Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Black- - Hole  TRAGEDY  IN   CYCLIC  Universe
( In Memory  of  Newtown- School Mass -Murder  and  Gang-Rape -Capital [ elsewhere] Simulating  Apocalypse )
The  Mother- Earth   played   with  Guns
The  young  Son(s) joined  the   GAME
in  deep  Silence and  secrecy  the  plot  developed
The   Son ,  of the  Earth - shot  to  DEATH
 the  Mother ,with  her  playing  Gun , while in 'Slumber'
and  also  killed  ' Grand  children ' --all  dead in WMD -way

The  Life-Cycle of  Cyclic  Universe
 is  almost  Complete  now
In  Dissolution  phase  of   Cosmic Science
This  EARTH   can  now  wait  once again
for  next  Cycle   of  'species' of  more   Civilized Life !
For -  we  all  have   failed ; the '  Homo sapiens'    here  !
This  poem  has  been  attempted   in  Symbolic  and experimental  way .
And  Syntax  has  been  given least importance ;  for the  poet  was
helpless, -otherwise .
 By  Dr. P. Basu M.D , Legendary  poet , USA, Poetry  .com ; 20/ Dec /2012

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