Sunday, December 9, 2012

( Modern  Science  Vs  Spiritual  Universe )
 91. The  word  GOD  is a  logo  only  or  an expression  and means  as  much  as  we  can  conceive . Yet   God , the  omnipotent  can not  be a  anthropomorphic  biology  with a  Belly -button . Also, ;  Heaven is  not  any  physical  island   on  Space-Time  sphere .
92  Religion  is , most  often,   an ethnic , social   or  regional cultural  idea about  God  the  Omnipotent  power that  regulates  our life  and living ,  by  Involution-Evolution process. To me, religion is like  a dressing  gown  while     spirituality is  the  real man   within .
93. It is  better  to  learn  one  good thing  and practice it  through out life  than gathering  Knowledge,-  like  a  Store-keeper.
94 . it is  only  fool's  idea  that  God  of  different   religions   must  be  different divinities. If  there is a  god of  any  form , that  must  be the  absolute  Creator  and  Authority  of whole Cosmos and  not  of  particular Religion , Sect  or  Group only .
95. Our real  identity  is  not our  body nor our ' Name- Plate' ( nor ID-card) but  but  our  consciousness-awareness- Potential  or Soul. When  we  die , it is  our  soul  only,- that  will survive  and  be  transferred  to our  new  posting , promoted or  demoted.
96.  Every thing  and  every being  from Microbe  to Man  is  single  , indivisible  continuum of  Existence , even if in  the  field of  Relativity . The  sense  of  division is   ignorance in the  field of  ' REALITY'.
97 . Without  a mirror  or  reflection  we can not  see our  own face. Without Consciousness  we  would  not  know  anything  not even  our  God   would  exist.
98.  The  Universe  exist  only  in our  Consciousness and  also  because  of  the  presence  of  an  observer.
The  knower--knowledge and field  of  observation is  some  indivisible  whole of the COSMIC  Game .
99. " I think ,  so I am  '  said  Descartes.
  "I  am,  so  I  am  made  to  think "   is  my  personal faith and  due  to  the  gift of  consciousness to me  by  the Divine .
100.  Spirituality  is  integrated  involvement  and  evolutionary   quality  in  Conscious -Human,-  on the  highest  RUNG  of  Evolutionary  Ascent  up till now   and  endowed  with   by  Divine, I believe.

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