlier, in the beginning of programme, Amit Srivastava welcomed the participants and other dignitaries. Prof Pankaj Srivastava briefed the participants about the theme and importance of the workshop while Prof GK Srivastava apprised the audience about NASI Allahabad chapter and its activities. Prof Krishna Mishra welcomed all the participants on behalf of NASI and told them about Ramanujan and his contribution in the in the field of mathematics. Prof PK Banerjee expressed his happiness over the continuation of the programme organized for the past few years and emphasized learning and solving mathematical problems on paper and not on the internet.

The chief guest on the occasion, vice-chancellor, VBS Purvanchal University, Jaunpur, Prof Sunder Lal elaborated on the contribution of Ramanujan's Mathematics in the field of Cryptography. He quoted a conversation between PC Mahalnovis and Ramanujan and said the latter provided infinite solutions to the problem quoted by Mahalnovis. He also remembered Late Prof HC Khare and expressed thanks to NASI Allahabad Chapter for organizing the workshop.

Towards the end of the first day's programme, AK Srivastava, deputy executive secretary NASI briefed the audience about Ganga Gallery and NASI library and requested them to visit the same.

Friday, December 21, 2012

(  My  response  , -not  in  Anger but with  cool   Consideration )

Even , in Nature , animals  have  to  woo  and win the  consent
This    is     Divines  sanctioned -way  in  living  world
 Even * RAVANA  proved  his  'Divine' Self-control
Waited  --waited -waited  for  Sita's  nod, - all  the  time
and  finally gave-up  and , even, accepted  Death
Scriptures   of the  World --not  mere  fancy  Script !

These  Animal - men  are  worse  than  Canine  beasts
 They  do not  deserve  DEATH  but  'Amputation'  and  life
'Major  disease  needs  MAJOR  Surgery' , -  said  the   Bard
These  SIX  should  be  EMASCULATED  and  allowed  to   'Live.
* Mytological  Ravana   abducted  Sita  but  never  did   molest or  rape  her
and   even  waited  --waited  and  died in the  End . And the Indian  Demons  NOW  ??

Higgs boson discovery biggest scientific breakthrough of 2012

Hindu Business Line - ‎6 hours ago‎
Scientists had been chasing the Higgs boson, nicknamed the 'God particle' for more than four decades. Curiosity rover's Landing System was also an achievement for the scientific world as mission engineers at the American space agency NASA safely and ...

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Human clones possible in 50 years, says winner of Nobel prize for medicine

Times of India - ‎Dec 19, 2012‎
LONDON: Scientists may progress to human cloning within half a century, a top British scientist who won this year's Nobel prize for medicine has predicted.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Black- - Hole  TRAGEDY  IN   CYCLIC  Universe
( In Memory  of  Newtown- School Mass -Murder  and  Gang-Rape -Capital [ elsewhere] Simulating  Apocalypse )
The  Mother- Earth   played   with  Guns
The  young  Son(s) joined  the   GAME
in  deep  Silence and  secrecy  the  plot  developed
The   Son ,  of the  Earth - shot  to  DEATH
 the  Mother ,with  her  playing  Gun , while in 'Slumber'
and  also  killed  ' Grand  children ' --all  dead in WMD -way

The  Life-Cycle of  Cyclic  Universe
 is  almost  Complete  now
In  Dissolution  phase  of   Cosmic Science
This  EARTH   can  now  wait  once again
for  next  Cycle   of  'species' of  more   Civilized Life !
For -  we  all  have   failed ; the '  Homo sapiens'    here  !
This  poem  has  been  attempted   in  Symbolic  and experimental  way .
And  Syntax  has  been  given least importance ;  for the  poet  was
helpless, -otherwise .
 By  Dr. P. Basu M.D , Legendary  poet , USA, Poetry  .com ; 20/ Dec /2012

Boffins spot planet that could support life... just 12 light years away

Register - ‎3 hours ago‎
An international team of astroboffins have discovered that the nearest single Sun-like star has one planet orbiting in the sweet spot for potential alien life.