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Justice not from 'HOME' but from ' OUTSIDE' !

Phanibhusan Basu 
8:14 PM (0 minutes ago)
to EconomicTwittermailerservice
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Zee News - 5 minutes ago
India out of Olympics as IOC suspends Indian Olympic Association Laussane: In a huge embarrassment for India, the International Olympic Committee today suspended the Indian Olympic Association because of government interference, a development ...
I   feel   myself  , as  the  happiest  person  to  learn  about  this   just  decision and  punishment  given   and  giving the Right  signal  to    this   ever-interfering  Govt, helping their  Corrupt Agents !
The  saddest  part:   that  the   OUT-SIDE  Authority  had  to  do  what  the inter fering Govt ,  I  think  , did not.
Every honest   Indian  , I  think  has  the  right   to be  Ashaned  of  such  INTERDERING  GOVT.

I  also  think , it is  my  Right  to  pray  that ,--  the  People  of  India  should  now  React, reject  and SUSPEND such  INTERFERING   GOVT . to  present  our  BETTER  face  to the  WORLD .
Pibi , 