Saturday, December 8, 2012


1. The coarsest  expression  of the  MIND  is  the  UNIVERSE  while  the  subtlest  manifestation  of  the
     Universe  is  Mind  itself.
2.  As  we  grow, develop an evolve , our  vision  changes, while  the World  remains the  same.
    The  intense  love  for  our  toys  in  childhood , --where  is  it  now  !
3 So  long  you  have  aggressive  faith  in the  IDEA  of  good  and  bad, - you  are   bound  by  Human-
   condition . The  filth  and  faeces  that  you  hate  so  much  is  life- giving  food  to   billions of  germs  and
   worms .
4. All  Ritualistic  practices  that    is  not  acceptable to   our  power  of  discrimination,  are  blind  habits .
5.So  long  our  Mind  exists, no body , not even saints,   can  deny  this physical  world .Yet  , the  quality
   of  Mind with its  relative  predominance of ( sottwo,  rojo  and  tomo) will decide  our  view of  this
   World .
Phonetic  spelling  for  Oriental  words .
6 .  Consciousness  is  the  only  reality  in  Existence.  Meditation  of   RAJA-JOGA  is   the  Spiritual
      Science  to know  and  Experience  DIVINE  directly  , like  Modern Science  for  Mutable  Universe
      but  only and   if  born  with  PRARABDHO ( like  Mutable Genetic  Science).
7.Rituals  and   Devotional  Practices  are  good and  help  upward - ascent  but  only  up to  certain level.
  One  has  to  transcend  to  next  higher  level,  like one needs  to  be  promoted to  College -level  after
  passing  School -level . Progress  is  a  ever climbing  journey. No one likes to be in the  same
  Class/grade  forever.
8 . Like  the  infinite number  of  photons even in  the Sun's  single  ray,-there are  infinite number  of
   Universes  and  Objective  Science has  only  started  to  realize    it  now
9. Unless  we  can overcome  our Ego and Mind , no  number of ritualism or ' Japa-s'  can  help  us  , unless
    with  ' Prarabdha'  in- built .
10.Attainment  does not  depend on  length  of  practices  or  volume  of  Wealth  in life . Our  Quality  of
     faith  and  way  of  living  will  decide  it . 

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